Vikram Mastal & Antara Banerjee Sensual Song – Libas Released
Over the years Hindi films have showcased some of the most sensual and seductive songs. This space brings to life an epic list of the hottest Bollywood songs. A theory has been prevailing since ages, among the Indian youngsters, that monsoon is a season to flourish love. But we don’t discuss about it, because romance and sex make the Indians feel very shy. Lyricist Salim Ashfee has done an excellent work in choosing words that trigger your sensuality and romance to the top. Vikram Mastal and Antara Banerjee starrer movie Suspense most sensual song “Libas” got released today and no doubt, Vikram Mastal & Antara Banerjee can make anything look sensual and romantic, when they are together. The beautiful music by Nitesh & M. Salim sung by Arnab Dutta & Siddarth Hazarika.
Director / Producer Ajay Yadav has picked 8th of February 2019 to release his Bollywood venture SUSPENSE under the banner of Serene Films Starring Vikram Matsal, Antara Banerjee, Madhumita Biswas, Arun Mandola, Manisha Jain, Naina Shetty and others. Ajay’s SUSPENSE movie is based on a romantic and action suspense drama. Ajay Yadav who is super excited and eagerly waiting for the release for his film is busy with his team for promotion.
———–Pigeon Media (Abhishek Dubey)
Bollywood Film Facebook Wala Pyar Films First Poster Released on Social Media The Film Made In Jharkhand
झारखण्ड में बनी बॉलीवुड फ़िल्म फेसबुक वाला प्यार का फर्स्ट पोस्टर,हीरोइन का चेहरा ढ़का और हीरो के हाथ में गुलाब।
मुम्बई/राँची।अक्की फ़िल्म प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले झारखण्ड में बनी फ़िल्म फेसबुक वाला प्यार का पहला पोस्टर सोशल मीडिया पर रिलीज किया गया।शूटिंग पूरी होने के बाद से ही फ़िल्म को लेकर दर्शकों में काफी उत्सुकता देखने को मिली हैं।खास कर झारखण्ड के दर्शकों को इस फ़िल्म का बेसब्री से इंतजार हैं।फेसबुक में निर्देशक नारायण के साहू ने अपने टाइम लाइन पर पोस्टर शेयर करते हुए लिखा मेरी फ़िल्म फेसबुक वाला प्यार का पहला पोस्टर।सोशल मीडिया पर रिलीज होते ही पोस्टर पर लाइक कमेंट और शेयर की शुरुआत हो गयी।
पोस्टर में हीरोइन का चेहरा ढ़का हुआ हैं।जबकि,हीरो हाथ में गुलाब लिए हीरोइन के पीछे खड़ा हैं।पोस्टर को देखने के बाद यह अनुमान लगाया जा सकता हैं कि यह फ़िल्म पूरी तरह से लव स्टोरी बेस्ड मूवी हैं।रिलीज की तारीख 14 फरवरी पोस्टर में लिखा हुआ हैं।यानी कि फ़िल्म वैलेंटाइन डे के दिन रिलीज होगी।जो लवर्स के लिए एक तोहफा होगा।फ़िल्म की शूटिंग झारखण्ड में की गयी हैं।जो भी कलाकार हैं।उनमें मुख्य कलाकारों को छोड़कर बाकी सभी कलाकार झारखण्ड से ही हैं।फ़िल्म के निर्देशक और कैमरामैन नारायण के साहू हैं।जो झारखण्ड से ही हैं और अपना काफी समय मुम्बई में दिया हैं।इस फ़िल्म के निर्माता टिंकू कुरैशी हैं।फ़िल्म के गीतों को बॉलीवुड के दिग्गज व् लोकप्रिय गायकों ने अपनी आवाज दी हैं।सभी गीतों का संगीत राजा पंडित ने तैयार किया हैं।फ़िल्म के गीतों को सोनू निगम,अंकित तिवारी,अमन त्रिखा,सोनू कक्कड़ और श्रेया घोषाल ने अपनी मधुर आवाज दी हैं।गानों के कोरियोग्राफर राजू खान,फ़िल्म के लेखक अभिनव गौड़ और गीतकार श्वेता राज हैं।फ़िल्म में मुम्बई व् झारखण्ड के क्षेत्रीय कलाकारों ने अपने अभिनय का जलवा बिखेरा हैं।जिनमें राहुल बग्गा,नैंसी ठक्कर,प्रिया सिंधु,मनमोहन तिवारी,राजेश शर्मा,अखिलेन्द्र मिश्र,शीतल अथानी,ज़ीशान व् अन्य का अभिनय हैं।फेसबुक वाला प्यार एक म्यूजिकल कॉमेडी और फैमिली ड्रामा फ़िल्म हैं।जो पूरी तरह से एक मनोरंजक फ़िल्म हैं।अब जब पहला पोस्टर रिलीज किया जा चूका हैं।तो उम्मीद हैं कि जिस तरह से पोस्टर को दर्शक पसंद कर रहें हैं,फ़िल्म को भी पसंद करेंगे।
———–Pigeon Media (Abhishek Dubey)
Machaan Films Muhurat Held In Mumbai Film Based On AIDS
एड्स पर आधारित फिल्म “मचान”का मुहूर्त संपन्न
रंगमंच की दुनिया के प्रख्यात निर्देशक प्रेम सागर सिंह की आगामी एड्स पर आधारित फिल्म “मचान” का मुंबई द व्यू में सफलतापूर्वक मुहूर्त संपन्न हुआ l
इस अवसर पर लेखक व निदेशक प्रेमसागर सिंह ने बताया कि हमारी फिल्म “मचान” विकसित भारत के पिछड़े हुए गांव की वर्तमान दशा को बयां करेगी,आज भी हमारे समाज में कुंठित व संकीर्ण सोच है,हमारा देश लगातार प्रगति के पथ पर अग्रसर है परंतु अभी भी भारत के सुदूर इलाके का विकास व सामाजिक अवधारणा वही का वही हैl
फिल्म की शूटिंग मार्च माह से शुरू की जाएगी l
फिल्म का निर्माण कैटफिश मीडिया और अंशी फिल्म्स कर रही हैं l
फिल्म में जाने-माने बॉलीवुड अभिनेता अरुण बक्शी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में नजर आएंगे,वहीं खलनायक की भूमिका लोकेश तिलकधारी निभा रहे हैं फिल्म के निर्माता प्रिंस मधुप और अंकित सिंह हैl फिल्म का प्रचार-प्रसार त्रिलोका एंटरटेनमेंट मीडिया नेटवर्क संभाल रही हैl इस अवसर पर संगीतकार दिलीप सेन, अभिनेता अरुण बक्शी,रमेश गोयल ,लोकेश तिलकधारी,राहुल सिंह ब्राइट आउटडोर के सी.एम.डी योगेश लखानी,इवेंट मैनेजर प्रमोद सिंह व त्रिलोका मीडिया नेटवर्क के सी.एम.डी राकेश रौनक सिंह मौजूद थेl
Actor Dev Chauhan’s Movie – The Pickup Artist – Makes It To An International Film Festival In New York
Neo-Noir Feature Film “The Pickup Artist” is Officially Selected to be a part of East x Northeast International Film Festival in New York. The film features Dev Chauhan in a Leading Role who has acted in several movies like Moh Maya Money, Titli etc and will be seen in upcoming Movies like Sonchiriya and Dibakar Banerjee and YRF’s upcoming “Sandeep aur Pinki Faraar” which features Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra. The Pickup Artist is an engaging edge-of-the-seat suspense thriller with several socio-political undertones wherein Dev Chauhan plays a maniac cop who investigates a case of missing girls.. “Acting doesn’t get better than this.” exclaims the director Rohit Arora who believes that a talent like Dev is a gift to Cinema,
Dev has been a theatre actor for over than 30 years and has recently opened-up for cinema, already busy signing several movies while his performance in The Pickup Artist wins him International acclaim as an actor. The film is produced by Roar Picture Company and is due for domestic release this year.
While the article was being edited, the film is also selected for Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival in Mumbai.
Yeh Suhaagraat Impossible Films Poster Launched In Mumbai
Poster launch of, Yeh Suhaagraat Impossible, was held in the presence of the producer Jayesh patel, Narendra Patel director of the film, with all the star cast.
Abhinav Thakur directed the media about the film, that honeymoon is the happiest moment of every couples life. The two souls thinks of a happy marriage in the form of a life and lost in the world of dreams this night.
Before there is a mix of two varieties at the time of honeymoon, there is a conversation between a husband and wife suddenly, which changes the picture of the honey and makes their honeybees impossible in a way. Suddenly what happened that night it was impossible to celebrate honeymoon It means to say that the movie ‘Yeh Suhaagraat Impossible’ starts with a bed and then passes through several halves.
The film’s director Abhinav Thakur says that honeymoon does not mean that the content of the film is bold. This is a comedy drama that every family should watch. Especially for those boys and girls who decide to marry without hesitation, in a hurry. The film gives the message that marriage is a lifelong relation, not a guddy doll game. Jayesh Patel, Narendra Patel the producer of this film made under the banner of Piecewing Production Pvt Ltd, has made two short films before this. This is his first Hindi film as a producer.
On the other hand, director Abhinav Thakur has also made 25 short films. He has also got the Presidential Award. Earlier, Abhinav has made a Hindi movie ‘Junko’. which has come to digital. If you talk about Starcast, then Pratap Saurabh, Preetyka Cahuhan, Pradeep Sharma and Aloknath pathak play an important role in ‘yeh Suhaagraat Impossible’. Pratap Saurabh Singh is ready to celebrate Suhaagraat with Preetyka Chauhan, playing the character of Devika in the form of Satyaprakash but suddenly a turning point comes in the film, and after that the girl who wants to get married and marrying on the film comedy track will get a special Passes the message.
Somalal Yadav Rising Star Gets Love Of Audiences
सोमलाल यादव’ को मिला दर्शकों का प्यार
बिहार, झारखंड में हालिया प्रदर्शित भोजपुरी फिल्म जंगल राज से सोमलाल यादव को दर्शकों का अपार प्यार आशीर्वाद मिला है। केंद्रीय भूमिका में एक्शन स्टार विराज भट्ट और राईजिंग स्टार सोमलाल यादव की जुगल जोड़ी ने रुपहले परदे पर खूब धमाल मचाया है। सोमलाल यादव और रुचिका मौर्या की रोमांटिक जोड़ी दर्शकों भी खूब भा रही है। फिल्म में एक्शन, कॉमेडी और रोमांस के साथ उम्दा गीत-संगीत है। अचला आदर्श जैन – आदर्श जैन फिल्म्स एन्ड सन ऑडियो प्रा. लि. तथा विघ्नहर्ता फिल्म्स (एस.के. त्रिपाठी) प्रस्तुत व ओम सीरीज मूवीज बैनर तले निर्मित की गई अरुण कुमार कृत भोजपुरी फिल्म जंगल राज के निर्माता अरुण कुमार, एस के त्रिपाठी व ओम कुमार हैं।
निर्देशक राजेश गोरखा हैं। कथा-पटकथा अनिल विश्वकर्मा व संवाद रमेश मिश्रा ने लिखा है। संगीतकार दामोदर राव हैं जबकि गीतकार राजेश मिश्रा, संतोष पुरी, विनोद व्यास, पप्पू प्रीतम, अभिषेक भोजपुरिया, पिन्टू गिरी, पवन शर्मा, संतोष साँवरिया हैं। छायांकन जहांगीर शेख, नृत्य फिरोज खान, मारधाड़ रियाज सुल्तान, कला राम बाबू ठाकुर का है। कार्यकारी निर्माता ददन महतो हैं। मुख्य भूमिका में सोमलाल यादव के साथ विराज भट्ट, अंजना डॉबसन, रुचिका मौर्या, दीपक भाटिया, दिनेश राय आदि हैं।
उल्लेखनीय है कि सोमलाल यादव भोजपुरी फिल्म ’दिल तोहरा प्यार में पागल हो गइल’ से भोजपुरी सिनेजगत में पदार्पण किये हैं। उनकी नायिकामिस जम्मू अनारा गुप्ता थीं। जिन्हें सिनेप्रेमियों का बहुत प्यार मिला था। यह फिल्म जंगल राज उनकी दूसरी फिल्म है। इसके अलावा सोमलाल की ’टकराव’, ’जवानी जानेमन’ सहित कई फिल्में आने वाली हैं।
AmpleMissiion Founder Aneel Muraraka, Siddhaanth Murarka Felicitates Mayur Dumasia with MP Gajanan Kirtikar and Swapnil Tembwalkar
Mayur Dumasia is an Amputee, with one arm and an inspiring Cyclists on a Mission, who pedalled from Delhi to Mumbai for awareness of multiple Social Issues. His journey was across 5 Indian states, over 1500 kms and in a span of 15 days to reach his final destination, Mumbai.
This is Mayur’s maiden long distance Cycling ride ever and this is appropriately named #MissionsOnTheMove an unique initiative by Mumbai based social organisation Ample Missiion – the force behind this record breaking attempt –‘Longest Cycling Ride’ ever by any amputee!!
The Cyclists Mayur was flagged of from India Gate Delhi on 11th January, 2019 by Cabinet Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Shri THAWAR CHAND GEHLOT JI in the presence of Founder Ample Missiion Dr Aneel Kashi Murarka and many dignitaries. Mayur highlight the issue of ‘Women Saftey’ in Delhi, where women activists and girl students were present to cheer him up as he embarked on a foggy winter morning from Delhi, enroute he crossed the cold desert of Rajasthan to undulating Rocky Mountains and unending highways. He was greeted by enthusiasts and people at different cities & villages falling on way for the different causes.
The main objective of this cycle expedition is to spreading awareness of various causes that plague our society, the cyclist’s journey will be interspersed with pit stops at Bawal, Khelana, Jaipur, Bagru, Ajmer, Raipur, Keerwa, Pindwara, Siddhpur, Prantij, Nadiad, Snasrod, Surat, Vapi, Palghar and to conclude on the eve of Republic Day morning on 26th January, 2019 at Gateway of India, Mumbai. And on 27th morning he was Felicitated in mumbai by DrAneel Kashi Muraraka, Siddhant Murarka along with Mp Gajanan Kirtikar Corporator Swapnil Tembwalkar and Ex Corporator Varsha Tembwalkar at Goregaon Pandurang Ground on the occassion of Republic Run Goregaon Marathon.
The following list of issues were effectively highlighted by him amongst the locals through speech, demonstration, interesting activity and people participation to achieve the desired change in the society. The issue include Women Safety, No to Drugs, Oral Cancer awareness , Sports, Save Water, Army Day, Potholes, Child Marriage, Hygiene, Environment, Martyrs, Road Safety, Disability Rights, Education, Girl Child, Farmer’s Suicide and Republic Day.
2nd Edition Of Miss Multinational Pageant Was A Big Hit
New Delhi: The second edition of Miss Multinational Pageant came out with super awards for the participants from all over the world. The first three awards consisting of 2nd Runners Up, went to Miss Algeria Nihed Markria, 1st Runners Up, went to Miss Mexico Tania Mauricio and Miss Multinational won by Miss USA Daniela Nieto.
“Miss Multinational is the beauty pageant with purpose. Every girl must indulge herself into one or another social work where a persuasion is required. Now they all are brand ambassador of social awareness,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios at the final show at New Delhi.
Christabel Osei of Ghana won Miss Photogenic, Nihed Markria of Algeria won Miss Multimedia, Simrat Gill of NewZealans won Miss Environment and title Beauty for a Cause, Jasleen Singh of Netherland won Miss Fitness, Daniela Nieto of USA won Miss Top Model and Best in Rampwalk and Stephany Anchilla of Indonesia won Miss Personal Interview,
Grecia Bitchachi of Venezuela won Miss Beautiful Smile, Kimi Mugford of Philipines won Best in Sports and Best in Talent, Tania Mauricio of Mexico won Best in Evening Gown, Madison Breziat of France won Best in Swimmsuit, Simran Sharma of India won Best National Costume and titled Miss Beauty With Brains and Jesas Wada of Japan won Best in Cooking.
“We need events like this which can motivate women to come forward and express themselves in every field they love and want to be in. It is a age where girls can pursue any profession they believe in,” added Sandeep Marwah while presenting the awards.
Later Sandeep Marwah honored every participant with life membership of International Women’s Film Forum and World Peace Development And Research Foundation.
The event Miss Multinational (Discovering Scarlets) is a New Delhi -based international beauty pageant organized by Glamanand Entertainment under the leadership of Nikhil Anand, the chairman of Glamanand Entertainment supported by Marwah Studios, AAFT- Asian Academy of Film And Television and ICMEI- International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry.
Mega Star Ravi Kishen Announces Bhojpuri Film Mahasangram In Mumbai
रवि किशन ने किया महासंग्राम का एलान।
आम्रपाली दुबे के साथ पहली बार रोमांस करते दिखेंगे भोजपुरी फिल्मों के महानायक
रवि किशन ने कर दिया है “महासंग्राम” का एलान। आप चौंक गए ना, लेकिन दरअसल उनकी नई भोजपुरी फिल्म का नाम है महासंग्राम जिसमे वह विलेन अवधेश मिश्रा के साथ फाइट करते दिखेंगे।
मुंबई के अंधेरी में स्थित टेक इट ईजी होटल में रवि किशन स्टारर भोजपुरी फिल्म “महासंग्राम” का ग्रांड मुहूर्त हुआ। इस फिल्म में आम्रपाली दुबे, दिव्या द्विवेदी और अवधेश मिश्रा भी अहम किरदारों में दिखाई देंगे। इस फिल्म की प्रोड्यूसर दिव्या द्विवेदी पाटिल हैं जबकि इसके लेखक निर्देशक राम जी पटेल हैं, संगीत दिया है छोटे बाबा ने। डी एन सिनेमा के बैनर तले बनने जा रही फिल्म के डी. ओ .पी साहिल जे अंसारी और हेड ऑफ प्रोडक्शन का ज़िमेदारी निखिल पाटिल को दिया गया हैं।
रवि किशन ने नारियल तोड़ कर इस फिल्म का शुभ मुहूर्त किये ।जबकि यहां गेस्ट के रूप में मशहूर गीतकार विनय बिहारी ,वर्ल्ड वाइड म्यूजिक के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर रत्नाकर कुमार ,बिहार और झारखण्ड के फ़िल्म वितरक निशांत उज्वल, एस. आर. के म्यूजिक के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर रौशन कुमार,अभिनेता- उदय श्रीवास्तव, देव सिंह,सुबोध सिंह,अरुण जी भोजपुरिया काका,डिज़ाइनर नरसू ,एवम अन्य गणमान्य भी मौजूद थे। फिल्म की हीरोइन आम्रपाली दुबे अपनी किसी और फिल्म की शूटिंग कर रही थीं इसलिए वह यहां नहीं आ पाई।
इस फिल्म की शुटिंग अप्रैल में बाबा विश्वनाथ के नगरी वाराणसी में की जाएगी ।
रवि किशन ने कहा कि बॉलीवुड हो या भोजपुरी सिनेमा हो आजकल कहानी ही चल रही है। मुझे खुशी है कि फिल्म का टाइटल “महासंग्राम” बड़ा अच्छा है और फिल्म की निर्मात्री दिव्या द्विवेदी बड़ी उत्साहित हैं इसलिए एक अच्छा सिनेमा सामने आएगा।
आम्रपाली के साथ पहली बार काम कर रहे रवि किशन ने कहा कि दर्शक आम्रपाली के साथ उनकी जोड़ी पसंद करेंगे। वह एक प्रोफेशनल एक्ट्रेस हैं।
इसके लेखक निर्देशक राम जी पटेल ने मीडिया से बात करते हुए कहा कि उन्होंने रवि किशन को ध्यान में रखकर ही महासंग्राम की स्क्रिप्ट लिखी है। इस रोल के लिए वही फिट थे। इस फिल्म में आम्रपाली रवि किशन की पत्नी के किरदार में दिखेंगी जबकि अवधेश मिश्रा भी इसमें एक अलग ही अवतार में दिखाई देंगे।
खलनायक अवधेश मिश्रा के बारे में रवि ने बताया कि अवधेश को मै रियल में मारता हूं। इनके साथ मेरी रियल फाइट होती है।
गीतकार विनय बिहारी ने कहा कि इस फिल्म की प्रोड्यूसर एक महिला दिव्या द्विवेदी पाटिल हैं, इसलिए उम्मीद है कि यह एक पारिवारिक सिनेमा होगा जिसे घर की महिलाएं भी देख सकेंगी।जबकि इस फ़िल्म के प्रचार अखिलेश सिंह है।
Munde Media Entertainment’s Company Launching Ceremony Bollywood Artists Honored And Cine-Still Photographers Association AGM 2019 Held In Mumbai
मुंडे मीडिया एंटरटेनमेंट ‘ कंपनी की लॉन्चिंग में बॉलीवुड कलाकारों का सम्मान
और सिने स्टिल फोटोग्राफर्स एसोसिएशन एजीम २०१९
‘ मुंडे मीडिया एंटरटेनमेंट ‘ कंपनी की लॉन्चिंग में बॉलीवुड कलाकारों का स्मृतिचिन्ह देकर सम्मान शानदार समारोह और संगीतमय शाम का आयोजन सिने स्टिल फोटोग्राफर्स एसोसिएशन के सदस्यों ने मुंबई के अंधेरी में स्थित टेक इट ईंजी में किया गया। रमाकांत मुंडे द्वारा ऑर्गनाइज किए गए इस रंगारंग कार्यक्रम में डायरेक्टर मेहुल कुमार, रजा मुराद,
सुनील पाल, दिलीप गुलाटी,ग्लोबल एडवरटाइजर के संजीव गुप्ता, अशफाक खोपिकर, आरती नागपाल, बॉबी वत्स, पंकज बेरी, निखिल कामत, किशोरी शहाणे, राजीव निगम, स्मिता गोंडकर, हैरी वर्मा, सिंगर मधुश्री, राकेश श्रीवास्तव, सिंगर राजू टांक, संजय वर्मा जैसी कई हस्तियां मौजूद थीं जिन्हें ट्रॉफी से नवाजा गया। यहां फोटोग्राफर्स को भी स्मृतिचिन्ह से नवाजा गया।
आपको बता दें कि सिने स्टिल टीवी एंड मोशन फोटोग्राफर्स वेलफेयर ट्रस्ट की एजिएम का भी आयोजन इस फोटोग्राफर्स एसोसिएशन ने किया था। रमाकांत मुंडे और राजू टांक द्वारा आयोजित इस समारोह में ग्लोबल एडवरटाइजर का बड़ा योगदान था।ग्लोबल एडवरटाइजर्स के एमडी और संस्थापक संजीव गुप्ता ने यहां काफी समय दिया और कई लोगों को ट्रॉफी दी। आपको बता दें कि संजीव गुप्ता और ग्लोबल आऊट डोर पब्लिसिटी की दुनिया में एक प्रसिद्ध नाम है। लगभग दो दशकों से वह इस लाइन में हैं और आउट डोर मीडिया और पब्लिसिटी को एक नए लेवल पर ले गए हैं.
आपको बता दें कि संजीव गुप्ता को दो चार नहीं बल्कि 350 से ज्यादा अवार्ड्स से नवाज़ा गया है.
संजीव गुप्ता का नाम लिम्का बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स, वर्ल्ड बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स और इंडिया बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स में भी दर्ज है.
उललेखनीय है कि इस समारोह में
आने वाली फिल्म “कारगिल से कन्याकुमारी तक” और “गौ हत्या” के कलाकार भी मौजूद थे।
इस अवसर पर रजा मुराद ने रमाकांत मुंडे द्वारा शुरू किए गए इस कदम की तारीफ की। उन्होंने स्टिल फोटोग्राफर्स के काम को बेहद जोखिम भरा बताया कि वे कभी कभी अपनी जान पर खेल के तस्वीरें खींचते है। आरती नागपाल ने भी एसोसिएशन कि इस पहल की प्रशंसा की कि इस समारोह में फोटोग्राफर्स को सम्मानित किया गया साथ ही हम जैसे कलाकारों को भी खास तौर पर बुलाया गया और उन्हें ट्रॉफी दी गई। मराठी फिल्मों की मशहूर अदाकारा स्मिता गोंदकर ने भी यहां रमाकांत मुंडे के इस प्रोग्राम के आयोजन को एक बेहतर कदम बताया। उन्होंने फोटोग्राफर्स की मेहनत और लगन की प्रशंसा की।
रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई
Twinkle Kapoor Tolllywood Actress Her Journey From Bollywood to Hollywood
टालीवुड हिरोइन ट्विकल कपूर का बॉलीवुड से हालीवुड तक जलवा
टॉलीवुड की हॉट और सेक्सी मॉडल ट्विकल कपूर अपनी आने वाली टॉलीवुड फ़िल्म बंजारा में जबरदस्त अभिनय के बाद बॉलीवुड की फिल्मों में अपना जलवा दिखाने वाली हैं। ट्विकल कपूर टॉलीवुड की चर्चित अभिनेत्री हैं। ट्विकल कपूर की फिल्म बंजारा 2019 में बड़े पर्दे पर दशकों तक पहुंचेगी। बंजारा फिल्म दशकों का दिल जीतने में कामयाब होगी।
ट्विकल कपूर के काफी प्रोजेक्ट्स पाइपलाइन में हैं। ट्विकल कपूर भारत एवं अन्य देशों की कपनियो के लिए शूट करतीं हैं। ट्विकल कपूर मोडलिंग में काफी चर्चित हैं। ट्विकल कपूर सोशल मीडिया पर अपने फैन्स से जुड़ी रहती हैं। ट्विकल कपूर अपनी पर्सनैलिटी को लेकर अपने फैंसो में बनी हुई हैं। ट्विकल कपूर बॉलीवुड में बहुत जल्द नज़र आएंगी। टॉलीवुड फ़िल्म बंजारा में अपनी अदाकारी से निर्देशकों का दिल जीत लिया है। टॉलीवुड में लगातार फिल्मों में दिखेंगी। अपनी व्यस्तता के कारण फिल्म्स पाइपलाइन में हैं। ट्विकल कपूर अभी काफी चरित्र फेशन डिजाईनर के साथ प्रिन्टशूट मे वयस्त है
CMD of Global Advertisers Sanjeev Gupta Honored by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adivatinath, Governor Ram Naik, on the Sthapana Divas of Uttar Pradesh
उत्तर प्रदेश के स्थापना दिवस पर ग्लोबल एडवरटाइजर्स के सीएमडी संजीव गुप्ता को उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदिवत्यनाथ, राज्यपाल राम नाईक,के हाथों हुए सम्मानित
मुम्बई के सांताक्रुज में पिछले दिन उत्तर प्रदेश स्थापना दिवस पर उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ, महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री श्री देवेंद्र फडणवीस उत्तर प्रदेश के राज्यपाल श्री राम नाईक,सहित तमाम गणमान्य लोगों ने हिस्सा लिया जिसमे बेस्ट आउटडोर एडवरटाइजर्स के मालिक संजीव गुप्ता को सम्मानित किया इस सम्मान से संजीव गुप्ता बेहद खुश है हालांकि यह कोई पहला मौका नही है जब संजीव गुप्ता को सम्मान मिला पहले भी कई बार उन्हें सम्मान मिल चुका आपको बतादे कि ग्लोबल एडवरटाइजर्स एशिया का सबसे बड़ा एडवरटाइजर्स के रूप में जाना जाता है गिनीज़बूक ,लिमका बुक ऑफ रिकार्ड,जैसे कई सर्टिफिकेट मिल चुके है।
बेसुमार दौलत के मालिक होने के वावजूद बेहद मधुर स्वभाव के लिए संजीव गुप्ता जाने जाते है अपनी सरलता,मधुरता के लिए संजीव गुप्ता का कहना है राधेमां की कृपा है उनपर दरसल संजीव गुप्ता राधेमां को अपना गुरु मानते है उनका कहना है कि राधेमां की नसीहत,उनकी कृपा से ये सब सम्भव हो रहा है।सामाजिक सेवा करने का मौका भी राधेमां के साथ मिलता है अभी कई दिनों से कम्बल बाटने का कार्य चल रहा है ।सजीव गुप्ता का कहना है कि राधेमां बड़ी दयालू है हमेशा गरीब,जरूरतमंद लोगों की मदत अपने चैरिटी के माध्यम से करती है पिछले दिनों राधेमां का गरीबो के पैर छू कर आशीर्वाद लेते तस्वीरे खूब वायरल हुई थी।
संजीव गुप्ता ने बताया कि होडिंग्स के लिए हम अपने ग्राहकों का विशेष ध्यान रखते है।यही वजह है कि और होडिंग के मुकाबले ग्लोबल की होडिंग्स की लोकप्रियता ज्यादा है।आज देश मे ग्लोबल का नाम है होडिंग्स कि दुनिया में ।
Award Ceremony Of Roll Models Skaters By India Star Book Of World Record 2019
मुम्बई: बिग बॉस 11 फेम अर्शी खान इश्क में मरजवाँ, मेरी हानिकारक बीबी, बिट्टी बिज़नेस वाली, जैसे बड़े रियलिटी शो में कम बैक कर चुकी है, अर्शी खान इन दिनों बदले बदले अवतार में नज़र आ रही है, जी हाँ अर्शी खान ने अपना वजन कम कर लिया है, यही बदलाव का बड़ा कारण माना जा रहा है, अर्शी खान को इस नये लुक में पहचानना काफी मुश्किल है
आपको बता दे कि हाल ही में अर्शी खान 26 जनवरी को स्टार इंडिया विर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड अवार्ड में नज़र आई, जहाँ उन्होंने 12 बच्चों को अवार्ड और सर्टीफिकेट देकर सम्मानित किया, गौरतलब हो कि इन 12 बच्चों ने सकेटिंग में ये वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड बनाया है, साथ ही इन सभी के पीछे कठिन परिश्रम और हार्डवर्क है गुरु और मेंटर ऋषि सरोडे, जी हा ऋषि सरोडे को फादर ऑफ टेरेसा भी कहा जाता है, बच्चों को इस तरह तराशा है कि बच्चे अब तक कई ऐसे अवार्ड अपने नाम कर चुके है, वही ऋषि सरोडे का क्या कुछ कहना था आप खुद सुन लीजिए
Mumbai., Bigg Boss 11 fame Arshi Khan has already appeared in many reality shows like Ishq Mein Marzavan, Meri Hanikarak Biwi, Bitti Business Wali, and others. Now Arshi Khan has reduced her weight, and looks very different in appearance.
Recently Arshi was seen in Star India World Record Award on 26th January 2019, where she distributed awards and certificate to 12 children’s. These children’s received award for making world record in Skating, due to hard work and dedication of there guru & mentor Rishi Sarode, Rishi is also known as Father Of Theresa, he has trained the children in such a way, that they have received many awards. Rishi Sarode speaks. The Event Patner are Ample Mission’s Aneel Kashi Murarka.
Media Tribe makes its presence felt in the competitive Media & PR business
In today’s times, when a plethora of media organisations have entered the market, Media Tribe has made its presence felt by being an agency that offers a 360 degree media based solution to its clients. The company was founded by two young entrepreneurs Sunil Gupta and Rima Mishra and the two of them, along with their dynamic team, has helped the media firm reach dizzying heights.
Instead of limiting itself to a particular niche, Media Tribe has spread its wings and has dabbled in a variety of media based services. The company has significant experience in digital marketing, social media marketing, celebrity and influencer management, web design and development, mobile app development and video production services.
The company has also been active in marketing films and has been the brains behind the promotion of several films in the recent past like ‘Game Over’ and ‘Battalion 609’. Several popular actors, anchors and entertainers are managed by the company.
Sunil Gupta, co-founder: Unlike mosst other media agencies, we have not restricted ourselves to only a few services. We provide our clients with all kinds of services that come under the purview of media and marketing.
Rima Mishra, co-founder: Although we are a young and relatively new company, we have managed to work with some of the most reputed names in the business and will strive to provide the best of the media based services to them and several others in the future.
Nirhua’s Sher A Hindustan Teaser Released On Republic Day
निरहुआ की शेर ए हिंदुस्तान का टीजर गणतंत्र दिवस पर रिलीज
गणतंत्र दिवस दिवस के अवसर पर जुबलीस्टार दिनेशलाल यादव निरहुआ अभिनीत भोजपुरी फिल्म शेर ए हिंदुस्तान का ऑफिसियल टीजर सुप्रसिद्ध म्यूजिक कंपनी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स भोजपुरी के ऑफिसियल यू ट्यूब चैनल से रिलीज किया गया है। यह फिल्म रंगों का पर्व होली के त्यौहार पर रिलीज की जाएगी। 2019 की होली निरहुआ के नाम होने वाली है। वर्ल्डवाइड चैनल एवं जितेन्द्र गुलाटी प्रस्तुत इस फिल्म की पूरी शूटिंग देश-विदेश के विभिन्न रमणीय स्थलों भव्यता के साथ की गई है। फिल्म की डिमांड पर उम्दा तकनिकी पर काफी खर्च किया गया है।
इस फिल्म में केंद्रीय भूमिका में दिनेशलाल यादव निरहुआ का नये अवतार हैं। फिल्म में कई विदेशी कलाकार भी नज़र आयेंगे। यह फिल्म अंतरराष्ट्रीय समस्या पर आधारित है। फ़िल्म की कहानी का प्रस्तुतिकरण काफी अलग है। यह पहली ऐसी भोजपुरी फिल्म होगी, जिसमें परमाणु बम एवं अणुबम के इफेक्ट को दिखाया जा रहा है। यह फ़िल्म राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर हॉलीवुड टेकनीक के साथ निर्मित की गई है। फिल्म के निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार हैं। निर्देशक व लेखक मनोज नारायण हैं। सह निर्माता राधेकृष्णा सहा व मुन्ना सिंह तथा कार्यकारी निर्माता इमरोज अख्तर मुन्ना, उपेन्द्र सिरसत हैं। संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद हैं।
गीतकार संतोष पुरी, संदीप साजन, झूलन झील, अरविन्द तिवारी हैं। छायांकन रामशरण, संकलन बिपिन मल्ला, नृत्य कबिराज गहतराज, मारधाड़ रोशन श्रेष्ठा का है। सहायक निर्देशक चन्द्रा भंडारी व देव श्रेष्ठा, प्रोजेक्ट डिजाईनर सन्नी शाह हैं। प्रोडक्शन सुभाष काफले व सांतनु सिन्हा, बिजनेस मैनेजर अश्विन चौधरी हैं। फिल्म प्रचारक रंजन सिन्हा, उदय भगत व रामचन्द्र यादव हैं। फिल्म में मुख्य कलाकार दिनेशलाल यादव निरहुआ, आयुष रिजाल, नीता ढुंगाना, सुनील थापा, सुशील सिंह, संतोष पहलवान तथा अमृत कुमार हैं।
India Media Link & Event Management’s K. Ravi Dada & Film Celebrities Distributes Blankets & Foods In Mumbai To Poor Peoples On Republic Day
मुम्बई: गणतंत्र दिवस के मौके पर तिरंगा व कम्बल वितरण, टाटा हॉस्पिटल से जे जे अस्पताल तक
जी हाँ गणतंत्र दिवस के उपलक्ष में 26 जनवरी भोर में इंडिया मीडिया लिंक इवेन्ट मैनेजमेंट के तत्वावधान में टाटा अस्पताल के बाहर कैंसर पीड़ित व उनके परिजनों को तिरंगा व कम्बल व खाना पानी, वितरण जाने माने हेलीकॉप्टर वव्यसाई व वरिष्ठ समाज सेवक के रवि दादा के हाथों की गया, इस अवसर पर के रवि दादा समेत,मराठी एक्ट्रेस कीर्ति अडाकर,ऐक्टर स्पर्श शर्मा, पम्मी मोटन,योगी, हैरी वर्मा,और राहुल के रवि मौजूद रहे,इस अवसर पर देश भक्ति के नारे लगे
आपको बता दे कि इस टाटा अस्पताल से लेकर जे,जे,अस्पताल तक, इस कड़कड़ाती सर्दी,हड्डियों को गला देने वाली ढंड,में बगैर गरम कपड़े के सड़क के किनारे व फुटपाथ पर सोने को मजबूर,ऐसे जरूरत मंद लोगो को कम्बल और खाने का पैकेट व पानी वितरण के रवि दादा के हाथों किआ गया,तिरंगा व कम्बल वितरण का आयोजन पिछले कई वर्षों से लगातार हो रहा है। इससे जहां देश भक्ति के प्रति जागरुकता बढ़ती है, वहीं आम लोेग अपने राष्ट्रीय ध्वज पर गर्व करते हैं। 25 जनवरी को प्रातः दो बजे अस्पताल के बाहर का माहौल पूरी तरह देश भक्ति का हो गया। कार्यक्रम में अस्थानिक पोलिस का भी बड़ा सहयोग रहा,साथ ही इन सभी का क्या कुछ कहना था आइये आपको सुनवाते है हम
Singer Rapper Sabby Baba’s Song Samajh Mein Aaya Hai Launched
In the Bollywood and Music World, it seems that once again the rap has begun. Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt’s forthcoming film ‘Gully Boy’ is the story of a rapper, in which Ranvir Singh has played the role of a rapper and he also sang some rap in his own voice. Now another rapper is coming in Bollywood and his name is Sabby Baba.
Sabby Baba’s new song ‘Samajh Mein Aaya Hai’ has been released on YouTube recently, which is being liked very much. This new song by Sabby Baba, presented by WOM Entertainment, is a decent & honest reply to Emiway.
Singer rapper Sabby Baba is seen in a magnificent video of this song, which is being rendered by him with great voice. The music director, lyricist Composition of this song by Kaishav Arora, while arranging by Krishna Lal Chandani, dubbing mixing and mastering have been done by KLC Productions. The other credits are Music Video DOP Ajay P Singh, Drone Rahul Mishra, Editor Vijay Pal, DI Ravi Parashar, Choreographer Jai Prakash, Make Up Shailendra, Director Keshav Arora.
Sabby Baba (Kaishav Aror) said to the media at the launching event of the song that “This is my first song. However, my other five songs are ready. This song is about to the on going controversy between RAFTAR and the rap singer Emiway. Actually I express what I feel & What we have understood in the fights of both of them is the theme of this song. Who is wrong, who is right. Why is this happening?”
He further says “I have a passion for composing for a long time but I used to pay more attention to acting, so it was left in the middle. For some time now I was planning a film but it was delayed. In the meantime, I felt to focused on my passion & that I should start the singing and compose music meanwhile.”
He talk about his acting career “I worked in film “yeh Dooriyan” as the actor, that was my debut film, after that I did ‘Nach Baliye’ reality show. My another movie was ‘Ishq click’ with Adhyan Suman. There was also a serial ‘Bhoot Aaya’ on Sony TV in which I had acted and I was one of its producers too. Upcoming film is ‘Ganpati Bappa Moriya’.
He is planning his Next song to shoot in Kumbh, whose title is ‘Shiv Shambhu’. This is a beautiful track with both rap and singing.”
He says about his music label “Word of mouth is the full form of WOM. In today’s time, the biggest publicity is through word of mouth, so we have named of our music label.”
He admits that digital revolution has changed the sceneraio of the releasing process of your projects. “Youtube has given talented people a big platform to show off their talents. So today singles are being released. And through this people are making their identities.”
Model Renu Sinha To Shoot In A Different Style In New Year
मॉडल रेनू सिन्हा करेंगी नये साल में नये अंदाज़ में शूट मॉडल रेनू सिन्हा जो की अपने अलग अंदाज से मॉडलिंग इंडस्ट्री में जानी जाती हैं, अब आएँगी नजर नये साल के नये लुक में. बीते सालो में रेनू ने कई ब्रांड के लिए फोटोशूट किये और कई बड़े स्टूडियो में काम भी किया. रेनू अब तक करीब 25 ब्रांड के साथ काम कर चुकी हैं.
नये साल पर नये ऑफर को वो बड़े सोच समझ कर ले रही हैं ताकि उनका ये वर्ष एक नया मुकाम हासिल कर सके
नमस्कार न्यूज़ की रिपोर्ट मुंबई से..
Hema Malini and Sandip Soparrkar In Ganga Musical at Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
At the 15th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas In Varanasi, Hema Malini and Natyavihar Kala Kendra presented a dazzling dance ballet on the life of Ganga. The show Choreographed by Bhushan Lakandri had the dream girl Hema Malini playing Maa Ganga and one of India’s leading dancers Sandip Soparrkar playing lord Shiva.
Hema Malini dressed in sparking white n sliver cloths by leading designer Neeta Lulla and dancer choreographer Sandip Soparrkar playing the role of Shiva, narrated the age old story of India’s holiest river. The show also touched the parts of Mahabharata moving on to the topic of Swatch Ganga and how it was getting polluted.
The 90-minute dance drama at the ‘Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas’ in Varanasi drew praise from External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Yogi Adityanath. In presence of international and national delegates and ministers Ms Swaraj said “I don”t have words about Hema Malini ji’s performance, first time ever in my life, I am taking three words from famous TV shows for your performance – Adbhut, Avishwasniya and Akalpaniya” (wonderful, unbelievable and unimaginable),
Member of Parliament Padmashree Hema Malini thanked her team and praised the work of Sandip Soparrkar who aptly played the dashing shiva, Ms Malini said, “Sandip is a western dancer but he played the role of Shiva so beautifully and made him look unimaginably dynamic.”
Ms Swaraj too praised Soparrkar’s dance and complimented him for making lord Shiva look larger than life.
Soparrkar said, “I am humbled and thankful to Hema Ji and Bhushan sir for choosing me to be Shiva. I am elated to play the most divine role in the life of Ganga.”
The music of Ganga was composed by Padmashree Ravindra Jain, Asit Desai and his son Alaap Desai, the songs were rendered by Suresh Wadkar, Kavita Krishnamurthy, Shankar Mahadevan and Mika Singh, the grand costumes were designed by Neeta Lulla, special effects were by Vibhore Khandelwal and choreography by Bhushan Lakandri
The Pravasi Bharatiya Divas was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the closing will see the presence of President Ram Nath Kovind. The theme of this year’s ‘Pravasi Bharatiya Divas’ is the “Role of Indian Diaspora in building a New India”. The objective of the conference, as well as the plenary, was to solicit the diaspora’s participation in the area of affordable waste management in the country, particularly with reference to India’s flagship initiatives such as the Swacch Bharat Mission, National Mission for Clean Ganga, and the Smart Cities initiative. It also gave the participants an opportunity to visit the ongoing Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj and also witness the Republic Day Parade in New Delhi on January 26.
———–Pigeon Media (Abhishek Dubey)
Rotary Humsafar – A Drive For A Cause of Skin, Eye, Organ Donation and Diabetes Prevention Awareness
In India every year nearly 500,000 people die because of non-availability of organs and this number is expected to grow due to scarcity of Organ donors.
Two lacs Indian require Organ transplants every year, not even 5{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1} are getting organs they need.
Our donation rate is 0.08{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1} where as in advance countries it is 14 to 35{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1}. Recently it is reported that this donation rate has further come down by 22{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1}.
Thus situation has really becoming alarming.
Rotary International’s Mumbai District 3141 has embarked an ambitious campaign for Skin, Eye and organ donation and prevention of Diabetes under the leadership of District 3141 Governor Rtn. Shashi Sharma. Number of activities will be undertaken by various clubs. Pledge forms, publicity material, badges will be distributed amongst the potential donors. Display material for religious pandals, casualty departments, Rotary Medical Camps will be distributed.
To build up the much required momentum, four Rotary Districts 3141 (Mumbai), 3142 (Thane, Navi Mumbai), 3131 (Pune) and 3170 (Kolhapur & Goa) across Maharashtra and Goa initiated one of the Mega Multi District Cooperative projects “Rotary Humsafar 2018-19”, led by Rotary Club of Bombay North (Dist. 3141), where nearly 100 cars decorated with awareness stickers will travel from Mumbai to Goa spreading the much needed awareness about Skin, Eye and organ donation and prevention of Diabetes. This is a three days event starting from BKC on 25th January, 2019. Flag off is at 6.00 AM from BKC with first stop at Navi Mumbai, then to Pune and proceed to Kolhapur. Night halt at Sayaji Hotel. At each place we have meeting being organized by respective District Governors Rtn. Dr. Ashesh Ganguli (Dist. 3142), Dr. Shailesh Palekar (Dist. 3131), Dr. Ravikiran Kulkarni (Dist. 3170) on the Theme ‘Donate Skin, Eye and Organ, Save Life. “And Prevent Diabetes. On 26th January, 2019, After breakfast we proceed to Goa and check in at Vevanta by Taj and Cidade De Goa where there will be lectures and public meeting on “Donate Skin, Organ and save life and Prevent Diabetes. Nearly 400 Rotarians will be attending this event.
Lead District 3141’s Governor Shashi Sharma and Past RI Director Rtn. Ashok Mahajan will be there with their cars to lead this event. We expect to get recognition by Guinness Book of World Records.
We would request you to spread the message “Donate Skin/Organ, save life and prevent Diabetes and Donate Eyes to give sight. “
Rtn. Dr. Satya Agarwala MD FRCP
Avenue Chair, Community Service, Medical II.
Rtn. Chetan Desai
Group Chief Avenue Head, Community Service.
Alok Shrivastava’s Hindi Film END Counter Releasing on 8th February 2019 All Over
Alok Shrivastava welknown producer director’s Hindi film END COUNTER is releasing on 8th Feb 2019 all over. The films trailer and songs are trending on social media. Music and trailer has been released by Zee Music Company.
Glimpses of Music Launch At Nashik
Cast N Crew
Banner- AJ Digital entertainment & Gold Coin Entertainment
Producers –Alok Shrivastava & Jatin Upadhyay
Starring – Prashant Naraynan, Abhimanyu Singh, Anupam Shyam , Mrinmai Kolwalkar , Vrajesh Hirji, Eshaan Qureshi, Vijay Bharadwaj, Satyamvada Singh, Satyashil Naik , Ranjeet and Udai Tikekar
Story , Screenplay , Dialogues & Direction – Alok Shrivastava
DOP – Ashok Jamuar
Music – Rahul Jain
Singers – Jointa Gandhi & Rahul Jain
Lyrics – Kunal Verma & Rahul Jain
Action – Darshan Singh Mahal
Art – Tushar Gupte
Background – Nikhil Kamath
All’s well that ends well is the basic line of thought behind the novel END COUNTER. Renu Sahay, a fiction novelist, her previous work includes a novel about Live in Relationship. She’s the author of the novel END COUNTER. She is herself into a Live in Relationship with Sameer Deshmukh, an encounter cop & it’s her own story.
Once Sameer was an honest cop, but his childhood friend Datta Salvi, corrupted him & Sameer lured by wealth & riches joined hands with him. Datta, a known offender in the police files has the hands of Vishambhar Dayal Sharma a.k.a Guru ji, a proclaimed spiritual Guru above him. Thus he’s protected. Guru ji himself is into various social activities. Honey, his lady love & his partner in crime helps Guru ji run his syndicate on the city.
But things change when Dutta’s girlfriend Anjana, a crime reporter finds out about Dutta’s vices. But on confronting him she’s met with insults & the rage of Dutta. Devastated she reaches out to Renu & tells her about Dutta & Sameer’s alliance. On confrontation Sameer assures Renu that he’ll stay away from all of this & Dutta himself.
While everything’s fine between Renu & Sameer, same cannot be said about Guru ji & Dutta. With ongoing police enquires there’s internal turmoil in their camp. But with the abduction & murder of Rahul, Renu’s ex-husband starts the blame game, Both Dutta and Sameer suspect each other unaware of the fact that it was all orchestrated by Guru ji &
Honey. But by the time the mystery is solved it is too late.
Rohit Pathak Roped In Satyajeet Mishra Next
Bollywood actor Rohit Pathak who has worked in critically acclaimed films like Raja Natwarlal, Micky Virus, Jannat 2, and Jal, He has made a stunning debut in Tamil with director H Vinoth’s Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru. His portrayal as one of the villains of the movie was menacing and had an impact to the story. After the grand success of Tamil Block Buster Hit “THEERAN” Rohit Pathak became popular all over south for his character BANNE SINGH.
He has received a phenomenal response from the critics as well as the entire Tamil Industry for one of the lead negative role he played in the film which is based on True Story. After working with the Biggest production house “DREAM WORRIERS PICTURES” who are also famous for Gajni and Singham series.
Rohit Pathak has started the shooting of his next Bollywood project “Jaan Abhi Baki Hai” is being produced by IJM Productions Pvt Ltd. Film is written by Dr. Indrajeet Mishra, a President Award winner and a renowned Theater Writer from Uttar Pradesh along with Satyajeet himself. Director Satyajeet believes that content of this film will thrill people and it will provide full entertainment. The soulful music is a strong aspect of this project which gets the magical touch of famous choreographer Vishnu Deva. The shooting of movie is going on at beautiful locations of Uttrakhand, India.
Rohit Pathak Said, “Working with Satyajeet Mishra is one of the most amazing experiences. While working with him I noticed that he is very passionate about his work and very clear on his vision. He knew exactly what he wants from the actor which makes our work more easy and interesting. We are shooting at very beautiful location of Uttrakhand. I love the place and enjoying the weather of Uttrakhand”
———-Abhishek Dubey
FitIndia – MedscapeIndia seize the attention with their uniqueness in Tata Mumbai Marathon
MedscapeIndia Aryan Medical Educational Trust not only known for their health care programs and campaigns but also known for the life saving training programs since 4 years working aggressively to train people to save life by learning CPR – Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation in just
15minutes. More than 25,000 direct training and through the “Train the Trainer” method lacs of people are benefited and also inspired many organisation for the same.
Since 14 years MedscapeIndia is involved in programs like Save the Girl Child, HIV Awareness, Preventive Medical Camps, Millions Smile, Breast Cancer Awareness,FitInida projects like FitIndia conclave, FitInida on wheel, FitInida silver, adolsant health, and various multi speciality camp and social health awareness programs.
FITINDIA- SCREEN INDIA is integrated approach on Breast and Provide Education and Create Awareness ,Early Screening and detection,Vaccination (Cervical Cancer) programs for girls above the age of 13 years.
MedscapeIndia participated to raise fund for reaching for underprivileged, rural & tribal women to prevent untimely death due to cancer, this phase of screen India taking place where major medical deficiency are, which includes (Utrakhand) Gangotri, Keadarnath; (Maharashtra) Raichur; Manvi, Taluk(Karnataka) Suriyawan,Barasathi (UP).
At TMM along with the FitIndia runners ,amateurs and veterans ran with more than 46,000 participants on the road.
Race was flagged off by Boxing Champion Mary Kom and Maharashtra CM Devendra Phadnish. South African Comrades Marathon champion, Bruce Fordyce and Bollywood celebs like Kartik Aryan and Kajal Agrawal.
Dr Sunita Dube congratulated their supporters quoted “With your support; I am confident that we will be able to rescript the health of more disadvantaged across India”.
———-Abhishek Dubey
Anjali The life Coach Started A Unique Concept Of Destination Life Coaching
We have heard about Destination wedding,Destination party,Destination Holiday.
But Have you Heard about Destination Coaching ???
First time in india we are introducing the concept Destination Coaching.
Destination Coaching is all about Life coaching/ Business Coaching as well as Emotional Imbalance coaching on natural places like hills,beaches and forests.
Its a refreshment coaching with holidays as well as with nature.
This unique initiative ia taken by the well known renowned Celebrity and Business Life Coach Anjali
Anjali, the coach,well known name in media,having quite interesting journey
To know how people get involved in crime especially educated & people of decent family back ground. That inspired Anjali to be a criminal lawyer. 6 years practice as criminal lawyer, not really a good experience, but experienced only 30{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1} to 40 {61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1} crimes are planned. Rest are because of circumstances, the main reason behind it is imbalance of emotions & lack of control on our self. The second thing she experienced was people has plans, thoughts, ideas and solution of problems but ACTION part was missing completely.
So, career line has changed, to consulting, guiding and as life business coach. Till now Anjali guided 1000+ people. And with that learning process is going on. Hunger of learning more and more was always there with her.
Journey didnt stop here just after being life coach credential, as maximum of her clients are senior people, credentials as business coach & executive coach was a great
Coaching process became more strong and beneficial for clients as she certified with NLP practitioner and administrator of EI skill assessment process. Tony Buzans mind mapping practitioner certificate was an add on for success strategic planning for herself and for clients too.
As an author motivational and challenging quotes and articles are always appreciated and life altering for clients.
Thats not enough interest in occult sciences, reading about planets movement and their impacts on human, Astrology (have lots of followers) or reading horoscopes and to paint on and off is also a part of life.
The journey of learning is on…
. * Neuro Linguistic is a strong tool in behaviour alteration, adaptions and dealing with stress and anxiety *
Destination coaching is all about exploring new places which is not yet explored having nature aspects like Hills Beaches and Forests. having workshop and other tools and techniques of workshop will be done live with nature and will actually create difference and magic in life for a person.
Performer Shreya Gupta Coming Soon To Enter Bollywood Industry
यूँ तो कई सारे लोग मुंबई सपने लेकर आते हैं और कई सारे लोग यहां से थक हारकर वापस चले जाते हैं लेकिन कुछ कलाकार ऐसे होते हैं जो अपनी प्रतिभा के दम पर अपनी पहचान को कायम करते हैं उन्हीं में से एक है मॉडल श्रेया गुप्ता, जिन्होंने अपने से कुछ ही समय में अच्छी कामयाबी हासिल की.
वैसे तो इन्हे कई बार अलग-अलग ब्रांड्स के लिए फोटोशूट में देखा गया है, कई एल्बम और फिल्मो में भी उन्होंने अपनी अदाकारी का जलवा बिखेरा हैं और इस बार श्रेया फिर से बॉलीवुड में आने का प्रयास कर रही हैं.
श्रेया गुप्ता अपनी अदाकारी से इवेंट जगत में भी अच्छी प्रस्तुति दी हैं और नए वर्ष में उम्मीद हैं कि अच्छे ब्रांड और बड़े मंचों पर अपनी अदाकारी की छाप छोड़ेंगी.
रिपोर्ट : नमस्कार न्यूज़, मुंबई
Paneeri to Celebrate Republic Day In Association with Yusuf Qasmi
Paneeri to celebrate Republic Day in association with Yusuf Qasmi ‘s Smita Patil Street Theatre,on the eve of republic day by creating awareness program on ROAD SAFETY at Andheri station as well as at Surat on 28th of jan 2019,Last year we had performed 51 show in Gujrat with the in association with Tata Moters .
Smita Patil Street Theatre
ICMEI Will Promote Indo Sudan Relations
Noida: Indo Sudan Cultural Forum of ICMEI- International Chamber of Media And Entertainment t Industry saw a new light with the presence of H.E. Osman Mohammed Elbasher Mohammed Charge d’ Affaires of Embassy of Ghana to India on his visit to Marwah Studios at Noida Film City.
Indo Ghana Cultural Forum was created 19 years back in 2002 when H.E. Abdalmahmood Abdalhaleem then the Ambassador of Sudan to India inaugurated the forum and appointed Dr. Sandeep Marwah as the Chair of the centre.
“In a span of all these years Marwah Studios the promoting body entertained many students from Sudan in film and television courses. We have been receiving delegates from Sudan in our every International Summit. They have been representing different government and private departments of Sudan,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI.
I am amazed to see the work, which ICMEI has done in a short period of time. The capability and capacity of Cultural diplomacy of ICMEI is beyond words. I am honored to be here,” said H.E. Osman Mohammed Elbasher Mohammed Charged’ Affairs of Sudan to India.
Sudan representatives have attended Global Media And Entertainment Summit, Global Tourism Summit, Global Leadership Summit, Global Skill Development Summit, Global Film Festival, Global Festival of Journalism, Global Literary Festival and Global Fashion Week.
Dr. Marwah recalled meeting some of the important people from Ghana including Rev. Filotheos FaragProto Priest, Hafiz Abdelrahman Omer, Yousif Ibrahim Ahmed, Alaeldin Elamin Jaha Elamin and many others.
Dr. Marwah offered a scholarship to Deserving student from Sudan, a film festival of films from Sudan, A radio Program, a television program and many other facilities while signing MOU.
Later Dr. Marwah honored Osman Mohammed with Patronship of Indo Sudan Cultural Forum. Sandeep Marwah also honored by Osman Mohammed for his dedicated services to Indo Sudan relations.
India And Mongolia Will Promote Art And Culture Together -Sandeep Marwah
Noida: India and Mongolia move further in their relationship and will work together in the promotion of arts and culture, Embassy of Mongolia and International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry signed MOU to enhance the relations.
“A history has been written- we are working together on these different segments as they are our specialization including Print, Radio, Television, Cinema, Animation, Performing and Fine Arts, Tourism, Hospitality, Education, Environment, Solar Energy, Skill Development, PR Events and Advertising, Fashion and Design and Journalism. A MOU will speak now for all time to come,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and ICMEI while signing the official document.
“It is great pleasure to work with Dr. Sandeep Marwah, ICMEI, Marwah Studios and his complete team. My country has gained a lot today with signing of MOU today at International Headquarters of ICMEI. Its like now a permanent bond with ICMEI,” expressed H.E. Gonchig Ganbold Ambassador of Mongolia to India.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah handed over the first scholarship of short-term course of Asian Academy of Film And Television to Ambassador Ganbold for the deserving student from Mongolia, which also includes boarding and lodging for three months.
A visit of media team to Magnolia, A festival of Films from Mongolia, A joint venture in feature film and short film with Mangolian film makers, promotion of Mongolia as film location, Tourism in Mongolia, etc. are some of the decisions taken in a joint meeting on the visit of Ambassador to ICMEI.
Dr. Marwah informed H.E. Gonchig Ganbold about the student’s committee on Mongolia at Asian School of Media studies and research work in the field of cinema and fashion has already taken place under Indo Mongolia Film And Cultural Forum created last year by Embassy of Mongolia and ICMEI together. Marwah also presented the research papers to Ambassador.
H.E. Ganbold also addressed a group of students and media persons and expressed his desire to built a wonderful relation between two countries who all been in relation for almost 1500 years.
A radio interview at Radio Noida 107.4FM, a television interview at MSTV were specially planned and recorded for the slot, which Dr. Marwah has sanctioned to promote our relations. Later H.E. Gonchig Ganbold honored Dr. Sandeep Marwah for his untiring contribution to Indo Mongolian relations.
Miss Diva Mumbai 2019 begins in full swing
Pageants are quite in a rage today. And one such competition presented by designer’s institute in association with Euphoric4 agency, Miss Diva Mumbai Audition took place recently in Mumbai. It was a 2 rounds pre finale where 100 women took part and 20 top models got selected for the grand finale. The first round happened in Designer’s institute in Chembur and the second one in Pillai College.
All the model participants were judged by Siddharth Singh, Winner Mr Mumbai 2017 and Mr India Best Walk Winner and also the founder of Euphoric4 agency; Nans Singh who is a fashion model also winner of Miss India Continent 2017; and Anuradha srivastava who is a fashion icon also center head at Designer’s Institute.
The grand finale is scheduled to happen on the 30th of January, 2019 at Pillai’s Rasayani HOC Mumbai.
Launch of Bank of Polampur
‘sending wilful defaulters behind the bars is the only solution!’
Well-known comedian Raju Shrivastav has appealed to the government to make the Board of Directors of various banks pro-active in such a way that they can prevent frauds and scandals on one hand and on the other hand ensure that genuine people get loans on time without any hurdle or problem created by the banks in the sake of documentation.
Raju Shrivastav released the book “Bank of Polampur” (available in both Hindi and English) authored by Ved Mathur, former General Manager of Punjab National Bank, in Andheri today.Raju Shrivastav expressed his regret that despite several serious efforts of the government, the common man continues to find difficulties in obtaining loans for self-employment, education and housing, but at the same time defaulters enjoy their life full of all luxuries.
If the amount of money looted after independence from various banks was to be used for welfare purposes, then every farmer could have got free manure, electricity and water and every citizen could have availed free education and healthcare. Ved Mathur, the author of the Bank of Polampur noted that political interference, ineffective board of directors and poor judicial system are responsible for the loot of trillions of rupees of banks.
Lawsuits of bank loans in Western countries are decided within a few days, whereas in India no effective action is taken for 5 to 15 years. This gives advantage to the financial defaulters like Vijay Malaya, who are able to abscond the country and use public money for their high life.
The author feels that if the government makes effective forensic audit for the sinking debt above 20 crore rupees and tries the defaulters in fast track courts, only then there can be a positive change in our economy.
Unfortunately, wilful defaulters with their political connections at multiple levels enjoy seven star luxurious life using hard earned public money. Ved Mathur with his experience of 40 years in banking has exposed in his controversial book, ‘Bank of Polampur’, the internal working of banking through the humour and satire.
Sandeep Marwah Honored at Varanasi at PM Constituency
Varanasi: The Union Minister of State General V.K.Singh Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India and Union Minister of State Independent Charge K.J. Alphons Ministry of Tourism, Government of India honored Dr. Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and ICMEI –International Chamber of Media And Entertainment Industry at a grand function at Prime Minister’s Constituency at Varanasi.
“The Non Resident Indians have great contribution in developing and bringing
India to new platform. They have proved, where ever they are settled, that an Indian can do wonders in their profession and business,” said General V.K. Singh addressing to Non Resident Indians in a GOPIA- Global Organization of People of Indian Origin at Hotel Taj at Varanasi.
“Every one deserve awards but some of you have done extra ordinary in their fields and few have proved even staying back in India with their expertise in foreign markets of different countries, Dr. Sandeep Marwah is one of them,” said Sunny Kulathakal President of GOPIO.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah is in touch with 145 countries, attracted students from 120 countries of the World, more than 80 countries have extended their support to him by visiting his international head quarters and 50 arrangements have already been signed or forums have been created so far under his leadership.
“Never Ever any Indian has been nominated by 50 countries of the World as the representative, Brand Ambassador, Cultural Ambassador or Chair for Country forums. We all salute to Sandeep Marwah for his extra ordinary contribution to promotion of art, culture and tourism to that scale,” expressed Smita Srivastava Coordinator of the Program.
K.J. Alphons Minister of Tourism was also briefed that Dr. Marwah has attracted more than 1.2 Million people from all over India and 145 countries of the World to Noida Film City as the founder of the project in last 25 years of his non stop contribution to films, television and cinema tourism besides running a tourism and hospitality Institute. Minister appreciated Dr. Marwah’s contribution to Tourism.
GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham, large number of non-resident Indians, political leaders, media persons, people from business community, were present at the glamorous event.
Promising Debutant Karan Wadhwani to soon enter Bollywood
Bollywood will soon wake up to a New Star
The string of new entrants coming to Bollywood is ceaseless. But in this sea of newcomers rarely do you come across a face as charming as Karan Wadhwani. Karan is not strictly a newcomer since he has already made his mark in the southern film industry. After dishing out a memorable performance, he is sure to be handpicked for the bigger stage – for something greater – Bollywood!
Firmly on the road to fulfill his dream of joining the starcast of Bollywood, Karan is equally humble in his approach. He understands the value of learning the art and craft of filmmaking. He went to Los Angeles to complete his Acting and Film Making course from New York Film Academy. He says, “Just as before the camera acting skills, it is very essential to have knowledge of what goes on behind it too.” Karan understands that to become a director’s dream he must understand the director’s mindset as well as precise camera angles. “This is the right way of acting,” Karan says.
After completing his training Karan came back to Mumbai. Fortunately enough, a few screen tests later, he got his first break in a Tamil film ‘Naanga Apadithan’ directed by Ravi Bhargavan. He enthralled director and everyone on set with his stellar performance after which he is in confident space and believe that in near future he can have a chance to showcase his acting talent in Bollywood.
Karan says, My first experience in south film industry was very professional and fast. Karan remains very grateful to his parents, who unlike many other parents, allowed him to pursue his dream and a career in Acting.
Karan is hard fan of Ranveer Singh for his different shades in various films. He is also a self-confessed fan of the great Amitabh Bachchanji, Nasseruddin , Nawazuddin , he hopes to emulate them some day.
After talking to him, there’s no doubt that with his enthusiasm and energy, he will take the bar higher.
PFI Music Company To Give Break & Golden Chance To New Singers
नए सिंगर्स के लिए एक सुनहरा मौका है पीएफआई म्यूजिक कंपनी।
इस कंपनी के ज़रिये स्ट्रगल करने वाले प्रतिभाशाली सिंगर्स को ब्रेक मिलेगा।
फिल्म और म्यूजिक वर्ल्ड में बेशुमार ऐसे प्रतिभाशाली सिंगर्स, संगीतकार हैं जिन्हें एक अच्छे ब्रेक या एक बेहतर प्लेटफोर्म की तलाश है जहाँ से वह अपना टैलेंट दुनिया भर को दिखा सकें. कई सिंगर्स और संगीतकारों ने बड़ी मेहनत से अपने गाने या अलबम रेडी कर के रखे हैं मगर उन्हें कोई म्यूजिक कंपनी रिलीज़ करने को तैयार नहीं है. ऐसे में एक बड़ी उम्मीद की किरण बनकर आई है एक नई म्यूजिक कंपनी पी .एफ .आई.म्यूजिक जिसका लक्ष्य ऐसे ही सिंगर्स और संगीतकारों को प्रोमोट करना, उनके अलबम को रिलीज़ करना है.
जी हाँ, पी .एफ.आई एक ऐसी म्यूजिक कंपनी होगी, जहाँ से हर तरह भक्ति गीत रिलीज़ किये जायेंगे और जहाँ कई भाषाओँ में भक्ति भाव से भरे गीत उपलब्ध होंगे. स्ट्रगल करने वाले प्रतिभाशाली सिंगर्स को ब्रेक भी मिलेगा. अगर किसी ने अच्छा भक्ति अलबम बनाया है और उसे कोई रिलीज़ नहीं कर रहा है तो ऐसे अलबम को न केवल पी.एफ.आई रिलीज़ करेगी बल्कि सिंगर्स का फ्री ऑफ़ कॉस्ट प्रोमोशन भी करेगी. पी.एफ.आई उभरते हुए सिंगर्स के साथ मिलकर बिजनस भी करेगी. नए सिंगर्स, नए संगीतकार और गीतकार को यह कंपनी ब्रेक देने के लिए आई है. यह कंपनी अच्छे लेवल पर बढ़िया काम करने के लिए स्थापित की गई है.
पी.एफ.आई (पार्थ फिल्म्स इंटरनॅशनल) के नाम से नया यूट्यूब चैनल खोला गया है, जो एक म्यूजिक कंपनी के रुप में काम करेगा. इस चैनल के माध्यम से भक्ति गीत और आरती प्रसारित किये जाते हैं. यह सभी भक्ति गीत जाने माने गायक कलाकारों द्वारा गाए गए हैं. इनमे से कुछ भक्ति गीत यूट्यूब पर भी अपलोड किये गए हैं. दर्शक इस चैनल पर विजिट करके इस किस्म के गीत देख सकते हैं. यह कंपनी भक्ति संगीत के लिए काम करने के इच्छुक कलाकारों का तहेदिल से स्वागत करती है.
आपको बता दे कि इस कंपनी के ज़रिये हिंदी फिल्मे, पंजाबी फिल्मे, वेब सिरीज़ और शोर्ट फिल्मे बनने वाली हैं. पीएफआई (पार्थ फिल्म्स इंटरनॅशनल) भविष्य में और भी बहुत से प्रोजेक्ट पर काम करने वाली है. यहाँ से एक कॉमिक सिरीज़ ‘द बिग क्वेश्न्चन’ भी प्रसारित होने वाली है.
—–Akhlesh Singh (PRO)
Producer Chanda Patel tie-up with Sandip Soparrkar for her first film – I’m Not Porn Star
Blue Diamond Production House excelled on its debut with the release of Hu Tara Ishq Ma (Gujarati Film). It has been on a roll ever since headed by Chanda Patel. Chanda Patel made various music albums, short films under her Banner. She always tried out experimenting with different genres. Recently she started the shooting of his next film “I’m Not PornStar Nazar Sambhal Ke” directed by Jainendra Baxi, Starring Julia bliss and Sandip Soparrkar which is being shot presently.
Producer Chanda Patel is doing all efforts for the unique metaphorical script and leaving no stone unturned, she said, “its great pleasure for me to inform about my ongoing project “I’m Not PornStar Nazar Sambhal Ke! The way it is outstandingly being shot. The production house will open the doors for new writers, with the help of budding writers, and I’m planning to come up with something creative.”
———-Pigeon Media (Abhishek Dubey)
Spearheaded by Members of Council of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India & CA. Dhiraj Khandelwal, Chairman & CA. Rajesh Sharma, Vice- Chairman Committee for Members in Industry and Business (CMI&B)
Shri Vijay Goel ji ( Honourable Union Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Statistics and Programme Implementation) marked his presence as the Chief Guest & shared few words of wisdom. “He said that chartered accountants has to play a major role in GST and other schemes of the government and helps industry to understand the ease of doing business.”
In the August Presence of – CA. Naveen N. D. Gupta (President ICAI); CA. Prafulla Chhajed, (Vice-President ICAI)
The King of Bollywood Music Mika Singh took over the night with at “12th ICAI’S Leaders And Business Excellence Awards”
19th January, 2019 in Mumbai- Organised by Committee for Members in Industry and Business “12th ICAI’S Leaders And Business Excellence Awards”, an annual award ceremony which identifies, recognizes & felicitates leaders who are doing exceptionally well in their functional fields.
These awards were instituted in 2007 and since then, the Committee had been successfully organizing it annually and had bestowed these highly revered awards to numerous achievers and had recognized members who have reached outstanding levels of achievements.
The awards were distributed in 4 main categories i.e. CA Achiever, CA CFO, CA Business Leaders & CA Innovator under various sub-categories at the glittering gala night.
ICAI Awards aims to acknowledge Chartered Accountants in industry who have demonstrated excellence in their working & created value to their company’s stakeholders on a sustainable basis.
Award recipients were selected based on Nominations, Review of applications by CMI&B Secretariat, Auditors & Screening Committee & Selection of Awardee by high profile independent Jury panel. The Eminent Jury for the year 2019 comprised of : Jury- Chairman: Shri Keki Mistry , Vice Chairman and CEO, HDFC Ltd; Jury- Vice Chairperson : Mrs. Anshula Kant, MD – SARG, Risk & Compliance, State Bank of India ; Shri Motilal Oswal, CMD, Motilal Oswal Group ; Shri K.K. Maheshwari, Managing Director, UltraTech Cement Ltd. ; CA. Nilesh Shah, Managing Director, Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Co. Ltd. ; Shri V S Parthasarathy, Group CFO, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited ; Shri N. V. N. Ramsai, Executive Director – Finance, Indian Oil Corporation Limited ; Shri Sandeep Kumar Sultania, IAS, Secretary to Chief Minister, Govt. of Telangana ; Prof. Atanu Ghosh, Shailesh J. Mehta Institute of Management, IIT Bombay ;Shri Sajid Nadiadwala, Film Producer; CA Vikas Khemani, Founder, Carnelian Capital Advisors LLP ; CA. Pankaj Miglani, CEO, Global Business at Bharti Airtel Limited.
- Dhiraj Kumar Khandelwal, Chairman, CMI&B, ICAI & CA. Rajesh Sharma, Vice- Chairman Committee for members in Industry and Business (CMI&B) said that “We had an excellent response of nominations which is a testament to the excellent works and outstanding commitments of our members. The Awards appropriately reflect the endless hours members had spent and contributed through immense perseverance, time, energy, innovation and leadership. In total, office had received more than 245 nominations and finally, 29 Awardees under various categories & sub-categories had been finalised by the Jury”
In 2018, the committee launched many platforms in order to explore the credentials of CAs & give them a platform to develop their ideas.
Post launching of 24*7 “CA Job Portal” for world class Qualified CA community, the Committee had launched a mobile application during the ceremony i.e. ICAI Business Forum to further expand the reach of the appreciated and successful CA Job Portal of ICAI and to enable the user to access portal from their mobile and perform various tasks quickly.
In the recent past the committee had organized a “START-UP” SUMMIT” in June, 2018 which was attended by more than 400 participants with an objective to connect the start ups & the investors and with special focus on ideas and startups by CA’s, provided a networking platform.
The Committee had also launched a 15 sitter INCUBATION CENTRE in July, 2018 and handed over the keys to the Selected Start-ups of the members of the institute & provided them the basic infrastructure facility at Incubation Centre, ICAI Bhawan, BKC, Mumbai.
About ICAI- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is a statutory body established under the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 (Act No. XXXVIII of 1949) for the regulation of the profession of Chartered Accountants in India.
About CMI&B- The prime objective of CMI&B is to encourage and enhance close links between the Institute and the Chartered Accountants in industry & business, so as to provide for them, a base of reference in terms of knowledge, expertise, skills and assistance in individual career growth through the development of extensive and intensive relationship with organizations.
Karron S. Dhinggra: The HE Factor: A Passion For Fashion
Meet Karron S Dhinggra who blogs about unique formal dressing styles at The Formal Edit, exclusively for Men’s
The fashion industry witnesses newest trends which are instantly captured by teens. The stylish couture’s appeals the generation Z quickly. Unlike women’s now the men’s are also raising the temperature high incorporating the various fashion styles. The Formal Edit is one such blog by a passionate fashion blogger, Karron S Dhinggra who has impeccable styling sense for formal dressing.
“Your Current Situation Is Not Your Final Destination” says Karron. Today, fashion rolls faster than the blink of an eye. Social media has shrunk the world and the fashion world even more bantam. Hence, to walk with the latest trends and to groom men’s in unique way, The Formal Edit came into existence.
So what inspires Karron?
Men’s are always underestimated in acquiring fashion styles. So, to let them stay in mainstream, Karron redesign and redefine newer looks that enhances men’s fashion in exclusive way. He always tries to incorporate the trends in his formal dressing styles. With the far-reaching e-commerce industry, competition is global. People all over can easily find stuff online and can groom themselves accordingly to keep competition at bay.
More about Karron S Dhinggra
A lawyer by profession, Karron starts the blog, The Formal Edit back in 2016 as mere a hobby. He continued the blog alongside his job as a corporate lawyer in few well-known companies of India like American Express, and IFFCO Tokyo. His blog was getting awesome response online and thus, in 2018 Karron decided to quit the job at IFFCO and give complete focus on his blogging career.
They say, “The Sky Is No Limit”, within no time, The Formal Edit grabbed the attention of men who really are not aware anything about fashion. Karron’s styling tips, unique formal designs as well as knowledge of paring various accessories uplifted the Men’s fashion world splendidly.
The Formal Edit is an impressive vent to express the true emotions for fashion and men’s grooming styles fulfilling the passion of Karron S Dhinggra as a Fashionista.
Karron S. Dhinggra: A Surreal Journey From A Lawyer To Fashionista
Great styles do wonder and opens limitless opportunities as it sets the perfect impression, isn’t it? Men’s grooming, men’s fashion is talk of the town and the younger generation is more fascinated towards the style and the looks. Let’s get familiar with one of the King of formal dressing, none other than Karron S Dhinggra.
Karron S Dhinggra was a corporate lawyer by profession but was always intensely interested in Men’s fashion. His passion and amazing sense of fashion thought of pursuing his interest side by side over social media and within no time he received ultimate response online.
A Dreamlike journey from a Lawyer to Fashion Blogger
Karron started to blog about men’s fashion which represents his own designs along with the trending designs in men’s fashion category. Alongside, he also started giving amazing fashion tips and knowledge of various accessories that can be paired with the outfits.
Within no time, his fashion updates on how to experiment and make people aware about latest fashion trends made him popular and stand his blog out of the crowd!
The perfect combination of urban clothing and classic silhouettes describes Karron’s unique style. He confidently manages to make his every outfit look different which is recognition to his styling skills.
“My Style is my Confidence”, proudly says Karron. He gives complete credit of his success to his mother who taught him to carry anything and everything with sheer confidence.
The cool blogger has a theme for blogging formal wear which he updates on regular basis and help men to stay up to date as well as look classy yet trending in this aura of women’s fashion. Karron posts his own stylish and smart pictures clicked by Nikon D5100 camera.
With outstanding response on social media, Karron regularly started posting various fashion trends on his Instagram handle as well as he was also asked for different styling advices. This is how a journey to groom every single man was started in December 2016 and yes, we surely are impressed and stunned looking at the mesmerizing fashion styles by Karron.
The Formal Edit is where Karron is blogging currently.
Karron S. Dhinggra: The Formal Edit: A Great Revolution in Men’s Fashion
“Every New Level of you will demand a New”, Level up your living style with The Formal Edit.
Unlike women’s, men’s too have an urge to look stylish yet stunning. Men’s fashion is recently in boom and yes, the gen-X is more attracted towards the style and look. A Delhi based lawyer by profession and fashion blogger by passion, Karron S Dhinggra glams up his unique dressing styles and amazing fashion tips, exclusively for Men’s on The Formal Edit.
Everything you need to know about The Formal Edit
As the name suggest, The Formal Edit is a unique way to get rid out of your formal dressing styles and uplift your styling sense to get that perfect and outstanding look.
Karron Dhinggra, the founder of The Formal Edit, is himself a fashion freak, stylish person. His signature style is exquisitely tailored suits with rich contrasting ties and a perfectly folded pocket square that keeps him unique amidst in the ocean of fashion.
“There is NO substitute for hard work” says Karron Dhinggra, the fashion icon of younger generation. The famous Italian Blogger, Mariano Di Vaio, is his biggest inspiration.
The Formal Edit is Karron’s outlet to express his emotions towards fashion as well as groom each man uniquely. The catchy name of the blog expresses his love formals and enhances his styling essence in a sensible way.
The Formal Edit is an Internet sensation for Men’s styling and has a fashion-loving audience with majority being men!
High-end brands not always make you look perfect; it is all about what one wears and how one wears it with pure confidence which makes a man PERFECT indeed says Karron S Dhinggra.
Karron S. Dhinggra: Be Stylish With Bandhgala This Wedding Season
The wedding season is round the corner and you might be busy in selecting the couture’s isn’t it? Well, Indian women have a plethora of options when it comes to choose the perfect attire and accessories that make them look glamorous, wow!
But for men’s…the same trousers, shirts, blazers, or the ethic wears are the only options to select. Well, come, join the fashion bandwagon with The Formal Edit and redefine your look in unique way.
This wedding season, Men will be the center of attraction with Bandhgala!
How’s the look? Karron S Dhinggra, A Fashion Blogger has successfully uplifted the look of ethnic wear pairing with a Bandhgala jacket. A classic red short length Bandhgala with white slim fit trouser paired with loafers make a stylish chic look indeed!
The Bandhgala jackets are the latest trend in Indian wedding as it gives the most elegant and royal look. Don’t you like the look?
Well, you can also try out various colors of your choice but make sure the colors suits your personality as well. You can go for blue or olive green shades which look fantastic!
The Bandhgala’s are highly versatile outfit and that you have a choice to experiment with colors but keep in mind your whole look is color coordinated.
After selecting the costume color you can complete the overall look by adding chic golden satin pocket square that gives a perfect royal look.
Did you like the Bandhgala style? So, if you still have not decided your wedding look, go for Bandhgala and rock the look in stylish way!
Producer Director Alok Shrivastava’s Film END COUNTER Releasing on 8th February 2019 All Over
निर्देशक अलोक श्रीवास्तव की फिल्म ‘एंड काउंटर’ 8 फरवरी को होगी रिलीज
उत्तर प्रदेश में योगी सरकार द्वारा अपराधियों के सफाये को लेकर चलाया गया एनकाउंटर अभियान इन दिनों काफी सुर्खियों में रही है। मगर, अब आगरा (उत्तर प्रदेश) से ताल्लुक रखने वाले लेखक – निर्देशक आलोक श्रीवास्तव अपनी बॉलीवुड फिल्म ‘एंड काउंटर’ लेकर तैयार हैं, जो देशभर में 8 फरवरी को रिलीज हो रही है। मूलत: यह फिल्म शहरों में क्रिमिनल्स के हो रहे एनकाउंटर पर रोक लगाने और कई अलग व्यवस्था होने के थीम पर बेस्ड है। फिल्म पूरी तरह से कमर्सियल है और इसमें पुलिस और क्रिमिनल्स की कहानी के साथ – साथ एक खूबसूरत सी लव स्टोरी भी चलती है। फिल्म में मर्डर 2 फेम अभिनेता प्रशांत नारायणन, अभिमन्यु सिंह, मृनमई कोल्वालकर, सज्जन सिंह, एहसान कुरैशी लीड रोल में हैं।
फिल्म ‘एंड काउंटर’ के प्रोड्यूसर आलोक श्रीवास्तव और जतिन उपाध्याय हैं, जिन्हें फिल्म से काफी उम्मीदें हैं। इनकी मानें तो बॉलीवुड में कॉप, क्राइम और एनकाउंटर को लेकर कई सारी फिल्में आईं, मगर यह बॉलीवुड की पहली फिल्म होगी, जो एनकाउंटर का एंड करने का मैसेज दे रही है। क्योंकि कई बार देखा गया है कि एनकाउंटर में निर्दोष लोग भी मारे जाते हैं। अक्सर शहरों में एनकाउंटर के नाम पर किसी को भी गोली मार दी जाती है। यह गलत है। देश में न्यायालय है और बेहतर कानून व्यवस्था है। इसलिए फिल्म ‘एंड काउंटर’ के जरिये एनकांउटर को बंद कर एक वैकल्पिक व्यवस्था का संदेश दिया गया है। इस कहानी में ड्रामा के साथ लोकल टच दिया गया है और नार्थ के परिवेश को बखूबी दिखाया है। अब यह फिल्म रिलीज को तैयार है और 8 फरवरी से सिनेमाघरों में भी होगी।
नवजीवन हिंग प्रस्तुत एजी डिजिटल इंटरटेंमेंट की फिल्म ‘एंड काउंटर’ का एसोसिएशन गोल्ड क्वाइन इंटरटेंमेंट के साथ है। इस फिल्म की कहानी और स्क्रीनप्ले खुद आलोक श्रीवास्तव ने लिखी है। फिल्म में तीन गाने हैं, जिसका लिरिक्स सोहन लाल भाटिया, कुणाल वर्मा और राहुल जैन ने तैयार किया है। म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर राहुल जैन हैं और राहुल जैन के साथ जोनिता गांधी व सोहम नाइक हैं। एक्शन दर्शन सिंह महल का है !
————Sanjay Bhushan Patiyala
Roles, Rights and Responsibilities in Education – A Global Summit for More than 300 Educators
The common notion is that the entire responsibility of educating our children lies on the teachers and the school authorities though education is a significant element which affects the development of the entire nation . Hence, the responsibility of imparting education also lies on the community at large.
Parisar Asha , a not for profit organisation working in the field of education for the past 36 years have been incessantly working towards imparting quality education and spreading awareness among the underprivileged communities about its importance. On 15th January’2019, it held a global consortium on the topic ‘The R Factor in Education’ which focused on the ‘Roles, Rights and Responsibilities in Education’ pertaining to different stakeholders at Kohinoor Continental Hotel, Mumbai. The summit aimed at brainstorming on the individual roles which stems from the needs of the society and in particular towards education followed by the rights one achieves and the responsibilities one needs to fulfil. The consortium aimed at bringing in forefront these nuances which make the wheel of education more effective and robust. The entire initiative was supported by Deenabandhu Trust, a Kolkata based not for profit organisation working towards bringing about innovations in the field of education through its ground breaking Science, Technology Engineering and Maths ( STEM ) Model.
The programme was graced by Hon’ble Adv Shri Ahshishji Shelar, President of BJP, Mumbai. Stalwarts from academic fraternity like renowned educationist Mr. Francis Joseph, Ms. Maya Shahani, Ms. Basanti Roy and Ms. Rekha Shahani; Dr Sonali Geed- Chief Academic Officer of TIPS Group of International Chain Schools and Dr. Samir Dalwai, renowned developmental paediatrician spoke about the different aspects of roles, rights and responsibilities in education.
More than 300 educators from different schools pan India attended this event to participate in this conference and table their perspectives in this unique platform. The event culminated with the recognition of twenty outstanding educators and they were awarded the ‘Gloria Memorial Excellence International Award – Best Educator’ instituted in the fond memory of Late Gloria de Souza, founder and Director of Parisar Asha.
On this joyous occasion, Ms. Aarati Savur, CEO of Parisar Asha stated that, “ Our nation will soon be climb the ladder of developed nations when education is considered to be the most important aspect of social development and each individual starts acknowledging their role in the society.”
This initiative also marked the contribution of twenty outstanding educators who were awarded Gloria de Souza Excellence International Best Educator Award for their outstanding contribution in the field of education. This award has been instituted in the fond memory of the late Gloria de Souza, Founder and Director of Parisar Asha.
Ajay Kapoor, Managing Director Kyta Productions Meet Narendra Modi Ji
Ajay Kapoor, Managing Director Kyta Productions pleasant rendezvous with our Honourable Prime Minister Of India, Shri Narendra Modi at the launch of National Museum of Indian Cinema.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while inaugurating India’s first National Museum of Indian Cinema in Mumbai today, said films are a “silent power” that can quietly bring about major social changes to the society.
“How’s the josh?” the Prime Minister asked audience he inaugurated the museum. “Films are identified with social changes. They help unite people who speak different languages. They help boost tourism and employment opportunities,” he said.
Maharashtra Governor CV Rao, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, union ministers Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore and Ramdas Athawale made their presence felt at the event. Aamir Khan, A R. Rahman, Parineeti Chopra, Divya Dutta, along with Ajay Kapoor and many other film personalities were present at the inauguration.
Spark’s Book Therapy With Voice Of The Intellect In Mumbai
A Mega Launch of 4 Unique Books addressing Emotional Intelligence and Fantasy on January 20th.2019
Spark – Igniting Minds, one of India’s largest community of writers, is conducting Voice of the Intellect – a mega launch of four books on January 20th, Sunday, at Taste of Punjab, Bandra, Mumbai. Three of the books are anthologies of writings by Spark’s members on varied topics of mental wellbeing, relationships and human emotions.
The mega release is being graced by eminent personalities Dr. Alok Mishra, former chairman of Brain Reseaech foundation of India, Chaya Momaya, Dr. Ashis Sen, Chairman of the Forum of Emotional Intelligence learning India (FEIL) and Managing Director of AS Consulting & Coaching will preside the event as the guests of honour. Popular industrialist Chhaya Momaya specifically came to launch Zahraa Basta’s book “Supernatural Secret”.
Spark’s writer members have come together to compile books on topics of extreme relevance to the present world of a madding crowd. These include:
Code, Uncode Your Psy-Key – Focusing on the importance of mental well-being, Code, Uncode Your Psy-Key is a handbook that stresses on the acceptance of mental illness within the mainstream. With real-life stories and experiences, and expert advise, this anthology aims to help people identify signs of mental illness in oneself and others, and adopt simple measures to either prevent it or overcome it, with a focus on enhancing Emotional Intelligence. The book was released by changemakerDr. Alok Mishra (PhD Psychology – Mind Body Medicine DY. Sc., Fellow APS , USA) is the Chairman of Brain Behaviour Research Foundation of India and North Zone Secretary of Indian Academy of Health Psychology.
Dr Alok is second Indian recipient of International Cousins Global Outreach Award by American Psychosomatic Society, USA. He received Innovative Scientist Award 2017. His research is focused on 4D Brain Analysis “DNA Brain Mapping and Neuro-Psycho-Bio-Behaviour Analysis”. He served as judges member in special court for children.
His book “Child behind the Crime” is under publication.
His popular National Geographic Mega Icons series featured Dr Kiran Bedi, Virat Kohli, Dr Abdul Kalam, Actor Kamal Hasan and spiritual master Dalai Lama.
Labyrinth of Relationships – Complicated and, yet, magical, stories of relationships that have withstood the sands of time with a high order of Emotional Intelligence are woven into the anthology, Labyrinth of Relationships. Writers of Spark from across India share inspiring tales of relationships that answers the much-debated question of What lies at the crux of our life? Labyrinth of Relationships was released by Dr. Alok, chaya Momaya and Dr. Ashish Sen.
A Melange of Outpourings – was released by Dr. Ashish Sen. A Melange of Outpourings is a memoire by Spark’s writers that brings together a myriad situations which shape a personality. This anthology of human emotions brings together a multitude of circumstances that once influenced young minds and shaped their emotional intelligence and moral skills. It wields the power of words to help the reader identify situations that could have been different in one’s own life to make a more positive impact on one’s personality.
Supernatural Secret – Authored by Zahraa Basta, a 19-year-old Sparkian and budding fashion designer, Supernatural Secret is a young-adult fiction and the first of a trilogy pregnant with dark woods, werewolves, nerd hunters, alpha creatures and an escape into another world. Zahraa’s debut novel was released by Chhayav Momaya.
Event was sponsored by Polyset & Harish Kotwani of Nimco.
Event partner was Ms Chaitali Chatterjee, owner of ShreOM Communications and Solutions, who managed the entire event.
Each of the books are pickled for spice and everything nice about unputdownable reading by Spark’s core editorial team.
About Spark
Spark – Igniting Minds is a platform conceived and founded by Sahana Sundar, a captain of the National Cadet Corps and an inspirational blogger. Spark is designed with the purpose of bringing together writers to collaborate in a synergetic manner and bring about harmony in the world via the power of words. Spark’s writers wield their craft with words and share their experience with passion to inspire and motivate one another, and the world at large to travel towards a greater good with positivism as the driving force. Spark has published two books in recent times – Soul Sojourn, an anthology of spiritual anecdotes and experiences which was released by spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravishankar at the Art of Living headquarters in Bangalore, and Delete, Log off, Shutdown Corruption, a passionate voice against corruption by Sparkians, which was released by eminent IPS officer and current Hon’ble Governor of Puducherry, Dr. Kiran Bedi, and by eminent political leader Priya Dutt.
LA based Mumbai Girl Tanya Gawdi Creating A Perfect World Through Her Lenses
Tanya Gawdi(originally from Mumbai) is in Los Angeles since 4 years to spread her ideas and to make a change through her work.
She believes that most people especially in United States have many stereotypical opinions about Indians which are not true. which brings us to the reason why she did what she did, that is to change these misconceptions and give the world a rather broad reality. “We are not considered artistic or good at anything else. I am here to change this misconception about Indians and show the world our rich heritage of lots of color and culture”, says Tanya Gawdi.
Tanya is known to make Indians proud Internationally.
The American Connection – Starring the renowned stars of Kill Bill, Daryl Hannah and Michael Madison, also starring Bonnie & Clyde star Faye Dunaway. It is directed by Jeff Espanol.
Tanya Gawdi worked as the still photographer on set.
She has also been hired as the lead photographer for the screening of the film which is scheduled for later this year. The screening will be attended by some of the biggest stars in Hollywood.
Wilder India.
She also recently finished two children’s book for Wilder India where she is the lead graphic artist and illustrator. They will be showcased and sold at Kala Ghoda Art Festival this February.
She got hired Heartistic Production as a the lead photographer and graphic designer. A company based in Los Angeles that provides services in production and post production. The president of the production is Anatole Lardeyret, a French-American filmmaker and editor. Some projects that Heartistik worked on include “Ladies of the Law” and “All that Glitters”, “Bronx SIU” among others, which can be found on the Urban Movie Channel on Amazon Prime.
Through Heartistik production she have also been commissioned to work as a poster artist for several award winning films. Another project that is in pre production is Wall & Paper, a mockumentary style TV show, which is confirmed for two seasons for which she has been hired as the lead still photographer and graphic designer.
Tanya has also designed their company logo.
Ashes – The film is selected to be screened at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood this February. It is one of the most prestigious and iconic theaters in Los Angeles. She worked as a poster artist for this film.
Knead for Love – She worked as a poster artist for the film Knead for Love which was screened at the Cannes film festival and also won awards at other festivals.
Reena Mehta College Fest – MRIDANG-19
Reena Mehta College festival Mridang’19 has been one of the most happening festival followed by the amazing dance, fashion show, Raper, comedy and singing performances by students and judged by the celebrities of bollywood, Roadies, Splitsvilla. The festival was conducted on 18th and 19th of January’19. Majority colleges has participated and been a part of Mridang’19.
Reena Mehta has shared all her views and experiences of the festival including the do’s and dont’s and has spoken about how to make the fest performances more and more better. Overall, it was a grant festival enjoyed and loved by all the students, teachers, participants, celebrities, etc.
Along with Reena Mehta, the students of the college has also shared their views and opinions as how they have got a grand platform of *Mridang* to give a kick start to their career.
Celebrity Guests at the fest :
Zuber Khan, Akash Choudhry , Naina Singh, Esha Choudhry, Anshula Dhawan, Sheetal, Shiv Thakare, Naveen Sharma, Mehmood Ali, Pappu Khanna, Nikhil Kamat, DJ Ali Merchant, Danish Alfaaz ,Priyanka Pol, Karan Mehta, Meenal Shah, Zara Siddiquee, Vishal Choudhary, DJ Aaryan Gala And TNO.
These honrable politicians also graced mridang with their presence. Hon Mr Narendra Mehta – MLA, Hon Mrs Dimple Mehta – Mayor MBMC, Hon Suresh Khandelwal- Corporator MBMC AND Gaurav Porwal – Youth Leader of BJP.
रीना मेहता कॉलेज फेस्ट मृदंग 2019 का शानदार आयोजन सम्पन्न
रीना मेहता कॉलेज महोत्सव मृदंग 19 छात्रों द्वारा किए गए सबसे अद्भुत नृत्य, फैशन शो, रैपर, कॉमेडी और गायन के प्रदर्शनों में से एक रहा है जहाँ बतौर जज बॉलीवुड के मशहूर कलाकार और रोडीज़ साथ साथ नज़र आये ।
यह फेस्टिवल 18 और 19 जनवरी को आयोजित किया गया था जिसमें अधिकांश कॉलेजों ने भाग लिया और मृदंग 19 का हिस्सा बने ।
रीना मेहता ने फेस्टिवल में अपने सभी विचारों और अनुभवों को साझा किया है, जिसमें डू और नॉट्स भी शामिल हैं और उन्होंने फेस्टिवल के प्रदर्शन को और बेहतर बनाने के बारे में बताया है। कुल मिलाकर यह सभी छात्रों, शिक्षकों, प्रतिभागियों, मशहूर हस्तियों आदि द्वारा आनंद और प्यार वाला एक शानदार फेस्टिवल था ।
रीना मेहता के साथ कॉलेज के छात्रों ने भी अपने विचारों और विचारों को साझा किया है कि कैसे उन्हें अपने करियर की शुरुआत करने के लिए मृदंग का भव्य मंच मिला है।
फेस्टिवल में सेलिब्रिटी मेहमान के तौर पर जुबेर खान, आकाश चौधरी, नैना सिंह, एशा चौधरी, अंशुला धवन, शीतल, शिव ठाकरे, नवीन शर्मा, महमूद अली, पप्पू खन्ना, निखिल कामत, डीजे अली महंत, दानिश अल्फाज, प्रियंका पोल, करन मेहता, मीनल शाह, ज़ारा सिद्दीकी, विशाल चौधरी, डीजे आर्यन गाला और टी एन ओ उपस्थित हुए ।
इनके साथ ही राजनेता माननीय श्री नरेंद्र मेहता – विधायक , माननीय श्रीमती डिम्पल मेहता – महापौर मीरा भायंदर म्युनिसिपल कॉरपोरेशन , माननीय सुरेश खंडेलवाल- नगरसेवक मीरा भायंदर और गौरव पोरवाल – भाजपा के युवा नेता की भी उपस्थिति प्रमुख रही ।
—-Wasim Siddique(Fame Media)
Ritika Ponicar’s Bhojpuri Film Desi Heera Fabulous Muhurat Held In Mumbai
रितिका पॉनिकार की भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘देसी हीरा’ का भव्य मुहूर्त
मां उषा फिल्म्स के बैनर तले बनने जा रही भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘देसी हीरा’ का भव्य मुहूर्त मुंबई में किया गया । इसमें फिल्म इंडस्ट्री की कई जानीमानी हस्तियां शामिल थी जैसे शुभी शर्मा ,निशा दुबे ,के. के. गोस्वामी ,रत्नेश वर्णवाल,। इस फिल्म के निर्माता विवेक कुमार और निर्देशक विवेक कुमार पटेल हैं। फिल्म ‘देसी हीरा’ के बारे में कहा जा रहा है कि फिल्म की कहानी बेहद इंटरटेनिंग होने वाली है। इसमें कहानी के साथ – साथ एक्शन, स्क्रीनप्ले, गाने और संवाद भी बेहतरीन होने वाले हैं। फिल्म से विवेक कुमार पटेल को काफी उम्मीदें है। ‘देसी हीरा’ इसी साल रिलीज भी हो सकता है। इस फिल्म से नागपुर निवासी मराठी एक्ट्रेस रितिका पॉनिकार पहलीबार भोजपुरी में अपने अभिनय की शुरुआत कर रही है !
फिल्म ‘देसी हीरा’ के पीआरओ संजय भूषण पटियाला ने बताया कि ‘देसी हीरा’ के लेखक सभा वर्मा हैं। उन्होंने ही फिल्म के गाने भी लिखे हैं। जबकि क्रिएटिव डायरेक्टर कुणाल सिंह हैं, जबकि फिल्म के संगीतकार अनुज तिवारी हैं। फिल्म में डीओपी नीतू इकबाल सिंह का होगा। संकलन शंकर रेगर, सह निर्माता सुमित कुमार, कोरियोग्राफी आकाश शेट्ठी, एक्शन दिलीप यादव और मार्केटिंग हेड विजय यादव हैं।
फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार है रितिका पॉनिकार (नवोदित ) ,शिव आर्यन ,संजय वर्मा ,मिन्हाज राज ,रॉकी राज ,देवेंद्र यादव छोटू,राहुल कुमार मिश्रा ,भानु राजपूत ,वैभव शर्मा टेम्भुर्ने,उदय शर्मा ,राजेश के. गौतम आदि है !
———-Sanjay Bhushan Patiyala
Uttar Madhay District President Ashok Panchal & Yamini Panchal Gujarat In-charge Of Rashtriya Samaj Paksha Joins Rashtrawadi Congress Party
उत्तर मध्य जिला अध्यक्ष अशोक पांचाल व गुजरात प्रभारी यामिनी पांचाल राष्ट्रीय समाज पक्ष का दामन छोड़कर राष्ट्रवादी कांग्रेस का हाथ थाम लिया
आपको बता दु की अशोक पांचाल व यामिनी पांचाल सैकड़ों कार्यकर्ता समेत, NCP मुख्यालय पहुचे जहाँ उन्होंने सचिन भाऊ अहिर NCP मुम्बई अध्यक्ष एवम सुनील शिंदे सामाजिक न्याय विभाग अध्यक्ष के सामने पार्टी जॉइंट की, ये राष्ट्रीय समाज पक्ष के लिए बड़ा झटका माना जा रहा है, राष्ट्रीय समाज की अगर बात करे तो पार्टी में आवाजाही जोरो पर जारी है,इस दौरान NCP मुम्बई अध्यक्ष सचिन भाऊ अहीर ने पक्ष प्रमुख महादेव जानकर, पर टिप्पणी करते हुऐ कहा कि माननीय शरद चंद्र जी पवार पर टिका टिप्पणी करके वो नेता बने,धनगर समाज को आरक्षण की बात वो हमेशा करते थे पर दुर्भाग्य की बात है कि चार साल से ज्यादा उनको मंत्री बनके हो हुआ पर अभी तक धनगर समाज को आरक्षण नही मिला
इस दौरान अशोक पांचाल ने कहा कि उत्तर मध्य जिला के विकास के लिए उन्होंने रासपा का दामन छोड़ कर NCP ज्वॉइन की है. उन्होंने रासपा पर आरोप लगाया कि लोगो के समस्या का समाधान नही हो पा रहा था,इतने सालों पार्टी में काम करने के बाद भी पार्टी में काम करने वालों की वैल्यू नही है, गुजरात की बात करे राजस्थान की बात करे तो हमने पार्टी कई नगर सेवक चुनकर दिये है, लेकिन अब सामान्य कार्यकर्ता बनकर NCP के लिए काम करूंगा.
Manikarnika Actress Mishti Chakravarty Is All Smiles With Honourable PM Narendra Modi, Aamir Khan And R Madhavan
Actress Mishti Chakravarthy, who is gearing up for her next big Republic Day release Manikarnika recently spends time with our honourable prime Minister Narendra Modi as he visits Mumbai to inaugurate India’s first ever cinema museum. The actress also met Aamir Khan and R Madhavan at the inaugural function.
Earlier seen in Subhash Ghai’s Kaanchi and Mahesh Bhatt’s Begum Jaan, Manikarnika is the third big venture of actress Mishti Chakravarty. While Kangana Ranaut is playing the titular role, Mishti will be seen in the role of Kashibai in the film.
Produced by Zee Studios and Kamal Jain, besides Mishti Chakravarty and Kangana Ranaut, Manikarnika also stars Atul Kulkarni, Danny Denzonpa, Ankita Lokhande, Mohammad Zeeshan Ayub in the pivotal roles.
Shri Ram Charit Manas Akhand Path by P.F.I in Navi Mumbai
नवी मुंबई में पी .एफ.आई द्वारा श्रीराम चरित मानस का अखंड पाठ।
भंडारे में दस हजार से अधिक पब्लिक की उपस्थिति।
फ़िल्म निर्माता हरविन्द सिंह चौहान के स्वर्गीय श्रीमती लक्ष्मी देवी जी की आत्मा की शांति के लिए मकर संक्रांति के शुभ अवसर पर नवी मुंबई के घंसोली पामबीच रोड के सेक्टर १२ में साईराज सर्कल पर मौजूद साईबाबा मन्दिर में श्रीराम चरित मानस का अखंड पाठ हुआ. १४ जनवरी को सुबह दस बजे गणेश पूजन एवं श्रीराम चरित मानस का पाठ शुरू हुआ. जबकि १५ जनवरी को सुबह की पूजा के बाद होम हवन और फिर भंडारा शुरू हुआ.
इस भंडारे में दस हजार से अधिक पब्लिक थी. शाम ४ बजे से रात के २ बजे तक यह भंडारा चला है. यह हर साल इस तरह के भंडारे का आयोजन करते रहते हैं. यहाँ अभिनेता पार्थ भी मौजूद थे जो फिल्म ‘क्रिना’ के हीरो रह चुके हैं. पार्थ अब अपनी दूसरी फिल्म की तयारी कर रहे है. इस भंडारे का आयोजन पी.एफ.आई म्यूजिक की तरफ से किया गया था. यहाँ भक्ति भाव में लोगों को डुबाने के लिए भजन कीर्तन का आयोजन भी किया गया था. यहाँ काफी माननीय लोग चीफ गेस्ट के रूप में भी मौजूद थे जबकि यहाँ कुछ लोगों को सम्मानित भी किया गया था. यहाँ कुछ ऐसे सिंगर्स भी उपस्थित थे जिन्हें सम्मानित भी किया गया था. आपको बता दें कि इस कार्यक्रम का कामयाब आयोजन पी.एफ.आई (पार्थ फिल्म्स इंटरनॅशनल) ने किया था।
———-Akhlesh Singh(PRO)