Producer Vishal Mehta’s Hindi film MATCH OF LIFE to hit theaters on August 5 And Actor Yash Mehta is starting a tremendous innings in Hindi cinema With This Film
प्रोड्यूसर विशाल मेहता की हिंदी फ़िल्म “मैच ऑफ लाइफ” 5 अगस्त को सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज के लिए तैयार है, इस फ़िल्म से बॉलीवुड में एक नए हीरो यश मेहता की धमाकेदार एंट्री होने जा रही है। यश मेहता का लुक, उनकी परफॉर्मेंस फ़िल्म के ट्रेलर में जबरदस्त दिख रही है। याशिका मोशन पिक्चर्स के बैनर तले बनी फ़िल्म “मैच ऑफ लाइफ” को स्क्रीनशॉट मीडिया एंड एंटरटेनमेंट ग्रुप द्वारा ऑल इंडिया रिलीज किया जा रहा है।
उल्लेखनीय है कि यश मेहता ने मारवा एक्टिंग स्कूल नोएडा से 3 वर्षों का एक्टिंग कोर्स किया है और उन्होंने काफी थिएटर भी किया है। वह इस फ़िल्म से डेब्यू करने जा रहे हैं। यश मेहता का कहना है कि अगर एक आम आदमी किसी सेलेब्रिटी जैसी शक्ल लेकर पैदा होता है तो उसके साथ क्या क्या होता है, यह कहानी है इस फ़िल्म की।पिछले 3 वर्षो से हम इस फ़िल्म की मेकिंग में लगे हुए थे, शुरुआत छोटे लेवल पर हुई थी, लेकिन यह बड़ी पिक्चर बन गई है। मथुरा, नोएडा, गाज़ियाबाद, लख़नऊ, मुम्बई, ऋषिकेश, दिल्ली सहित कई रमणीय लोकेशन्स पर इस फ़िल्म की शूटिंग हुई है। सेट पर मुझे यश नहीं मेरे किरदार अर्जुन के नाम से बुलाया जाता था।”
साउथ इंडस्ट्री की जानी मानी अभिनेत्री स्टेफी पटेल इसमे यश मेहता के अपोजिट हीरोइन हैं। स्टेफी के साथ उनका वर्किंग एक्सपीरियंस बहुत ही अच्छा रहा। 40 दिनों की शूटिंग में सभी साथी कलाकारों के साथ बेहतर बॉन्डिंग बन गई थी।
फ़िल्म में चार अलग अलग जॉनर के खूबसूरत गाने हैं और यश मेहता का फेवरेट सांग यारियां है।
यश मेहता अपने सीन को रियलिस्टिक बनाने पर जोर देते हैं। वह बताते हैं “मूवी के एक सीन में दिखाया गया है कि डायरेक्टर अमित मिश्रा को एक्सप्लॉइट करता है, मैं जब अमित से उस डायरेक्टर की सच्चाई उसे बताने की कोशिश करता हूँ तो वह भड़क जाता है और गुस्से में मुझे एक थप्पड़ मारता है। मैं यह सीक्वेंस रियल चाहता था इसलिए मैंने अमित से कहा था कि वह मुझे जोरदार थप्पड़ मारे ताकि यह थप्पड़ नकली न लगे। जब अमित ने मुझे जोर से मारा तो मेरे कान के पर्दे फट गए थे, इलाज के बाद यह ठीक हुआ।”
अपने भविष्य की योजनाओं के बारे में यश मेहता ने बताया कि फिलहाल तो हम सब मैच ऑफ लाइफ की रिलीज को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित हैं। फ़िल्म के अंत मे हमने इसके पार्ट 2 की संभावना भी रखी है। साथ ही मैं कई अपकमिंग म्युज़िक वीडियो में भी दिखाई देने वाला हूँ।
यश मेहता अक्षय कुमार को अपना फेवरेट स्टार मानते हैं क्योंकि वह अपने सारे एक्शन खुद करते हैं। यश मेहता एक ऐसी रोमांटिक एक्शन फिल्म करना चाहते हैं जिसमें जबरदस्त फाइट सीक्वेंस हों।
फ़िल्म के प्रोड्यूसर विशाल मेहता गाजियाबाद से बिलॉन्ग करते हैं और मैच ऑफ लाइफ बतौर निर्माता उनकी पहली फ़िल्म है। उन्होंने बताया कि विराट कोहली के हमशक्ल को देखकर उनके दिमाग मे इस फ़िल्म की कहानी का आईडिया आया। फ़िल्म में लीड रोल यश मेहता ने निभाया है जिन्होंने अपने लुक और परफॉर्मेंस पर काफी जबर्दस्त मेहनत की है। मथुरा में हमने फ़िल्म की 10 दिनों की शूटिंग कर ली थी। फ़िल्म को और बेहतर बनाने के लिए एक और निर्माता कपिल पूरी को जोड़ा। जब फ़िल्म का बजट बढ़ा तो कास्ट भी बढ़ गई। यह एक पारिवारिक सिनेमा है जिसमें रोमांस, कॉमेडी, एक्शन और म्यूजिक का बेहतरीन तालमेल है। डायरेक्टर अमन सागर ने बड़ी मेहनत से इस फ़िल्म को बनाया है।
विशाल मेहता ने आगे बताया कि यश पर्दे पर काफी अच्छे लग रहे हैं। एक्शन सीक्वेंस में उन्होंने कमाल किया है। वह बाकायदा अभिनय का प्रशिक्षण लेकर इंडस्ट्री में आए हैं।
फ़िल्म में एक पार्टी सांग, एक इमोशनल सांग, एक सांग ऋषिकेश में शूट हुआ है और एक टाइटल सांग है जिसे शबाब साबरी ने गाया है।
विशाल मेहता कहते हैं कि अमित का किरदार ऐसा है कि वह सपने में कहीं भी पहुंच जाता है। गली के बच्चों के साथ क्रिकेट खेलने लगता है। अमित का कैरक्टर लूज़र का है जबकि यश मेहता उसे हर जगह बचाता है। विराट अपनी फील्ड का विराट है, किसी की शक्ल लेने से कोई विराट नहीं बन जाएगा। हमने यही दर्शाने की कोशिश की है। टाइटल को लेकर काफी सोचा, तब मैच ऑफ लाइफ का आईडिया आया और भाग्यशाली हूँ कि यह टाइटल मिल भी गया।
याशिका मोशन पिक्चर्स के तले हम मैच ऑफ लाइफ 2 भी बनाएंगे।”
फ़िल्म में एक प्रोड्यूसर का किरदार भी दिखाया गया है जिसे विशाल मेहता ने निभाया है, इस तरह उन्होंने एक्टिंग भी की है।
विशाल मेहता ने बताया कि फ़िल्म की कास्टिंग से लेकर रिलीज तक इसरार अहमद का भी काफी योगदान है।
हमने कम बजट में काफी बेहतरीन सिनेमा बनाया है जिसकी कहानी दर्शकों का दिल जीत लेगी। थिएटर रिलीज़ के बाद हम इसे एक अच्छे ओटीटी प्लेटफॉर्म पर भी रिलीज करेंगे।
इस फ़िल्म में यश मेहता हीरो हैं उनके अलावा अमित मिश्रा, राजपाल यादव, स्टेफी पटेल,
गजाला परवीन,
सुप्रिया कार्णिक, सुधा चंद्रन, अनिल धवन, ज़ाकिर हुसैन, अखिलेंद्र मिश्रा, हेमंत पाण्डेय, वृजेश हिर्जे, अरुण बाली और पंकज बेरी ने भी अभिनय किया है।
मोस्ट टैलेंटेड एक्टर यश मेहता का मानना है कि वास्तव में जीवन भी एक मैच है, उसी बात को इस फ़िल्म मैच ऑफ लाइफ में दर्शाने की कोशिश की गई है। हम सब को उम्मीद है कि ऑडिएंस इस फ़िल्म को और मेरे किरदार को पसन्द करेगी। फ़िल्म की कहानी, पटकथा और संवाद लेखक खुद प्रोड्यूसर विशाल मेहता हैं। फ़िल्म के संगीतकार श्वेता बहेती तायल और रवि चोपड़ा हैं।
प्रोड्यूसर विशाल मेहता की फ़िल्म “मैच ऑफ लाइफ” से हिंदी सिनेमा में जबरदस्त पारी शुरू कर रहे हैं यश मेहता
New to Zumba? 5 Things to Know Before You Kick-Start Your Fitness Journey
Zumba is akin to a workout party. Albeit a healthy one. It has an uncanny resemblance to a dance floor and is quickly becoming the most popular form of workout. It is an intense cardio workout that is effective in burning calories, sculpting muscles and toning your arms- all at once. And what is even more exciting is the fact that like other workouts; monotony will never turn you off. The focus lies on one solo front- burning calories while having fun!
Hydrate and nourish Remember to charge up your body for the workout. Pre and post-Zumba nutrition is an important aspect to focus on. Hydration helps avoid cramps in the legs and food keeps you energized. It contains proteins and essential nutrients that prevent muscle breakdown, keeping them strong and flexed while you dance.
Results take time
It is assumed that Zumba being a rigorous exercise regime helps you attain results faster. However, expecting a drastic result in your weight or muscle toning is unrealistic. Like every other form of workout, Zumba is also a process that requires dedication and persistence.
It is for everyone
Do you have to be good at dancing to keep up? No. Even if you have two left feet, Zumba can still be your thing. It is not about being a good dancer. Zumba moves are easy and adaptable. The class is a very inclusive space and there is no age bar or prerequisite skill required. Remember the rule of ABCD- Any Body Can Do.
Focus on comfortable clothing
Think side-to-side movements and pivots when we say Zumba. Easy to move in outfits are most crucial when it comes to this fitness form. Moreover, your clothes must be lightweight and help with excessive sweating challenges. Lastly, do not forget to pick a pair of kicks that support the moves. Dance sneakers or cross trainers are the best picks for Zumba.
Know the foods you can and cannot eat
Proper diet and nutrition top the list of any fitness program. Without that, Zumba can easily cause weakness and exhaustion during your workout. Consider the dos and don’ts of food consumption when you opt for Zumba. Go for diets rich in carbohydrates but low in fat.
Zumba is not a goal and neither is it a competition. It is more to do with enjoying the journey toward fitness. And this interesting and exhilarating fitness training can have healthy add-ons such as nutritious snacking options.
Cheers to a fitter, happier and tastier life!
Mohsin Syed is an educated person who started as a banker and now he is a licensed Zumba Instructor, Celebrity Fitness Coach & also the first Magic Mike of India.
Mohsin Syed loves to explore new things in life, and he is a fitness freak and dance graduate who has dedicated his life to it.
New to Zumba? 5 Things to Know Before You Kick-Start Your Fitness Journey
Legend Saravanan starring Dr S TheLegend Trailer launch of the biggest Indian Tamil-language science-fiction action film also starring Urvashi Rautela And Raai Laxmi
“Dr.S.TheLegend” is scheduled to be released theatrically on 28 July 2022
Event saw the presence of Urvashi Rautela, Raai Laxmi, Krushna Abhishek, Kiku Sharda, Rajiv Thakur, Gurpreet KaurChadha, Shibani Kashyap, Prashant Virendra Sharma
22nd July, 2022 in Mumbai- A grand visual experience & a applaud worthy story line! “Dr.S.TheLegend” marks the action packed debut film of businessman Saravanan, who is the owner of a chain of shopping stores. The trailer looks like a gorgeous picture postcard. From the look of the film, “Dr.S.TheLegend'” magnum opus could potentially change the dynamics of cinema, with its seamless blend of good storytelling and marvelous poetic visuals.
The star cast also includes Urvashi Rautela, Geethika, Pugazh, late Vivek, Yogi Babu, Vamsi Krishna Vijayakumar, Prabhu, Nasser, Suman, Thambi Ramaiah, Robo Shankar, Mayilsamy, Harish Paredi, Muniskanth, Mansoor Ali Khan, Rahul Dev, Livingston, Vamsi Krishna, Singampuli, Lollu Saba Manohar, Amuthavanan, KPY Yogi, Cell Murugan, Latha, Sachu, Purnima Bhagyaraj, Geethika, Devadarshini, Ayira, Deepa Shankar, Master Ashwanth and many more.
Directed by JD-Jerry, the film has cinematography by R Velraj, editing is by Ruben, SS Murthy has taken care of the artwork, dialogues are by Pattukottai Prabhakar, and stunt choreography is by Anal Arasu. Raju Sundaram, Brinda, Dinesh have done the choreography. Vairamuthu, Kabilan, Pa Vijay, Karki have penned the lyrics. The songs are composed by Harris Jayaraj.
With a combination of emotion, action, love and comedy, “Dr.S.TheLegend” will be released on 28 July in 5 languages- Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada. The Pan-India movie that has been made with grandeur and on a huge scale of budget will be a full-fledged commercial mass film which will attract ‘repeat audiences’.
Overwhelmed with the response to the trailer, Legend Saravanan says “”Dr.S.TheLegend” marks my debut in films & what better than a full blown masala entertainer which is the crux of our Indian Film Industry. The film is about romance, humour, action and plot twists. It will release on the 28th of July, 2022. Excited & looking forward to the response from the audience on the trailer”
Hindi distribution, Ganesh Films Nambirajan – Distributed several movies including Rajinikanth starrer Sivaji, several movies produced by AVM productions, Don, Chekka Chivantha Vaanam, Ravanan, Master and Naanum Rowdy Thaan.
Legend Saravanan starring Dr S TheLegend Trailer launch of the biggest Indian Tamil-language science-fiction action film also starring Urvashi Rautela And Raai Laxmi
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Yash Mehta Is Ready To Enter In To Bollywood With The Film MATCH OF LIFE
AUGUST 5th 2022. Producer Vishal Mehta’s Hindi film “Match of Life” is all set to hit the theaters on August 5th, marking the entry of a new hero Yash Mehta in Bollywood.
Yash Mehta’s look, his performance is looking tremendous in the trailer of the film. Made under the banner of Yashika Motion Pictures, “Match of Life” is being released all India by Screenshot Media & Entertainment Group.
It is noteworthy that Yash Mehta has done an acting course of 3 years from Marwa Acting School, Noida and he has also done a lot of theater. He is going to debut with this film. Yash Mehta says that if a common man is born with the face of a celebrity, then what happens to him, this is the story of this film.
The film has been shot at many delightful locations including Mathura, Noida, Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Mumbai, Rishikesh, Delhi. On the sets, I was called by the name of my character Arjun, not Yash.
Famous actress of South Industry Stefy Patel is the heroine of Yash Mehta in this movie. His working experience with Stefy was very good. There was a better bonding with all the actors in 40 days of shooting.
The film has beautiful songs from four different genres and Yash Mehta’s favorite song is Yaariyan.
Yash Mehta insists on making his scenes realistic. He explains, “In one scene of the movie, it is shown that the director exploits Amit Mishra, when I try to tell the truth about that director to Amit, he gets angry and slaps me in anger. I wanted this sequence to be real, so I told Amit to slap me hard so that it doesn’t look fake.”
Talking about his future plans, Yash Mehta said, “As of now, we are all very excited about the release of Match of Life. At the end of the film, we have also kept the possibility of its part 2. Also I am going to appear in many upcoming music videos.
Yash Mehta considers Akshay Kumar as his favorite star because he does all his action himself. Yash Mehta wants to do a romantic action film that has tremendous fight sequences.
The film’s producer Vishal Mehta hails from Ghaziabad and Match of Life is his first film as a producer.
He told that after seeing the lookalike of Virat Kohli, the idea of the story of this film came in his mind. The lead role in the film is played by Yash Mehta who has worked hard on his looks and performance. We shot for 10 days in Mathura. To make the film even better, another producer Kapil Puri was added. When the budget of the film increased, the cast also increased. It is a family cinema which has a perfect blend of romance, comedy, action and music. Director Aman Sagar has made this film with great effort.
Vishal Mehta further told that Yash is looking very good on screen. He has done wonders in the action sequence. He has come into the industry after taking training in acting. The film has a party song, an emotional song, a song shot in Rishikesh and a title song sung by Shabab Sabri.
Vishal Mehta says that Amit’s character is a loser while Yash Mehta saves him everywhere. Thought a lot about the title, then the idea of Match of Life came and I am fortunate to have got this title. We will also make Match of Life 2 under Yashika Motion Pictures.”
The character of a producer is also shown in the film which is played by Vishal Mehta, thus he has also acted. Vishal Mehta told that ISRAR AHMED has also contributed a lot from the casting to the release of the film. We have made very good cinema in a controlled budget, whose story will win the hearts of the audience. After the theatrical release, we will release it on a good OTT platform as well.
Yash Mehta is the hero in this film, apart from him Amit Mishra, Rajpal Yadav, Stefy Patel, Ghazala Parveen, Supriya Karnik, Sudha Chandran, Anil Dhawan, Zakir Hussain, Akhilendra Mishra, Hemant Pandey, Vrajesh Hirje, Arun Bali and Pankaj Berry are there in the movie.
Most Talented Actor Yash Mehta believes that in reality life is also a match, an attempt has been made to depict the same thing in this film Match of Life. We all hope that the audience will like this film and my character. The story, screenplay and dialogues of the film are written by producer Vishal Mehta himself.
The melodious music is composed by RAVI CHOPRA. Lyrics penned by Shweta Baheti Tayal.
Yash Mehta Is Ready To Enter In To Bollywood With The Film MATCH OF LIFE
The title song of ATAL SAMMAN produced by Aryan Mishra launched by Chief Guest Soma Ghosh – Aartti Naagpal – Dilip Sen – Arun Bakshi – Lata Haya and Satyam Upadhyay
Composer Dilip Sen, Lyricist Lata Haya, Special Guest B. N. Tiwari, Actor Arun Bakshi, Singer Satyam Upadhyay were also present. The title song of “Atal Samman 2022” produced by Aryan Mishra and presented by Aryan M Film Productions was launched in a grand manner at Studio One, Mumbai on the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26th July. The Chief Guest of the event was Padmashree Soma Ghosh while the Special Guest was BN Tiwari (Chairman FWICE). Celebrity guests were Aartti Naagpal, Arun Bakshi, Raju Tank Singer. Music composer of this song Dilip Sen, lyricist Lata Haya and singer Satyam Upadhyay were also present here. Satyam’s mother Dr Savita Upadhyay was also present on the occasion.
Let us tell you that Aryan Mishra is going to organize the award ceremony Atal Samman Shunya se shikhar Tak 2022 next month.
Earlier he has organized Shri Nari Shakti Samman.
VK Mishra Aryan told that for the first time in Mumbai we did the Shree Nari Shakti Samman Award show which was very successful. Now we are going to organize Atal Samman 2022 in August, its title song is beautifully composed by Dilip Sen while Lata Haya has written it with feelings. Satyam Upadhyay has sung this song with great enthusiasm.
The title song of Atal Samman was well received by all. B N Tiwari also extended best wishes to Aryan Mishra and described the song as very inspirational. Padma Shri awardee Soma Ghosh said on the occasion of the launch of this beautiful song that Aryan Mishra has produced and directed this title song of Atal Samman with a very beautiful concept. Composer Dilip Sen has beautifully composed the music, Lata Haya’s writing looks amazing and Satyam Upadhyay has sung unmatched at this young age.
B N Tiwari told that it is the good fortune of Aryan Mishra that Soma Ghosh ji came here today. It is a big achievement that the song has been launched with her blessings.
Celebrity guest actress Aartti Naagpal praised the song and saluted the spirit of Aryan Mishra. He said that this is a very encouraging song of patriotism which will be played on the occasion of 15th August and 26th January also.
Arun Bakshi also appreciated this song of Aryan Mishra and liked the voice of Satyam Upadhyay.
Dilip Sen thanked Aryan Mishra and said that this song is very special which has been effectively written by Lata Haya. Satyam Upadhyay has sung this challenging song very well.
Atal Samman shunya Se Shikhar Tak 2022 is going to be organized next month.
Ramakant Munde (Munde Media) is the PR of this program.
Pics :- Ramakant Munde Mumbai
The title song of ATAL SAMMAN produced by Aryan Mishra launched by Chief Guest Soma Ghosh – Aartti Naagpal – Dilip Sen – Arun Bakshi – Lata Haya and Satyam Upadhyay
Bhargav Jariwala Became an example of inspiration of broken hearts
Bhargav Jariwala is an Author of “You Met Me for a Reason”, Born and brought up in Surat, He considers ‘Travel’ to be his first crush. He left engineering from dr.s&ss.ghandhy government engineering college, Surat to explore new places. He Loves to Trek. His heart belongs in The Mountains. He has been on several Trekking Trips, each time coming back with a different, memorable experience. On One of his trekking trip, a girl fall in love with him and from that he inspire to write his own story so he tried his hand with a pen and paper for his debut novel “You Met Me For a Reason” to share his true romantic adventurous story from his experience. After completing book, it was sent to almost 10 publishers for publishing, but they were all rejected and returned, So he decided to go with self-publishing house White Falcon Publishing which went on to become a bestseller, With a penchant for not only traveling, but also for living in different places, he finds inspiration to live wherever he goes. He successfully completed several treks and now he is an Author, Trekker, writer, Storyteller and a traveler. He loves to explore the hidden feelings of the world.
It is true that holding a book in our hands and attentively reading it helps us relax. The ups and downs and key times in a person’s life are never fully covered in books, yet a book has many feelings and emotions that are left unexplored. And today, if you shine a spotlight on someone who has worked very hard in their lives to enter the period of prosperity, Bhargav Jariwala’s name is constantly at the top of the list. He continuously reaches new heights, and success to him is not only making a name for oneself in the present but also upholding the standards of success and serving as an example for others in it. He is currently successful because of his goals and his perseverance.
He is an adventurous person who loves to travel and explore. For him, these activities provide more than just a way to unwind on vacation; they also serve as a catalyst for further global exploration. He uses his travels as an excuse to maintain a positive outlook on life. He used to write poems and reflect on the energies of the natural world. Like others, he has experienced many ups and downs, but he is the type of guy who never completely stops living and instead always steers himself in the direction of positive and optimism. The author now can’t wait to explore more genres while still keeping travel or adventure as one of the genres and write his new and refreshing story that could reach more audiences worldwide.
Bhargav Jariwala is an Indian novelist. He is the author of “You Met Me for a Reason” It’s An Inspirational Story of Travel, Friendship, Hope, Love & Life. He is a self-determined soul who found love and passion in trekking and dedicated his time to travelling to the Himalayas on Various treks for his ultimate love for the mountains. He also did this to expand his physical and mental abilities to the horizon and later felt the need to pen his thoughts and feelings in the form of a Novel. He felt the need to express himself through a story that could exude his love for the mountains, making for a romantic, adventurous book. That is how he wrote and published his Novel “You Met Me for a Reason,” After school, Bhargav Jariwala enrolled for a engineering in Surat. But he decided to quit his studies explore Himalayas and from that he inspire to write his own story so he tried his hand with a pen and paper for his debut novel “You Met Me For a Reason” to share his true romantic adventurous story from his experience. After completing book, it was sent to almost 10 publishers for publishing, but they were all rejected and returned, So he decided to go with self-publishing house White Falcon Publishing which went on to become a bestseller, With a penchant for not only traveling, but also for living in different places, he finds inspiration to live wherever he goes.
He successfully completed several treks like The Seri Frozen Lake trek, Sour Tal lake trek, Chaddar frozen trek, Kedarkantha and many more. Now he is an Author, Trekker, writer, Storyteller and a traveler. The author now can’t wait to explore more genres while still keeping travel or adventure as one of the genres and write his new and refreshing story that could reach more audiences worldwide. His novel “You Met Me for a Reason” is now available on All Social Media Platform
Bhargav Jariwala is an Indian author of Romance Novel. “You Met Me for a Reason” It’s a Story of Love, Friendship, Hope and Adventure. He described his true Romantic Story in his book, A unique and adventurous Story which went on to become a bestseller, An Author is a self-determined soul who found love and passion in trekking and dedicated his time to travelling to the Himalayas for his ultimate love for the mountains. He also did this to expand his physical and mental abilities to the horizon and later felt the need to pen his thoughts and feelings in the form of a book. He felt the need to express himself through a story that could exude his love for the mountains, making for a romantic Novel. That is how he wrote and published his book “You Met Me for a Reason,” is now available globally on Amazon Worldwide, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, AbeBooks, Alibris, ThriftBooks, Booksamillion, Biblio, Scheltema, Flipkart & Many more, Before his Success the Book was sent to almost 10 publishers for publishing, but they were all rejected and returned, So he decided to go with self-publishing house White Falcon Publishing which went on to become a bestseller, With a penchant for not only traveling, but also for living in different places, he finds inspiration to live wherever he goes. He successfully completed several treks like The Seri Frozen Lake trek, Sour Tal lake trek, Chaddar frozen trek, Kedarkantha and many more and from Sour Tal lake trek An Author got inspiration to write because one of the girl on Trek was fall in love with him and from that he inspire to write his own story so he tried his hand with a pen and paper for his debut novel “You Met Me for a Reason”. Amazing is all those success stories of people that radiate the excellence and brilliance of young talents and passionate souls across industries around the world.
However, only a handful of these stories have the power to win the hearts of people. Wonder why? Because they are created from the ground up and are made out of sheer love for doing something in life. These individuals and professionals have been able to garner more recognition and name in their fields because they have thrived on their passion, pure skills, and determination in life, which has what made them known as true-blue professionals in their chosen niches. We couldn’t help but notice the swift rise of one such self-made man, a trekker, an author, and a storyteller named Bhargav Jariwala.
Bhargav Jariwala is an example of inspiration of broken hearts. He’s an Author, Traveller, Storyteller, Influencer, Trekker and Mental Health Advocate based in Surat, India. He’s the author of “You Met Me for a Reason” An Author has a massive fan following of more than 50k on social media platforms like Instagram, He is famous for his Adventure activities and now he is an Author, Trekker, writer, Storyteller and a traveler. He loves to explore the hidden feelings of the world. It is true that holding a book in our hands and attentively reading it helps us relax. The ups and downs and key times in a person’s life are never fully covered in books, yet a book has many feelings and emotions that are left unexplored. And today, if you shine a spotlight on someone who has worked very hard in their lives to enter the period of prosperity, Bhargav Jariwala’s name is constantly at the top of the list. He continuously reaches new heights, and success to him is not only making a name for oneself in the present but also upholding the standards of success and serving as an example for others in it. He is currently successful because of his goals and his perseverance.
He is an adventurous person who loves to travel and explore. For him, these activities provide more than just a way to unwind on vacation; they also serve as a catalyst for further global exploration. He uses his travels as an excuse to maintain a positive outlook on life. He used to write poems and reflect on the energies of the natural world. Like others, he has experienced many ups and downs, but he is the type of guy who never completely stops living and instead always steers himself in the direction of positive and optimism. The author now can’t wait to explore more genres while still keeping travel or adventure as one of the genres and write his new and refreshing story that could reach more audiences worldwide. From his Novel, which has made people fallen in love with his content. His advices on various relationship and life problems have made people follow him. His mantra, “Dark is not permanent, some nights are long but the sun will always rise” has helped many of people in overcoming their problems.
He’s a friend, a mentor, a healer of broken hearts and the voice of unsaid emotions. He is on top of the list of successful Self-published authors. And his book “You Met Me for a Reason” is now Selling Globally on Various sites like – Amazon, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, AbeBooks, Alibris, ThriftBooks, Booksamillion, Biblio, Scheltema, Flipkart & Many more, Before his Success the Book was sent to almost 10 publishers for publishing, but they were all rejected and returned, So he decided to go with self-publishing house White Falcon Publishing which went on to become a bestseller for a month.
Website –
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Bhargav Jariwala Became an example of inspiration of broken hearts
Raja Guru’s breathtaking performances have made a mark in Bollywood Industry
Raja Guru, a versatile actor from Sagar (M.P.). He has given stellar performances both in positive and negative roles. Raja Guru started his career through theatre. He has done 300 live shows portraying the Mughal Emperor “Shahjahan” in the acclaimed international play “Mohabbat The Taj”.
His performance stole the audience’s hearts in the musical television show “Aakhiyon ke jharokhon se” for the Mahua channel. The television series was inspired by Mr Amitabh Bachchan’s feature film “Abhimaan”.
Raja Guru has proved his mettle as an actor in the television show “Dil Aashna Hai” for DD National.
Raja Guru played the main protagonist in the regional language film “Aulaad”, and his performance got immensely praised.
In the year 2018, Raja Guru gave an outstanding performance (in a negative role) in the Hindi Feature Film “Dhappa”, and his performance was appreciated both by the audience and the critics.
Raja Guru played the main protagonist in the short film “The Long Drive”, and the short film was awarded the most prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke award.
Raja Guru portrayed the villain role in the regional language film “Aan Baan Shaan” the shooting was in the birthplace of Shri Ram God.
Last year, Raja Guru’s performance as Suraj in the television serial “Kiske Ruka hai savera” for DD national was widely applauded by the audience.
The upcoming projects of Raja Guru are the web series “A K 47”, “The Mirage”, and two Hindi feature films “, Tum Takk” and “Kalika”. Very soon audience would get to see more fantastic and breathtaking performances of Raja Guru.
Raja Guru’s breathtaking performances have made a mark in Bollywood Industry
Abhansh Kumar power packed performances won many hearts
There are actors who impress with their looks, performance, dance skills, and more and then there are actors who have won the coveted National Awards. These actors are like molds, they adapt into any character and bring life to complicated roles with one purpose, to entertain their audiences. The common factor between all these names is not only their acting skills but how handsome these actors are!. Abhansh has very powerful voice and fantastic personality which attracts people towards him.
The versatile actor Abhansh Kumar won many of hearts through his power packed performance in Rajnandni, Dil Mera Chahe Music video,
E-Mere khudaya, music Ishq Saja, Webseries Rat Baki Bat Baki, Kab Hogi Suhagrat, Raid, Nagar Vadhu, Special Officer, Such The Horror, Teri Fitrat, Pick Pocke, Mariya Journey of Love and some of others films which is released in theatre and OTT platforms like Amazon, Hungama, Vodafone, Airtel Extreme ams MX Player.
Handsome actors Abhansh Kumar have consistently proved their mettle with each film and we cannot wait to see more of them!
Rashtriya Ratan Samman Award, Wow Awards for Best Actor, Rajiv Gandhi International award for aahinsa film, Dada Saheb Phalke Film Yatra Award2019, Maharashtra Ratan Award, Mumbai, Humain Achiever Award for rising star, Press Media Award for best actor Aahinsa film, HFF award for talented Actor 2020, International Active media award Nepal 2017, Mahanagar Mail Global Achiever Award Delhi July 2017, Bollywood Legend Award 2019, Bollywood Iconic Awards2020, Bollywood Dada Saheb Falke Legend Award and Mumbai global awards.
Abhansh Kumar power packed performances won many hearts
Aman Verma Ruchi Gujjar And Jubin Shah EK LADKI Poster out now directed by Sajan Agarwal
The emotional & heart breaking song Ek Ladki Staring Aman Verma, Gorgeous actress Ruchi Gujjar and Jubin Shah first look poster out now. The poster of the upcoming music video has taken over social media and has gone viral. The music video produced by Filmy Clap Production house. The Beautiful lyrics panned and directed by bollywood very talented Director Sajan Agarwal. The song composed by Sumit Saha and sung by Singer Rishabh Giri. It’s being produced by Guruji Kailash Raigar.
Director Sajan Agrawal released his second song poster after Maa O Maa which mark comeback of Mandakini in Bollywood. Director Sajan Agarwal introducing Ruchi Gujjar through this video. Aman Verma Ruchi Gujjar and Jubin Shah will grove on Director Sajan Agarwal tune.
Ruchi Gujjar Aman Verma and Jubin Shah will be seen in love triangle story. The song was shot at beautiful location in Mumbai. Now audience will get fabulous treat of this Most heart breaks & emotional Bollywood Song which is conceptualize by Sajan Agarwal.
It clearly indicates that Ruchi Gujjar and Jubin Shah is a rising star in Bollywood.
Aman Verma Ruchi Gujjar And Jubin Shah EK LADKI Poster out now directed by Sajan Agarwal
Director Sajan Agarwal met with CEO of Atrangi TV Vibhu Agarwal singed three projects
Director Sajan Agarwal who has bagged back-to-back successes with Maa O Maa Song where Mandakini Making her comeback in Bollywood, Ek Ladki music video Starring Amar Verma, Jubin Shah and Ruchi Gujjar and Web film Mera Baap Kain Hai? starring Vivek Dahiya, Samiksha Batnagar, child artist Zara Warsi along with Zakir Hussain, Rakesh Bedi, Soma Rathod & Sunita Rajbhar has reportedly signed 3 more new project with Atrangi. Director Sajan Agarwal recently met with CEO of Ullu App and Atrangi Vibhu Agarwal for the discussion of project, very soon duo will announce there project for Atarngi TV.
Sajan Agarwal is currently busy in the release of Maa O Maa, Ek Ladki Song release and he is launching new app called Filmy Clap owned by Guruji Kailash Raigar. Sajan is the one many army behind the Filmy Clap Production house.
Director Sajan Agarwal met with CEO of Atrangi TV Vibhu Agarwal singed three projects
Trailer Launch of Two Films GAME OF LIFE And 6AM to 6PM by Producer Mukund Mahale and Director S Pyarelal
जागृति एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बनी निर्माता मुकुंद महाले व निर्देशक एस प्यारेलाल की 2 फिल्मों “गेम ऑफ लाइफ” और “6 AM टू 6 PM” का ट्रेलर लांच मुम्बई के अंधेरी में स्थित व्यंजन बैंक्वेट हॉल में भव्य रूप से किया गया। यहां दोनों फिल्मों से जुड़ी पूरी टीम मौजूद थी साथ ही मीडिया की भारी संख्या भी थी।
निर्देशक एस प्यारेलाल ने बताया कि आज निर्माता मुकुंद महाले की दो फिल्मों का ट्रेलर लांच हुआ। एक फ़िल्म का नाम है “गेम ऑफ लाइफ” और दूसरी फिल्म का नाम है “6 AM टू 6 PM”. दोनों फिल्मों के निर्माता मुकुंद महाले और निर्देशक एस प्यारेलाल हैं। दोनों फिल्मों को रिलीज कर रही है ऐरी क्रिएशन, जिसकी ओनर महिमा शर्मा हैं। गेम ऑफ लाइफ के कलाकार हैं राज गोहिल, चांदनी खान।
आपको बता दें कि जागृति एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बनी हिंदी फिल्म “गेम ऑफ लाइफ” और “6 AM टू 6 PM” जल्द ही रिलीज की जाने वाली है। फ़िल्म के लेखक और निर्माता मुकुंद ए महाले ने फ़िल्म के ट्रेलर लांच के दौरान मुम्बई में मीडिया से बात करते हुए बताया कि गेम ऑफ लाइफ एक सस्पेन्स थ्रिलर सिनेमा है जिसमे एक सन्देश भी है। आज युवा पीढ़ी शार्ट कट के रास्ते चलकर जल्दी पैसा कमाना चाहती है जिसकी वजह से वह अपनी जिंदगी को मुश्किलों में डाल लेते हैं। इस फ़िल्म की कहानी इसी वन लाइनर के इर्दगिर्द घूमती है। मैंने इसकी स्क्रिप्ट काफी मेहनत से लिखी है जो दर्शकों को अवश्य पसन्द आएगी।
फ़िल्म के डायरेक्टर एस प्यारेलाल ने बताया कि जिंदगी को कुछ लोग जुआ समझते हैं, इस फ़िल्म की कहानी इसी बात को दर्शाती है इसलिए इसका टाइटल भी गेम ऑफ लाइफ है। इस फ़िल्म की शुटिंग बेहतरीन लोकेशन्स पर की गई है जो ऑडिएंस के लिए एक सरप्राइज पैकेज होगा।
फ़िल्म में राज गोहिल राज का किरदार कर रहे हैं जबकि चांदनी हीरोइन हैं। उन्होंने डायरेक्टर एस प्यारेलाल और प्रोड्यूसर मुकुंद महाले का शुक्रिया अदा किया जिन्होंने उन्हें लीड एक्ट्रेस का खूबसूरत रोल दिया।
राज गोहिल ने बताया कि उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म में अपने किरदार की तैयारी के लिए काफी मेहनत की ताकि दर्शकों को यह कैरेक्टर रियल लगे। चांदनी ने इस फ़िल्म में गजब की परफॉर्मेंस पेश की है।
प्रोड्यूसर मुकुंद महाले ने बताया कि इस फ़िल्म का एक थीम सांग बेहद अच्छा है जो यादगार गीत के रूप में प्रभावी बन गया है। जागृति एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बनी इस फ़िल्म के निर्माता मुकुंद महाले है। डीओपी सन्दीप व सन्तोष, ईपी विरेन्द्र रतने, संगीतकार कुमार सोपन, एसोसिएट डायरेक्टर गजानन म्हात्रे, आर्ट डायरेक्टर दीपक विशे हैं।
निर्माता मुकुंद महाले व निर्देशक एस प्यारेलाल की 2 फिल्मों “गेम ऑफ लाइफ” व “6 AM टू 6 PM” का ट्रेलर लांच
Dr Amol Chavhan Dm (Cardiologist) Says Heart Attack – Number 1 Killer in the world As Per World Health Organization (WHO)
Heart disease account for nearly 1.7 crore deaths around the globe. As per World Health Organization (WHO), India accounts for one-fifth of all non-communicable diseases (NCD)-related deaths globally and most of it is witnessed in younger population.
Around 26 lakh Indians are found to be dead due to heart disease in 2017, which was the leading cause of death in our country. In one of the research (INTERHEART STUDY) conducted in India, more than 90% of heart attacks were reported to have a relationship with consuming low fruits and vegetables, physical inactivity and psychosocial stress.
We all know that heart attack is a medical emergency costing life and becoming a personal frightening experience for survivors or their families.
Your heart muscle needs oxygen to survive and heart attack occurs when the blood flow that brings oxygen to the heart muscle is reduced to a great extend or completely lost. A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. Without blood, tissue loses oxygen and dies.
Heart attack is a broader term for situations where the blood supplied to the heart muscle is suddenly stopped. Some of the different medical terms that you may want to know pertaining to heart attack are:
- STEMI: A type of heart attack caused by a complete blockage in a blood vessel supplying to your heart.
- NSTEMI: A type of heart attack in which a blood vessel is partially blocked and severely reduces blood flow.
- Myocardial infarction (MI): The damaging or death of an area of the heart muscle resulting from a blocked blood supply to that area. It’s also the medical term for a heart attack.
It is important to pick up the early warning signs: anyone over the age of 40 complaining of sudden onset of chest pain, breathlessness, uneasiness, or palpitations could be having a heart attack. The chest pain may or may not radiate to left hand and often varies from central crushing or stabbing pain to mild dull aches. The chest pain is often severe, but some people may only experience minor pain, similar to indigestion. This is often accompanied by intense sweating and a feeling of impending doom.
Dizziness, and nausea are also some of the common symptoms of Heart attack.
If these symptoms persist for more than 15 minutes, it’s usually a clear indication of heart attack. The other end of the spectrum would be patients who collapse and become suddenly unconscious.
Here’s what we can do if someone is experiencing Heart Attack Symptoms:
- If the patient is conscious in distress, move him into a comfortable position.
- Loosen any tight clothing.
- Ask him if he is a heart patient and is carrying Nitro-glycerine tablets. These can be administered sublingually; however, they should not be given without medical supervision if there is no history of prior use.
- Aspirin tablets should be chewed immediately.
- If the person is unconscious, commence CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (provided you are trained to do so).
Suggestions –
Regular health check-ups, controlling risk factors for heart disease (high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar or diabetes) is also very important to prevent ourselves from heart attack.
It is imperative to note that a balanced diet is crucial to a healthy heart and circulation system. This should include plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish and pulses with restricted salt, sugar and fat intake.
Sedentary lifestyle is another big challenge in countries like India where there is continuous rise in urban population. We generally end up not finding time for physical exercises.
It is recommended to get at least 30 minutes of regular physical activity done every day to help keep the heart fit and at least 60 minutes on most days of the week to maintain a healthy body weight.
——–Dr. Amol Chavhan Dm (Cardiologist)
Dr Amol Chavhan Dm (Cardiologist) Says Heart Attack – Number 1 Killer in the world As Per World Health Organization (WHO)
Harfan Maula -Featuring Anjali Sinha released on Eros Now -20th July 2022
Anjali Sinha who recently is in news for her upcoming projects in Bollywood is originally from Patna and belongs to an upper middle class family who started out with Kulfi Kumar Bajewala , and is currently featuring in the role of Khyati in Purshuram “A mythological based serial on Atrangi Tv, she has also worked in Dil toh happy hai Ji , Apologies to happy on Disney +hotsar , The Dust in Mx Player and Tera Fittor Music Video on Eros Now
She appears to be one of Television Industries promising and aspiring artists , her featuring’s have been making news and now she is featuring in Harfan Maula Music Video which is released on 20th July 2022 on Eros Now and has gained tremendous response.
Belonging to Patna she migrated to Mumbai the city of dreams to pursue her own in Bollywood /Television Industry and since then she has left no stone unturned and her struggle , hard work and talent has made her today a known name in the industry and now no looking back she is working harder than ever before to pursue her dreams and to make a mark. Apart from choosing acting as a full time profession her hobbies are Film making and writing.
She Often connects with her fans from her Instagram handle and was recently seen posting the video of her Music Album.
Harfan Maula -Featuring Anjali Sinha released on Eros Now -20th July 2022
Kundan Bhardwaj on MISSION CHINA with Ranjit Singh and Amit Shroff
रंजीत सिंह और अमित श्रॉफ के साथ ‘मिशन चाइना’ पर निकले कुंदन भारद्वाज
रंजीत सिंह फिल्म्स क्रिएसंश के बैनर तले फिल्म निर्माता रंजीत सिंह भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘मिशन चाइना’ बनने जा रहे हैं। फ़िल्म की शूटिंग नेपाल के पोखरा शहर में मुहूर्त कर शुरू कर दी गई है। फिल्म के निर्देशक अमित श्रॉफ है, जबकि इसका निर्माण निर्माता रंजीत सिंह कर रहे हैं। गीतकार अजित मंडल ‘मिशन चाइना’ से बतौर म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर डेब्यू कर रहे हैं।
फिल्म का नाम ही अपने आप में फिल्म की कहानी का वर्णन कर रहा है। ‘मिशन चाइना’ से भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में कदम रखने जा रहे हैं हैंडसम हंक अभिनेता कुंदन भारद्वाज। जिहोंने भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में पदार्पण से पहले कई हिंदी धारावाहिकों में अपनी धाक बनाई है।
इनके अपोजिट फिल्म में भोजपुरी की ब्यूटीफुल एक्ट्रेस यामिनी सिंह नजर आने वाली हैं। अगर फ़िल्म की कहानी की बात की जाए तो ये भारत और चाईना के बीच की लड़ाई को दर्शाती है कि कैसे कुंदन भारत से चाईना के मिशन पर जाते हैं। इस फिल्म में पहली बार दर्शकों को भोजपुरी फिल्म में बॉलीवुड लेवल का एक्शन देखने को मिलेगा।
मुहूर्त के बाद निर्माता रंजीत सिंह ने कहा कि हम इस फिल्म को बॉलीवुड स्तर पर बनाने जा रहे हैं, जिससे लोगों की भोजपुरी के प्रति बनी हुई धारणा को तोड़ा जा सके हैं कि भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में भी अच्छे कॉन्सेप्ट फिल्में नहीं बनती है लेकिन ये फिल्म उनको एक अलग लेवल पर देखने को मिलेगी। मिशन चाइना में दर्शकों को एक्शन, रोमांस, और सस्पेंस का तगड़ा डोस देखने को मिलेगा।
निर्देशक अमित श्रॉफ ने कहा कि हम ये नहीं कहेंगे कि हमारी फिल्म ऐसी है वैसी है लेकिन इतना जरूर कहूँगा की जब फिल्म बन कर तैयार होगी तब दर्शक इसे सिनेमाघर में बार बार देखेंगे। क्योंकि इसकी कहानी बेहद ही जानदार है। जो दर्शकों को एक अलग लेवल का अनुभव देगी। फिल्म में कुंदन और यामिनी के बीच की केमेस्ट्री भी दर्शकों को पसंद आएगी। इसके गाने भी बेहद ही कर्ण प्रिय हैं, जो दर्शकों की जुबान पर तुरंत ही चढ़ जाएंगे।
कुंदन भारद्वाज ने कहा कि फ़िल्म बड़े लेवल पर बन रही है और मैं इसके लिए एक्साइटेड हूं। यामिनी सिंह के अपोजिट डेब्यू करना अपने आप में खास बात है, इनका नाम इंडस्ट्री की सफल अभिनेत्रियों में लिया जाता हैं। फिल्म को लेकर थोड़ा नर्वस हूं, लेकिन मैं अपने काम के प्रति फोकस्ड हूं। उम्मीद है कि ऑडियंस का मुझे भरपूर प्यार मिलेगा।
रंजीत सिंह और अमित श्रॉफ के साथ ‘मिशन चाइना’ पर निकले कुंदन भारद्वाज
Allisha Joshi is set to launched by Arzad Naaz’s Next Directorial Music Video
Allisha Joshi is a supermodel from Maharashtra who had worked with loads of big designer and represented by India’s leading Model Agency TOABH is spotted shooting with the Ace Director Producer Arzad Naaz of Film Junkies.
Arzad Naaz with the combination of Shadman Khan had launched loads of Newbie in Music Industry.
They recently introduced SIMBA NAGPAL of Nagin 6 in Music Video SOHNEA by HIMANSHU JAIN and making Rishabh Sinha of Bigg boss 9 to do come back on the screen.
When we reached Allisha Joshi to know more about the project.
The song is inspired by Nusrat Saheb’s One of the track into very urban Mumbathon vibe by G skillz who is very well known Music director and gave big Hits and the song is sung by JERRY BURJ whose last song Andi Mandi is still trending and the female Vocal is sung by G Noor and written by Monty and the project is executed under S Mukhtiyar,who is the king of Music Video in Punjab.
When we tried to know more from Allisha about the concept so we found pics from her Insta and co artist.
She was totally dolled up in the video By the ACE DESIGNER ASHFAQUE AHMED from Delhi.
We are trying to get more info in this, keep watching this space for release.
Allisha Joshi is set to launched by Arzad Naaz’s Next Directorial Music Video.
Allisha Joshi is set to launched by Arzad Naaz’s Next Directorial Music Video
Allisha Joshi is a supermodel from Maharashtra who had worked with loads of big designer and represented by India’s leading Model Agency TOABH is spotted shooting with the Ace Director Producer Arzad Naaz of Film Junkies.
Arzad Naaz with the combination of Shadman Khan had launched loads of Newbie in Music Industry.
They recently introduced SIMBA NAGPAL of Nagin 6 in Music Video SOHNEA by HIMANSHU JAIN and making Rishabh Sinha of Bigg boss 9 to do come back on the screen.
When we reached Allisha Joshi to know more about the project.
The song is inspired by Nusrat Saheb’s One of the track into very urban Mumbathon vibe by G skillz who is very well known Music director and gave big Hits and the song is sung by JERRY BURJ whose last song Andi Mandi is still trending and the female Vocal is sung by G Noor and written by Monty and the project is executed under S Mukhtiyar,who is the king of Music Video in Punjab.
When we tried to know more from Allisha about the concept so we found pics from her Insta and co artist.
She was totally dolled up in the video By the ACE DESIGNER ASHFAQUE AHMED from Delhi.
We are trying to get more info in this, keep watching this space for release.
Allisha Joshi is set to launched by Arzad Naaz’s Next Directorial Music Video.
Rajesh R. Patel’s HUMSAFAR SAAYA too sets the course
Small-budget films are show stealers!
The race for the content is getting bigger and hotter! In the post-pandemic era, action films like “Vikram”, “KGF: Chapter 2”, “RRR”, “Pushpa: The Rise” from the south with a dash of emotion have been sweeping the box-office. Few big-budgeted movies have incurred big losses for its producers; like “Bachchhan Pandey” and “Samrat Prithviraj”; whereas small and mediocre budgeted films are bringing in profits and recovering their investments. Recent releases like “Jugjugg Jeeyo”, “Janhit Mein Jaari”, “Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2” and “The Kashmir Files” were show stealers.
Experts and trade analysts say that if a small-budget film doesn’t earn at the box office; chances of it recovering its costs is higher, backed by the sale of digital, television, satellite, music and OTT (over the top) rights.
Rajesh R. Patel, an N.R.I. from England and his father Rajanikant R. Patel are the new entrants who too have joined the bandwagon of filmmakers with a film being made on an average budget. They have just completed a Hindi thriller which is tentatively titled as “Humsafar Saaya”; and is being readied for an early release.
Rajesh R. Patel is one of those young and dynamic producer who is born and brought up in India and has graduated in B.A. He is a successful and popular entrepreneur from Chesterfield in United Kingdom for the past 26-years. Today, the cinematic experience has to be more pronounced and Rajesh Patel too has a positive approach towards types of films and its content. “I watch mostly Bollywood movies. Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar starrers are my favourites. Of late, I have just seen ”Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2” and have enjoyed the fare. I even watch horror movies especially from the production house of Ramsay Brothers and Vikram Bhatts’. Because of my dad’s interest and experience I have ventured into the business of cinema. My father Rajanikant Patel is an eminent screen writer. He has done notable works; especially as a dialogue writer. “Humsafar Saaya” is our second venture from our banner Om Shivam Pictures. It is a suspense drama and features Akash Gaharwar, cousin of Govinda who is a good actor and dancer too. Then there is new comer Simi Khan being introduced in the female lead opposite him,” reveals Rajesh R. Patel.
Not everyone has the guts to put their money where there hearts is. Producers Rajesh R. Patel and his father Rajanikant R. Patel believes in diving into uncharted territories with the stories they plan to bring it to the celluloid world. The makers have created a film that is narrative, promising and entertaining. The music will also take the viewers on a journey to the heart of the hinterlands.
Asked about if the film not collecting the desired numbers on the box-office; Rajesh replies, “Small films may not do good business at the box-office always, but they can be a good watch on television or OTT platforms. While there’s no doubt that Digital platforms have opened a whole new playing field not only for filmmakers but actors too. But given any time the lure of big screen is undeniable. During pandemic and lock-down of cinema halls; Digital platforms proved to be the obvious route to release films. There are contents which may not do well at the ticket windows; but if the word of mouth is good it can prove to be sleeper hits.”
His father Rajanikant R. Patel added, “As we are all evolving, our films are evolving too. Technology helped us tide over the pandemic. Maybe it is good to release some films on OTT. I guess it is a safer decision if the filmmakers think that the audience will prefer to watch it at home than in theatres. Filmmakers are looking at stories with big ideas. I have been into script writing in the 90s and early 2000. During 2003 I had some medical issues and since then I am staying with my sons; especially with my youngest son, Rajesh in U.K. It is tough to understand which script will connect with the pan-India audience. Experimenting and thinking out of the box is important to stay relevant. Our aim is to provide diversity and give wings to the stories that need to be told and reach a wider audience. This film “Humsafar Saaya” is a thriller which has all the ingredients – the leading duo’s chemistry, melodious music, action and intriguing suspense quotients that will make this thriller a must-watch film.”
The tentatively titled film, “Humsafar Saaya” is written and directed by actor Raaj Gautam alias Rajendra Pandey. The movie checks all the boxes when it comes to the making of a masala. It revolves around love on one hand and lust at the other at work places and thereon the mysterious happenings thereafter. The thriller delves into the quirky and twisted psyche of human beings.
Akash Gaharwar, the cousin of Govinda who has similar acting and dancing talents plays the lead. He is an effortless performer. The film marks his maiden collaboration with newcomer Simi Khan as his female lead. They share the screen space with talented actors like Shreya Yadav, Manoj Mishra, Pramod Moutho and Raaj Gautam himself. All the characters were evidently having a ball of a time.
A major chunk of the shooting was held in Nasik and the roads of Aurangabad with a small stint in Mumbai. Vinod Sharma is the director of photography.
There are five melodious songs in the film which are rendered by eminent singers like Shabab Sabri (Teri jawani badi mast mast…. fame), Soumi Banerjee, Mamta Sharma (Munni badnam hui…. And “Fevicol se…. from Dabangg) and Shekhar Rawat. Nawab Shawab and Dharmendra Singh Badoriya have provided the musical scores.
Gear up for some thrills with “Humsafar Saaya”; the movie that is literally emerging from the shadows…with an exciting journey.
Rajesh R. Patel – Rajanikant R. Patel
Rajesh R. Patel’s HUMSAFAR SAAYA too sets the course
Film directors Neeraj Singh and Shraddha Srivastava Seek Wants To Seek Legal Action For film Bikroo Kanpur Gangster
Film based on the life of famous Gangster Vikas Dubey, Bikroo Kanpur Gangster 2020 seems to be embroiled in controversies The film’s directors Neeraj Singh and Shraddha Srivastava along with their lawyer reached Mumbai’s Amboli police station to file a fraud case against filmmaker Ajay Pal Singh. He alleged that his film Bikroo Kanpur Gangster was being hijacked. The director and producer of the film Shraddha Srivastava said that we had produced a film called Bikroo Kanpur Gangster 2020 in the year 2020 December and January 2021, in which Neeraj Singh wrote and directed the film’s trailer on March 3, 2021 Launched at PVR Cinema Juhu After that there was no response from producer Ajay Pal Singh for the remaining 4 days shoot.
The film had only 4 days of shoot left, 90 percent of the film was shoot, neither information related to the shoot of the film was given to Neeraj Singh nor to Shraddha Srivastava, Neeraj Singh said that I had received information from some people 2 months ago that Dharmendra A man named Dharmendra Baghel, who pretends to be a director, is planning with Ajay Pal Singh to complete the remaining 4 days of shoot without informing him, what is the case, the film gets released. When Neeraj Singh talked to Ajay Pal Singh about all these things, he said that you have shoot the film, the credit will go to you and Dharmendra Baghel was talked about, he said that I am working on another film, he committed fraud.
I have tried to hijack my film without informing the intention, I request the administration to immediately ban the film and take legal action against Dharmendra Baghel and Ajay Pal Singh along with Chitransh Raj, who, knowing everything, supported them. Gave Going to the association, it has also been learned that they have also changed the banner to release the film with the intention of fraud and have also given the title to register, the name of the new title is Counter Dubey and the name of the new banner is Samrat Production House.
Story Behind Controversial film Bikroo Kanpur Gangster
Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website Or our Editors does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency . Waiting reply From Producers.
Little Known Facts About Welknown Actress Pooja Dixit
Some people are talented from birth and with time they also enhance their talent. Born in the soil of Maharashtra, Pooja Dixit is a land-bound personality. Who had a passion for anchoring, painting, fashion, writing and writing poems since childhood, and this art of writing brought them to the industry. After obtaining a degree in Biotechnology from Parla College, she started working as an assistant dialogue writer in serials to pursue her passion for writing.
As a writer, she was doing her work with great devotion, when luck knocked on her door. She was doing dialogue writing in ‘Sapno Ke Bhanwar’ when a character who played a role in it did not come on the sets on the day of shooting. Then she got an offer to do that role. She was told that if you have written this dialogue then you can portray this character better and in fact it turned out to be true.
Pooja played that role with great confidence. Seeing her acting skills, she got this job, then Pooja did not look back and continued to work one after the other. She is playing a negative role in the recently aired new show Mithai on Zee TV. Pooja says that her role is completely different from her real character, so in order to play this character with vigor, she has to understand herself in this character. In this negative image, she is playing the role of Abha Choubey, who creates new plots in the life of the main character.
In the past, she has also acted in many serials in which she has played the character of Maria in Yeshu, Rehana in Mere Sai, Manorama in Mere Angne. Along with this, the film has also worked in films like Chakravyuh, Awijk Mausam, Hate Story One, Pankh, Negligence etc. Apart from this, Pooja Dixit has worked for many advertisement films like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, JCB Crane, Reserve Bank of India etc. He has anchored the show ‘Virasat Bemisaal’ running on DD India for 2 consecutive years.
Her short film ‘Kitaab’ has won around 22 awards worldwide with Tom Alter in the lead role. He also has an important role in the show ‘Ultan Paltan Hospital’, which airs every Saturday at 12:30 pm on DD National. Apart from films and advertising films, Pooja is also going to show her talent in web series. The web series ‘Long Drive’ is based on a female lead story in which Pooja is in the lead role.
Pooja Dixit says that her mother has a big hand behind whatever she is today. She considers her mother as her idol. His mother has taught him every detail of life so that how to be happy in any situation. Never let the mood of dissatisfaction or fear come in your mind. From him, Pooja has learned adjustment, stability and how to survive in every condition, which is useful in her development today. Always keep smiling and keep working with full hope and passion. Success comes only when you keep doing your work with perseverance and stick to it. Success is never achieved in one stroke, for that one has to be patient, if you are afraid of ups and downs, then how will you reach the destination further, this is the basic mantra of success of worship.
Pooja is doing her work with full patience and diligence. Along with acting she is concentrating on her every skill and is going on doing her upcoming projects. Pooja says that today’s youth are getting lost in the digital world and away from belongingness and humanity. You must go with modernity but it is important to give time to your loved ones and family too.Taking out direct time with your friends and family, spending time meeting and congratulating enhances belonging and mutual love. Your feelings reach them. One should not forget his roots by taking the path only in modernity.
Apart from the digital world, there is also a world in which you should not fall prey to loneliness. Because loneliness is the parent of many diseases. Pooja is a very happy, cool and cultured person.
Success is definitely achieved by hard work with patience – Pooja Dixit
Press conference of world’s largest Ramlila AYODHYA KI RAMLILA in Mumbai
आज ( Juhu) होटल मुंबई में प्रेस वार्ता को संबोधित करते हुए अयोध्या कि रामलीला कमेटी के फाउंडर अध्यक्ष सुभाष मलिक (बॉबी) जी ने बोला कि मुझे बड़ी खुशी है अयोध्या कि रामलीला सारे रिकॉर्ड तोड रही हैं। और भगवान श्री राम के आशिर्वाद से अयोध्या कि रामलीला विश्व की सबसे बड़ी रामलीला है। भगवान श्री राम के भक्तो ने इसे विश्व की सबसे बड़ी रामलीला बनाया है। अयोध्या कि रामलीला में सबसे बड़ा सहयोग उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार के माननीय मुख्यमंत्री श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ जी के सहयोग से हो पाया है। और उनका सहयोग,आशिर्वाद हमारे पर रहता है,हम बड़े भाग्यशाली है, और अयोध्या कि रामलीला इस वर्ष अपने पिछले सारे रिकॉर्ड तोड देगी , साल 2020 में सोलह करोड़ से ज्यादा भगवान राम भक्तो ने इसे देखा था।
2021 मे बाईस करोड़ से ज्यादा राम भक्तो ने देखा था। इस बार हमे पुरी उम्मीद है, भगवान श्री राम के आशिर्वाद से अयोध्या कि रामलीला पिछले सारे रिकॉर्ड तोड देगी। इस मौके पर अयोध्या कि रामलीला कमेटी के क्रिएटिव डायरेक्टर जनरल सेक्रेटरी सुभम मालिक ने बोला की अयोध्या कि रामलीला में इस बार 1600 फुट का LED सेट तैयार हो रहा हैं।और बॉलीवुड की कई महान हस्तियां अयोध्या कि रामलीला में काम कर रही हैं।
अयोध्या कि रामलीला कमेटी के अध्यक्ष सुभाष मालिक ने बताया अयोध्या कि रामलीला का अयोजन दिनांक 25 सितंबर से 5अक्टूबर 2022 तक अयोध्या में हर वर्ष कि तरह लाइव देख पाएंगे। इस वर्ष अयोध्या कि रामलीला का तीसरा संस्करण होगा। जिसको लाइव दिखाया जाएगा। शाम 7 से रात 10 बजे तक दूरदर्शन पर देख पाएंगे। , श्री रवि किशन जी केवट, श्री बिंदुदरसिंह जी हनुमान, श्री गजेंद्र चौहान जी राजा जनक, सुभम मालिक क्रिएटिव डायरेक्टर जनरल सेक्रेटरी, श्री शाहबाज खां जी रावण, श्री राकेश बेदी जी , श्री गुर्फी पटेल जी नारद मुनि, श्री गिरजा शंकर जी दशरथ, कपिल शर्मा शो की बुआ जी उपासना सिंह जी कैकेई, दीक्षा रैना जी सीता, राहुल बुचड़ राम की भूमिका निभाएंगे।
इस मौके पर मौजूद थे, अयोध्या कि रामलीला कमेटी के चेयरमैन राकेश बिंदल,और वॉइस चेयरमैन प्रदीप अग्रवाल, वॉइस चेयरमैन कैप्टन राज माथुर, वॉइस चेयरमैन अनुज अग्रवाल, जी ने बोला अयोध्या कि रामलीला 25 सितंबर से 5 अक्टूबर तक अयोध्या में तीसरा संस्करण होने जा रहा है।
हमारे लिए यह बड़ी खुशी की बात है।भगवान राम की जन्मभूमि अयोध्या में अयोध्या कि रामलीला का आयोजन होता है।इस मौके पर अयोध्या कि रामलीला का वेबसाइट पर भी उद्घाटन हुआ, और विजय चंद्रा, संतोष चंद्रा, आरती चंद्रा मौजूद थे।
Press conference of world’s largest Ramlila AYODHYA KI RAMLILA in Mumbai
Aatma Music pays rich tributes to the Punjabi Legend SIDHU MOOSEWALA
‘A Tribute to the Legend SIDHU MOOSEWALA’ is a film by Vikas Bali where singer Sumit Bhalla pays rich tribute to the Punjabi rock star Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu, better known by his stage name Sidhu Moosewala who left this world due to an unfortunate incident.
The music video is shot in actual locations where the unfortunate assassination of noted singer Sidhu Moosewala too place. The makers have shot the film ‘A Tribute to the Legend SIDHU MOSSEWALA’ extensively in Punjab’s Moosa Pind and the unit also procured permission to shoot in Sidhu’s home and adjacent areas.
Vaseem Qureshi of Aatma Music spoke his heart out, “The world is aware that Moose Wala was shot dead by unidentified assailants on 29 May 2022 and this has cut short the journey of a priceless diamond in Punjab’s music and film industry. It is a great loss to millions of his fans across India and the world over. We at Aatma Music have done our best to keep alive Sidhu Moosewala’s music and this is the least we could have done,” says Vaseem.
“Sidhu Moosewala is probably the greatest Punjabi artist of current generation and I have never seen such an adulation from his fans. He is considered as a key figure in opening the doors for Punjabi artistes into mainstream music,” Ayyub Qureshi of Aatma Music mentioned.
“Composer and Lyricist Bhanu Pandit has come up with such a soul stirring eulogy that is a touching piece of writing that go beyond words for one of the most promising and greatest singer, rapper, songwriter and actor associated with Punjabi music and Punjabi cinema,” says Karan Ramani, the CEO of Aatma Music.
Presented by Qureshi Productions and Aatma Music, ‘A Tribute to the Legend SIDHU MOSSEWALA’ is directed by Vikas Bali and is produced by Vaseem Qureshi and Ayyub Qureshi. Singer Sumit Bhalla and composer and lyricist Bhanu Pandit have come up with such an intense memorial respect to the remarkable Punjabi artist. The film’s DOP is by Lucky and is aptly edited by Harmeet S Kalra.
Aatma Music pays rich tributes to the Punjabi Legend SIDHU MOOSEWALA
Muhurat of Hindi Movie HANKY PANKY Movie is scheduled to be shot in Canada
Director Shivamm Sharma, who has credits as director of many Punjabi films, making his Bollywood debut along with his entire team. His Hindi film titled “Hanky Panky” will be shot in Canada. The Mahurata of film has already been done in Mumbai on Producers Mr Ashwini Taneja is the propieriter of Epitome Production House based in Mumbai while Punjabi Film Academy is based in Canada. Mahadevi Motion Pictures is under the proprietorship of Mr Sonu Kuntal in association with with Rangala Punjab Motion Pictures.
As unique as the name of the movie, “Hanky Panky” its story is equally different and unique. The producers of the film are Mr Ashwin Taneja and Sonu Kuntal. Mr Sonu Kuntal has been associated with many Bollywood films like Mulk, Raid, Paltan, Shaadi Mein Zaroor Aana.
Director Shivamm Sharma says that “Hanky Panky” will be a different genre of hindi cinema which will be shot on a large scale. The script has been extensively worked on for months. This is a Hindi film that is being produced in collaboration with a Canadian production house. The film’s cinematographer is Mr Vishwanath Prajapati. Music has been composed by Mr Vivian Richard while Mr Ravi Sudda has given the lyrics. The screenplay and Dilouges are by Shivamm Sharma & VV Sharma. While Shikha Sharma will be doing associate in direction.
As a director, Mr Shivamm Sharma has directed many hit Punjabi movies which include Kinna Karde Ha Pyar, Bhagat Singh Di Udeek, Dhol Ratti, Angrez Putt, Allhar Vres and Kamaley The star cast of this film include Adhyayan Suman, Kanchi Singh, Arsh Chawla, Sumit Nijjar, Narvail Singh, Gurmeet Singh, Yashveer Sharma, etc , and PRO- Publish Media team (Akhilesh singh)
Muhurat of Hindi movie “Hanky Panky”Movie is scheduled to be shot in Canada.
Bollywood actress Neha Bansal’s name entered in WAC Book of Records International as Worlds Finnest Mehndi Artist
Bollywood actress Neha Bansal has recently set a new world record by registering her name in the WAC Book of Records International as worlds Finnest mehandi artist. She got this record for applying the world’s thinnest mehndi on July 4, 2022. Neha Bansal’s work is so fine in mehandi that it cannot be measured with a scale. Work is so fine there is no gap even for a pin point. In view of her achievement, WAC people council is going to honour her with Gandhi Seva Ratna 2022 award on 24th July in Bhopal.
Neha Bansal has been applying Mehandi since childhood. She was giving coaching classes for mehandi and soft toys on her school days. During school time, she won many awards in the mehandi competition. But she never made it her profession as she said ifs only her passion not profession
Just a few days back, during the shooting of a film she had applies mehandi on her hand, where the film’s producer Kaliram Tomar said that when you apply mehandi so fine, why don’t u try for a world record. At the same time, Neha Bansal searched and after applying made her name a world record within a month.
First actress then producer later her name changed to an Author when she wrote her first book Ek Andekha Sach and now world record holder. Many more to go in future.
Let us tell you that Neha Bansal has produced many films and shorts films as an actress as well as a producer director. Many short films made by her have been awarded in many international festivals. She has also written a book, Ek Andekha Sach, which is available on Amazon Prime. Neha Bansal is also going to make a biopic of Dadasaheb Phalke, the father of Indian cinema, which she will announce soon. She is also a voice over artist who has given her voice in many films for different different languages.
She has also been awarded as Daughter of Haryana.
We wish her all the best for her new venture
Bollywood actress Neha Bansal’s name entered in WAC Book of Records International as Worlds Finnest Mehndi Artist
Glamorous Pictures of Sangeeta Tiwari went viral on Social Media getting thousands of likes and comments
संगीता तिवारी की ग्लैमरस तस्वीरें सोशल मीडिया पर हुईं वायरल, मिल रहे हज़ारों लाइक्स कमेंट्स
बॉलीवुड की मशहूर अभिनेत्री संगीता तिवारी अपनी गलैमरस तस्वीरों की वजह से सुर्खियों में बनी रहती हैं। उनकी फ़ोटो इंटरनेट पर आते ही वायरल हो जाती हैं। संगीता तिवारी का हर अंदाज बड़ा खास होता है जो उनके फैंस को दीवाना बना देता है। वह खुद सोशल मीडिया पर काफी एक्टिव रहती हैं और अक्सर अपनी एक से बढ़ कर एक मोहक तस्वीरों और वीडियोज को शेयर कर फैंस को सरप्राइज करती रहती हैं।
इसी बीच संगीता तिवारी की कुछ तस्वीरें इंस्टाग्राम पर उस समय चर्चा का विषय बन गयी, जब उन्होंने अपने खास स्टाइल वाले फोटो शेयर करते हुए फैन्स को क्रेजी किया। उसके बाद उनकी तस्वीरें वायरल होने लगी और सोशल मीडिया पर उनके फैंस उन्हें खूब लाइक करने लगे, बेपनाह कमेंट कर रहे हैं। एक फैन ने तो यहां तक कह दिया कि संगीता की खूबसूरती लाजवाब हैं, अमेजिंग है।
आपको बता दें कि संगीता तिवारी अपने अपकमिंग प्रोजेक्ट को लेकर बेहद एक्साइटेड हैं। वह अपनी फ़िल्म द कोरोना लव को लेकर इन दिनों बिजी चल रही हैं। लेकिन इस दौरान भी वह सोशल मीडिया पर एक्टिव रहती हैं, तभी उनके फोटोज पोस्ट करते ही और देखते ही देखते वायरल हो जाते हैं।
गौरतलब है कि संगीता तिवारी ने हिंदी सहित कई रीजनल भाषाओं में फिल्मे कर ली हैं। लगभग 16 वर्षों से एक्टिंग फील्ड में सक्रिय संगीता तिवारी तेलगु, मराठी, गुजराती व राजस्थानी फिल्मों में भी अपनी क्षमता साबित की है। कत्थक डांसर संगीता तिवारी को भारत आइकॉन अवार्ड सहित दर्जनों पुरुस्कारों से नवाजा गया है।
संगीता तिवारी की ग्लैमरस तस्वीरें सोशल मीडिया पर हुईं वायरल, मिल रहे हज़ारों लाइक्स कमेंट्स
Dancer and Choreographer Sachin Sharma’s Birthday Celebrated with full on dhamaal Dance – Music – Masti
डांसिंग सुपरस्टार सचिन शर्मा के जन्मदिन के अवसर पर (मर्दानी 2 फेम) विशाल जेठवा, रवि दुबे, फैसल खान, सना खान सिद्धार्थ निगम, दिलीप सेन सहित कई हस्तियां हुईं शामिल. नृत्य की दुनिया में एक लोकप्रिय नाम, सचिन शर्मा ने अपना 24 वां जन्मदिन परिवार, दोस्तों और फिल्म इंडस्ट्री की कई हस्तियों के साथ मनाया। सेलिब्रेशन की शुरुआत केक कटिंग से हुई। डांस फ्लोर खुला था जहां मशहूर हस्तियां संगीत पर थिरकती नज़र आई। डांस, म्यूजिक, मस्ती का माहौल रहा।यह वास्तव में दोहरा जश्न था क्योंकि सचिन के डेब्यू म्यूजिक वीडियो ‘ टूटी मोहब्बत ‘ के पोस्टर का अनावरण किया गया था। चकाचौंध करने वाले डांसर और बेहद लोकप्रिय यूट्यूबर सचिन शर्मा को अभिनय का शौक और इस संगीत वीडियो के साथ उन्होंने पर्दे पर एक अभिनेता के रूप में यात्रा शुरू की है।
सचिन ने कहा, “नृत्य के अलावा मुझे हमेशा से अभिनय का शौक रहा है। आज मैं खुश हूं कि मेरा सपना ‘ टूटी मोहब्बत ‘ म्यूजिक वीडियो के साथ पूरा हुआ। साथ ही दो और म्यूजिक वीडियो जल्द ही रिलीज होंगे। इनमें से एक वीडियो अंतरराष्ट्रीय सहयोग से बनाया गया है। मैं इसके बारे में कुछ समय बाद आप लोगो को बताऊँगा। अभी ‘ टूटी मोहब्बत ‘ के लिए चियर कर रहे हैं।”
इस मौके पर म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर दिलीप सेन, मर्दानी 2 फेम विशाल जेठवा, रवि दुबे, फैसल खान, सिद्धार्थ निगम, दानिश, सना खान, कार्तिकेय मालवीय, कृष चौहान, डीजे रिंक, अली मर्चेंट, प्रियंका खेरा, आकृति अग्रवाल, दीपक जोशी, निशा गुरगैन, हैरी वर्मा जैसी हस्तियां मौजूद रहीं। बर्थडे बॉय को विश करने रमाकांत मुंडे, आराधना शर्मा, देविश, नमित, आयरा ज्योतिका टंगरी, स्मृति भतीजा, ज्योति गुप्ता, प्रवीण चंद्रा, रूबी सिंह पहुंचे। पार्टी देर रात तक चली।
सचिन शर्मा ने साल 2012 में डांस इंडिया डांस लिटिल मास्टर्स से शुरुआत की थी। फिर उनका डांस का सफर चला और उन्होंने कभी पीछे मुड़कर नहीं देखा। वह डांस इंडिया डांस के फर्स्ट रनरअप थे, झलक दिखला झा, नच बलिए, किचन चैंपियन, बिग बॉस इंडियाज डांसिंग सुपरस्टार, बूगी वूगी किड्स चैंपियनशिप आदि जैसे कई डांस रियलिटी शो में भी उन्होंने हिस्सा लिया। फिर उन्होंने डांस कम्पटीशन को जज करना शुरू किया। मुंडे मीडिया (पीआर) ने इस बर्थडे पार्टी की बखुबी जिम्मेदारी निभाई।
——–छायाकार : रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई
डांसर और कोरियोग्राफर सचिन शर्मा का जन्मदिन बॉलीवूड दिग्गज कलाकारोंके साथ धूमधाम से मनाया गया
Curated & produced by: Kalashri Dr Lata Surendra
Dance when presented as an experience is amazing in its ability to draw the viewer through the power of intention and suggestion to define a theme and bring it to life. When presented with depth, classical dance becomes the umbilical cord which connects us, not only with our inner selves but also the world for which dance should transform to a one to one experience.
The unique festival Thrayam at the NCPA Mumbai, on July2’2022 was an other worldly experience for all who witnessed at the Experimental Theatre. The housefull theatre applauded abd cheered the imaginative Curator Kalashri Dr Lata Surendra as she stepped onto the stage to reach out with highlighting the romance if the number three through seasoned and exemplary artists .
Curator of Thrayam – Kalashri Dr lata Surendra
The anticipation of the crowd was obvious as they listened intently to her introduction to an Ode unto the poetry of Three, through the bridging metaphor – Dance! She awakened people to the Tri- particle nature of all existence as heaven, earth, water and in the human as body, spirit and soul. The two hours that followed was a journey into the very pulse of three.
Guru Smt Vyjayanthi Kashi
Legendary Guru Smt. Vyjayanthi Kashi, the reputed kuchipudi exponen and a celebrated performer and choreographer; the artistic director of a dance school Shambhavi School of Dance, explored three through Triguna. Three attributes of Sathva ,rajasik and tamas through the mystery that is the woman .- Sharmishte
Who is she ? She raised questions to explore with purposive intent, endorsing her years of experience steering the way for the conclusions-
“Wise is she who is Sattvik or ,petty is she as Tamasik or rich as in ,Rajasik ” .
There is always an element of spirituality and philosophy that seeps through each production of this consummate artist that has her dancibg to express more than impress.
Guru Smt Jhelum Paranjape
Smt Jhelum Paranjape renowned Odissi Exponent, Mentor, Choreographer and founder of Smitalay presented the flow of the number three through the *three identities of Narmada.*
Narmada the Goddess
Narmada the Mother
Narmada the River
An artist with a unique vision and a signature style that etched Odissi in every movement , she reached out with the eloquence of three varied aspects of river Narmada. Jhelum ‘s independent thought process was reflected in her moving away from the traditional attire of Odissi to a unique and more contemporary aharya in white that gathered the kinesthetics of her chosen style beautifully endorsing that the sattvika soars beyond the tangible and visible. In fact not once did it come in the way of her exploring of Thrayam.
Curator –Thrayam. Guru Smt Lata Surendra
Kalashri Lata Surendra, who is a renowned, Bharata Natyam Exponent,Mentor, Choreographer, researcher, writer and also the Curator & Producer of Thrayam explored three with two pieces choreographed and conceptualized by herself . She commenced with an exploring of Vasuki -the snake coiled three times around the neck of Lord Shiva representing the three forms of time — past, present and future that we transit through. An intricately choreographed piece set to Thisra Jathi Dhruva Thalam in 11 aksharas , she dedicated it to her Mentor, the legendary Vidwan Kalaimamani Guru Shri T S Kadirvelu Pillai in order to commemorate her six decades of performing career, since her debut in 1962 . She also defined the number three – through the effulgent form of Tribhangi Krishna, highlightibg the truth of Radhamayi Krishna, as Krishna leaves Vrindavan to reach out to the true purpose of his Incarnation . The synergy of Technique and emotion; rhythm and bhava, flowed through her vibrant form , holding the audience spell bound . Be it the impact of her feet echoing all around executing theThisra jathi Dhruva thalam -11 aksharas to drape Vasuki in the symbolically structured Alarippu or her heart wrenching portrayal of Krishnathmika Radha transforming to Trubhangi Krishna both technique and emotion merged as a visual poetry flowing through her as she awakened all to the true purpose of Krishna’s incarnation, choking the hearts of all present. .
Sanjukta Wagh
An imaginative choreographer and an exemplary Kathak Exponent and Teacher Sanjukta Wagh explored Kaali – the great mother who is an embodiment of time itself her magnificience, her ferocity and her deep love and compassion for all beings Inspired by her grand Guru Madhurita Sarang,, the song was a traditional kathak piece by Mahavirji rearranged choreographed by Sanjukta Wagh herself with her fellow musicians Hitesh Dhutia on the guitars, Vinayak Netke on percussions and Radhika Sood Nayak on Vocals.
Priya Sarukkai Chhabria s evocative poem on the mother goddess and her symbolism tied up the soul connect and the relationship between the divine and blessed, the poet and muse, the artist and the audience.
An absolutely consummate artist with a vision she truly transformed to the dark energy , the passion, the raw feminine who was as merciless as merciful
Manisha Jeet & Disciples
The absorbing pathways unfolding , soon gathered its climax in the imaginative choreography of Smt Manisha Jeet that defined the journey of the genderless intangible through three genders .
“सा, तत, सः
The team headed by Smt Manisha Jeet, enthralled the audience with the magic of सा-Stree, तत- Shikhandi & सः- Kal bhairav. The energised execution of the artists with beautifully co- ordinated movements and uttered vachika defined the finale with aplomb. The true climax however was when the spontaneous curator Lata Surendra had all the audience clap to thisra in three layas and changing gatis as a tribute to Three.
What a great evening gathering the poetry of the number three, through the three elements of Nritta, Nritya and Natya .
In the words of the curator of the show Kalashri Smt Lata Surendra:
“…. Post witnessing Thrayam, the number ‘Three’ would have transformed to more than a number! In the tri- particle nature of the universe three would reign as the perfect number gathering the pulse of the universe through each of its symbolic definitions in the sacred symmetry that embodies all life .”
She thanked her sponsors the Union Bank of India and Mahindra Finance for their support in reaching out with the divinity of three.
Most Awaited Party Anthem CASANOVA by Global Music Sensations YoYo Honey Singh – Lill Pump & DJ Shadow releases on 24th July
Get Ready to Swoon! As Most Awaited Party Anthem ‘CASANOVA’ by Global Music Sensations YoYo Honey Singh, Lill Pump & DJ Shadow releases on 24th July. Dynamic Producer duo Gaurang Doshi and entrepreneur Rocky Khan set to create history with the biggest collaboration with the promo song of web series 7th Sense shot in Dubai set to revolutionize OTT platforms.
It marks the first ever international collaboration of YoYo Honey Singh.
Most Awaited Party Anthem CASANOVA by Global Music Sensations YoYo Honey Singh – Lill Pump & DJ Shadow releases on 24th July
THREE more than just a number – THRAYAM curated and conceptualised by Kalashri Dr Lata Surendra
Dance when presented as an experience is amazing in its ability to draw the viewer through the power of intention and suggestion to define a theme and bring it to life. When presented with depth, classical dance becomes the umbilical cord which connects us, not only with our inner selves but also the world for which dance should transform to a one to one experience .
The unique festival Thrayam at the NCPA Mumbai, on July2’2022 was an other worldly experience for all who witnessed t ar the Experimental Theatre. The housefull theatre applauded abd cheered the imaginative Curator Kalashri Dr Lata Surendra as she stepped onto the stage to reach out with highlighting the romance if the number three through seasoned and exemplary artists.
The anticipation of the crowd was obvious as they listened intently to her introduction to an Ode unto the poetry of Three, through the bridging metaphor – Dance! She awakened people to the Tri- particle nature of all existence as heaven, earth, water and in the human as body, spirit and soul . The two hours that followed was a journey into the very pulse of three .
Legendary Guru Smt Vyjayanthi Kashi, the reputed kuchipudi exponen and a celebrated performer and choreographer; the artistic director of a dance school Shambhavi School of Dance , explored three through Triguna . Three attributes of Sathva ,rajasik and tamas through the mystery that is the woman .- Sharmishte
Who is she ? She raised questions to explore with purposive intent, endorsing her years of experience steering the way for the conclusions- “Wise is she who is Sattvik or ,petty is she as Tamasik or rich as in, Rajasik”.
There is always an element of spirituality and philosophy that seeps through each production of this consummate artist that has her dancibg to express more than mpress Smt Jhelum Paranjape renowned Odissi Exponent, Mentor, Choreographer and founder of Smitalay presented the flow of the number three through the three identities of Narmada.
Narmada the Goddess
Narmada the Mother
Narmada the River
An artist with a unique vision and a signature style that etched Odissi in every movement , she reached out with the eloquence of three varied aspects of river Narmada. Jhelum ‘s independent thought process was reflected in her moving away from the traditional attire of Odissi to a unique and more contemporary aharya in white that gathered the kinesthetics of her chosen style beautifully endorsing that the sattvika soars beyond the tangible and visible. In fact not once did it come in the way of her exploring of Thrayam.
Kalashri Lata Surendra, who is a renowned, Bharata Natyam Exponent, Mentor, Choreographer, researcher, writer and also the Curator & Produce r o Thrayam explored three with two pieces choreographed and conceptualised by herself . She commenced with an exploring of Vasuki -the snake coiled three times around the neck of Lord Shiva representibg the three forms of time — past, present and future — that we transit through. An Intricately choreographed piece set to Thisra Jathi Dhruva Thalam in 11 aksharas ,she dedicated it to her Mentor, the legendary Vidwan Kalaimamani Guru Shri T S Kadirvelu Pillai in order to commemorate her six decades of performing career , since her debut in 1962 . She alsi defined the number three – through the effulgent form of Tribhangi Krishna, highlightibg the truth of Radhamayi Krishna , as kridhna leaves Vrindavan to reach out to the true purpose of his Incarnation . The synergy of Technique and emotion ; rhythm and bhava flowed through her vibrant form , holding the audience spell bound . Be it the impact of her feet echoing all around executing the dhruva thalam in Thisram to drape Vasuki in the symbolically structured Alarippu or l her heart wrenching portrayal of krishnathmika Radha transforming to Trubhangi Krishna, , technique and emotion merged as a visual poetry flowing through her as she awakened to the true purpose of Krishna’s incarnation , choking the hearts of all present .
An imaginative choreographer and an exemplary Kathak Exponent and Teacher Sanjukta Wagh explored Kaali – the great mother who is an embodiment of time itself her magnificience, her ferocity and her deep love and compassion for all beings Inspired by her grand Guru Madhurita Sarang,, the song was a traditional kathak piece by Mahavirji rearranged choreographed by Sanjukta Wagh herself with her fellow musicians Hitesh Dhutia on the guitars, Vinayak Netke on percussions and Radhika Sood Nayak on Vocals. Priya Sarukkai Chhabria s evocative poem on the mother goddess and her symbolism tied up the soul connect and the relationship between the divine and blessed, the poet and muse, the artist and the audience.
An absolutely consummate artist with a vision she truly transformed to the dark energy, the passion, the raw feminine who was as merciless as merciful.
The absorbing pathways unfolding , soon gathered its climax in the imaginative choreography of Smt Manisha Jeet that defined the journey of the genderless intangible through three genders.
“सा, तत्,सः The team headed by Smt Manisha Jeet, enthralled the audience with the magic of सा-Stree, तत्- Shikhandi & सः- Kal bhairav. The energised execution of the artists with beautifully co-ordinated movements and uttered vachika defined the finale with aplomb. The true climax however was when the spontaneous curator Lata Surendra had all the audience clap to thisra in three layas and changing gatis as a tribute to Three.
What a great evening gathering the poetry of the number three, through the three elements of Nritta, Nritya and Natya.
In the words of the curator of the show Kalashri Smt Lata Surendra: : ” Post witnessing Thrayam , the number ‘Three’ would have transformed to more than a number! In the tri- particle nature of the universe three would reign as the perfect number gathering the pulse of the universe through each of its symbolic definitions in the sacred symmetry that embodies all life She thanked her sponsors the Union Bank of India and Mahindra Finance fir their support in reaching out with the divinity of three.
Classical colouring of Three – THRAYAM at NCPA , Experimental Theatre,Mumbai curated by Kalashri Dr Lata Surendra
प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव, निधि झा, चाँदनी सिंह ने जीता दर्शकों का दिल, फिल्म गुप्त को मिली बिहार, झारखंड में बम्पर ओपनिंग
प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव, मोहन जोशी की भोजपुरी फिल्म गुप्त को मिली बिहार, झारखंड में बेस्ट ओपनिंग
भोजपुरी सिनेमा के यूथ स्टार प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव, लूलिया गर्ल निधी झा, अदाकारा चाँदनी सिंह और बॉलीवुड दिग्गज अभिनेता मोहन जोशी के शानदार अभिनय से सजी भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘गुप्त’ को बिहार, झारखंड के सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज किया गया है. जिसे काफी अच्छी ओपनिंग मिली है और दर्शकों द्वारा अच्छा रिस्पॉन्स मिल रहा है. इस फिल्म को बिहार, झारखंड के सिनेमाघरों में फ़िल्म वितरक कंपनी प्रांशुल मैजिक मोमेंट के प्रवीण कुमार ने रिलीज किया है. फ़िल्म में रोमांस से लेकर ऐक्शन का डबल डोज देखने के लिए मिल रहा है. फिल्म की कहानी पारिवारिक है. इसमें पिता के मान सम्मान की लड़ाई को दिखाया गया है. इस फिल्म में जहां प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव फुल टू ऐक्शन मूड में दिख रहे हैं, वहीं निधि झा और चांदनी सिंह के साथ रोमांस का तड़का भी लगा रहे हैं. उनकी तिकड़ी धमाल मचा रही है. साथ ही बॉलीवुड एक्टर मोहन जोशी ने पहली बार प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव के साथ स्क्रीन शेयर किया है. उनकी मुकाबला काबिले तारीफ है.
भोजपुरी फिल्म गुप्त का ट्रेलर पहले ही वेव म्यूजिक के यूट्यूब चैनल पर जारी किया गया था. ट्रेलर लोगों ने खूब पसंद किया है. अब सिनेमाघरों में पूरी फ़िल्म भी दर्शकों खूब पसंद आ रही है.
गौरतलब है कि आई जे के फिल्म के बैनर तले निर्मित की गई भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘गुप्त’ में प्रमोद प्रेमी का ऐक्शन कमाल का दिख रहा है. वे एक सीन में तो बाहुबली के अंदाज में पूरा तांगा उठा कर सामने गुंडों पर फेंक देते हैं. फिल्म ऐक्शन थ्रिलर फिल्म है. ऐसे में इसमें ऐक्शन सिक्वेंस काफी खतरनाक है. बॉलीवुड स्टाइल का यह सिनेमा दर्शकों का फुल इंटरटेनमेंट कर रहा है. एक से बढ़कर एक कर्णप्रिय शानदार और लाजवाब बने हैं.
बता दें कि भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘गुप्त’ की शूटिंग गुजरात में हुई है. यह डायरेक्टर नन्द किशोर महतो और प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव की हैट्रिक फिल्म बताई जा रही है. प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव और निर्देशक नन्द किशोर महतो फिल्म वीर अर्जुन जैसी सफल फिल्म साथ दे चुके हैं. इस डायरेक्टर एक्टर जोड़ी की एक और भोजपुरी फिल्म का नाम ‘अजय आजाद’ है. यह तीसरी भोजपुरी फिल्म गुप्त है, जिसे सिनेमाहाल में दर्शकों का भरपूर प्यार मिल रहा है.
संतोष गुप्ता प्रस्तुत इस फिल्म गुप्त के निर्माता इरफान शेख और जयकिशोर चौधरी हैं. डायरेक्टर नन्द किशोर महतो हैं. लेखक ओम प्रकाश यादव, गीतकार व संगीतकार कृष्णा बेदर्दी हैं. छायांकन डी.के. शर्मा, मारधाड़ दिलीप यादव, नृत्य संजय कोर्वे, कला राम बाबू ठाकुर, संकलन धरम सोनी का है. प्रोडक्शन कंट्रोलर विजय मौर्य हैं. प्रचारक रामचन्द्र यादव हैं. फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव, निधि झा, चांदनी सिंह, मोहन जोशी, बृजेश त्रिपाठी, मनोज टाईगर, उमेश सिंह, बालेश्वर सिंह, जय सिंह, रजनीश पाठक, गिरीश शर्मा, के के गोस्वामी, सोनिया मिश्रा, नीरज यादव अहिरा, आकाश चौधरी आदि हैं.
प्रमोद प्रेमी यादव, मोहन जोशी की भोजपुरी फिल्म गुप्त को मिली बिहार, झारखंड में बेस्ट ओपनिंग
Music 24 Records Label’s OG Studio Launches Its Song RANG NA
‘Rang Na’, a new music video sung by Pratibha Sigh Baghel and produced by Music 24 Records was released a few days ago. This song is a part of an unique music property called ‘OG Studio’ of the label. Singer Pratibha shares about the song ” There is no color in a lady’s life if her beloved is not with her. The song shows that she has all the colors to wear, she has everything to get decked up but she is not with her beloved and that makes her withered. She urges her husband to come back and paint this incomplete canvas of love”. The song is being streamed on all major music platforms such as Youtube Music, Spotify, Gaana, Hungama, Apple Wynk music, etc.
Music 24 Records owner Mr. Darrpan Bangejaa states, “I am happy that the audiences love our soulful music of the OG Studio. This is our 4th song at the OG Studio and in the past too we have had beautiful and soulful numbers with singers like Salman Ali, Aditya Narayan and Divya Kumar. The songs are composed by Harshit Chaohan.”
Talking about OG Studio, Darrpan Bangejaa also stated, “It stands for OriGinal music Studio. Our aim is to promote new and original music and help artists to explore their true self with their music. We got a lot of amazing options from various artists and hence the only challenge we faced was selecting the right music and songs which connected with the audience and they love listening to them at any hour of the day. I am happy to say that so far, we have achieved some success in doing so. Few more songs from the OG Studio are still in the pipeline and will be coming out soon too. As a music label, our motto is to promote talent across the country and also to help new artists in their musical journey.”
Music 24 Records Label’s OG Studio Launches Its Song RANG NA
Enter A&I Hyderabad Making A Rapid Rise in the Publication Niche as a One-of-a-kind Magazine for Architects and Interior Designers
The magazine highlights news, successes, experiences, and pretty much everything regarding the industry celebrating the talents in Hyderabad.
It is so surreal to know and learn about all those platforms, businesses, and brands that go ahead in turning the heads of people and attracting their maximum attention for all the right reasons. These businesses lead their way to the top for reasons more than one, but most importantly, for what unique they offer to their target audiences and the people they love to cater to through their products or services. In the world of magazines and publications, there has been a rapid rise of too many players that have shown the potential to take over the overall media space or specific domains. We couldn’t help but notice the rise of one such incredible magazine dedicated to the architecture and design domain. We are talking about A&I Hyderabad, which has risen to the top as a one-of-a-kind magazine.
Yes, you read that right; A&I Hyderabad is one of those rare gems in the online media world that has emerged as a powerful platform for all those people who have been relentlessly serving the architecture and interior designing realms in Hyderabad, India. A&I Hyderabad is a growing magazine that is filled with too many great articles written by the ones who serve the industry as true-blue professionals and wish to bring their experiences, knowledge, and insights in front of others and all those budding professionals who strive to become a part of the industry.
It won’t be wrong to say that A&I Hyderabad is perhaps the only consistently growing magazine based in Hyderabad that has the potential to take over the online media realm with the kind of powerful articles it has so far provided people with. The much-talked-about magazine provides articles featuring talented architects and interior designers, and many other specialists in the industry who make sure to create a positive difference by spreading their knowledge and experiences with others.
To know more, visit the website,
and follow it on Instagram @aimagazinehyd.
Enter A&I Hyderabad Making A Rapid Rise in the Publication Niche as a One-of-a-kind Magazine for Architects and Interior Designers
Himanshu Patel’s Epic Stories is a Wedding Photography Company that is creative and unmatched
Epic Stories is a wedding photography service that shoots various frames of the bride and groom with their family and friends during the wedding festivities. Renowned wedding photographer Himanshu Patel has launched his new wedding photography company ‘Epic Stories’. Epic Stories is based out of Mumbai, in the state of Maharashtra.
Not only wedding shoots in Epic Stories, but all pre-wedding shoots take place. Through this company, they capture the special moments of the wedding couple and try to capture their love stories. Epic Stories has done wedding photography of celebrities like Yuvika Choudhary, Shweta Tripathi, Prince Narula, Karishma Tanna and went abroad to shoot many international projects.
The panel of this creative service comprises of seasoned photographers, designers, filmmakers and creative directors, whose skills and creativity are always on track to make one’s wedding celebrations even more special by stabilizing the time with their craft. This splendid wedding photography studio is passionately led by its leaders who ensure that the quality of service is not compromised in anything they do. They are in this field for many years and are moving ahead strongly.
The pioneers of this brand ensure that the quality of service is of the best standards. The Mumbai-based Wedding Photo Digital Studio team loves to click the beautiful chaos during the wedding festivities of a person’s life and deliver them in a format that they and their future generations can look back on and enjoy. The stunning presentations of their captivating photo captures are a consistent part of their wedding services to leave their clients engrossed.
Himanshu Patel’s Epic Stories is a Wedding Photography Company that is creative and unmatched
Meet Ankur Chandrakant a person who consistently advances in the age of intelligence and consistently rates his abilities at the highest possible level
Since technology is regarded as the foundation of any business, it is present everywhere in the world as it expands day by day. Ankur Chandrakant is a well-known name in today’s generation who has taught people how to become more optimistic in life. Today, there are many people working for technology and the back hands. Ankur has over ten years of thriving experience and is a professional in both cyber forensics and cyber intelligence.
Born in 11 December 1987, Ankur Chandrakant is a person who constantly strives to achieve goals that are not related to laborious effort but rather to intelligence. He has believed since he was a young child that intelligence is more significant than hard effort. And as of right now, he works with several portals, giving them the best inspiration.
He has received numerous certificates and accolades up to this point. He pioneered several of the job opportunities and is currently a FOUNDER of the eProtect Foundation. After earning his BTech, he always aspires to do something extraordinary with his life, and by extraordinary, he does not only mean achieving fame and notoriety but also developing his virtual abilities and making the world a better place for him and his career prospects. Additionally, he received approval from a number of his dream employers, including Google. But he wants to take action on his own, so he keeps moving forward and never turns around while keeping this idea in mind.
He held positions at Google and Microsoft as a cyber forensic investigator and technical analyst, respectively. Through his company E-protect, he has also worked in the area of women’s and children’s welfare. Who are creativity and innovation? He has had more than a thousand women for free, and he wants to create a country where women also have a free role. VCLAP DIGITAL, LEARNING SOLUTIONS EDUFLUX360 and CYBER RADIX are some his educational startups that are touching the heights of sky. He has a strong belief in two concepts: innovation and creativity. For him, these concepts represent not just a word but also the future of his career. His innovations and ascent to the heights of the sky are only around the corner.
Meet Ankur Chandrakant, a person who consistently advances in the age of intelligence and consistently rates his abilities at the highest possible level.
अरुण बख्शी हिन्दी फिल्म “48 कोस” में अभिनेता, गायक और संगीतकार के रूप में !
फ़िल्म के सांग व ट्रेलर लांच पर पंकज बेरी के साथ अरुण बख्शी रहे उपस्थित अरुण बख्शी न केवल एक बेहतरीन एक्टर हैं बल्कि शानदार संगीतकार और गायक भी हैं। बॉलीवुड की ढेरों फिल्मों में उन्होंने हिट गाने दिए हैं। आसमान को धरती पर लाने वाला चाहिए जैसे गीतों से मशहूर अरुण बख्शी अब फ़िल्म 48 कोस में न सिर्फ बतौर ऎक्टर नजर आएंगे बल्कि संगीतकार और गायक के रूप में भी उन्होंने इस फ़िल्म के लिए काम किया।
लेखक, निर्माता, निर्देशक राजिंदर वर्मा ‘यशबाबू’ की यह हिंदी फिल्म 48 कोस 8 जुलाई को रिलीज हो रही है। मुंबई में यश बाबू की हिन्दी फिल्म “48 कोस” का एक गाना और ट्रेलर लांच किया गया तो यहां अरुण बख्शी, पंकज बेरी, राजेश बब्बर भी उपस्थित थे। फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर काफी दमदार है और गाना अरुण बख्शी ने कम्पोज़ किया और गाया है, जिसमे उनकी अदाकारी भी देखने लायक है।
खास बात यह है कि अरुण बख्शी अपना हर एक गाना लता मंगेशकर जी के स्टूडियो में रिकॉर्ड करते हैं। जहां क्वालिटी भी मिलती है और दुआएं भी मिलती हैं। अरुण बख्शी की छोटी सी म्युज़िक टीम है, उनका म्युज़िक प्रोग्रामर दिनेश रहाते है जिन्होंने इस गाने में उनका साथ दिया है।
यश बाबू का कहना है कि हमारे साहित्य में ऐसे कई पात्र एवं चरित्र है जिन्हें शायद हमारी नौजवान पीढ़ी भूल गयी है। हमारे इतिहास के गर्भ में ऐसी कई कहानियां है जो आज भी अनकही हैं, प्रासंगिक हैं।
हिन्दी फीचर फिल्म ‘48 कोस’ द्वारा उनकी कोशिश कुरुक्षेत्र का नाम विश्व पटल पर ले जाने की है। राजिंदर वर्मा ने कहानी के संदर्भ में बताया कि बचपन से ही वह महाभारत से प्रभावित थे। 48 कोस के द्वारपाल यक्षों की कहानियां उनको बहुत आकर्षक लगती थी। इन्हीं कहानियों को वह आधुनिक रूप में दर्शकों के सामने प्रस्तुत करना चाहते थे। कहानी को अपने स्वरूप में आने में डेढ़ साल लगा।
अरुण बख्शी का कहना है कि यह फीचर फिल्म दर्शकों के दिलों को छू लेगी और सोचने पर मजबूर कर देगी। इस फिल्म में नामी कलाकार पंकज बेरी, अनिल धवन, अरुण बक्शी, सोहित सोनी, अनिल वर्मा, जागृति ठाकुर, नलिनी खत्री, योगिता पॉल के अलावा बाल कलाकार आरव वधवा, गर्वित खुराना, रीतिका राय, जय रल्हन ने विशेष रूप से काम किया है। यशबाबू एंटरटेनमेंट द्वारा निर्मित फिल्म ‘48 कोस’ सिनेमाघरों में 8 जुलाई को रिलीज हो रही है।
मुंबई प्रतिनिधी रमाकांत मुंडे
अरुण बख्शी हिन्दी फिल्म “48 कोस” में अभिनेता, गायक और संगीतकार के रूप में !
Hitting the hit list Prem Rai’s film Aatankvadi gained massive audience love once again like his previous movies
For many people, the entertainment sector goes beyond just a standard one. It is a significant change in their lives. Let’s take a look at the life of a person who had nothing and who got the chance to shine because of his talent in the film industry, which gave his life a significant turn. We have heard a lot of success tales. But who deserves the real credit in light of all the circumstances? We must express our gratitude to the producer for finding the talents and giving them a platform to showcase their skills. Due to the shift from a single producer to several production houses, and according to some reports, even underworld plays, the film industry has grown tremendously. The success of a film means the success of a producer. If you want to see some of the finest work of some producers then the work of Prem Rai is highly recommended. He is one of the best producers of bhojpuri films.
Prem Rai gave many popular films to the film industry. His commendable work is well showcased through his films. The popular films such as Hindutva ,Aatankvadi, Saiyan Superstar, aashiq awara, and janeman, gained massive amounts of love from the people. The way he represented his film to the audience created curiosity among the audience. Apart from the film making, his nature and character is loved by his teammates. Everyone feels really happy to work with him. Where today, most of the producers believe in focusing on presenting repeated story depiction to the audience, he strongly believes in representing something unique to the audience. He believes that audiences are the main reason for film success, if they found the film really interesting only then the film can be titled as a ‘ super hit’.
Working in the film industry is obviously not easy work. One has to tackle the competition in the entertainment industry and so does Prem Rai. Despite losing hopes after failing in competition, he believes in strongly rising up everytime, This is the prominent reason of his films success.
Hitting the hit list Prem Rai’s film Aatankvadi gained massive audience love once again like his previous movies
Meet The New Internet Sensation Fifa World Cup Dance Choreographer Shaffik Mohammed A Fabulous Singer And Musician Too
Have you ever considered the notion of a circus acrobat creating the dance routine for the FIFA World Cup? Maybe take the lead in well-known Hollywood movies? The legacy of the six generations of circus acrobats served as his source of inspiration. Meet the brilliant Shaffik Mohammed, a dance choreographer for the FIFA World Cup whose passion has won the hearts of millions of people all over the world.
Shaffik Mohammed, a resident of the United Kingdom, was raised in an Amsterdam family of Moroccan origin. Shaffik wanted to change his life because he came from an acrobat family that had been working in circuses for six generations. He was drawn to singing and music at a young age and was fascinated by them. He also had a strong passion for dancing. He became a professional dancer by joining his family in the circus. His body was ideal for dancing, and his emotions were flowing. Shaffik soon decided to pursue a profession in singing, dancing, and music.
Shaffik made a significant effort to realize his goals. He has won various events while performing in circuses all over the world, most notably the biggest and best circus festival in Monte Carlo.
Millions of people were curious about his work. He soon started receiving offers for parts in TV series, shows, and movies. Shaffik Mohammed collaborated with well-known performers including Robert Davi, Danny Trejo, and Damian Chapa on the Hollywood movies Pistol Era and the celebrated TV series “Disk Hyati.”
Working with Redone Rihanna, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, French Montana, and Fifth Harmony at the MTV Awards Night was a feather on his cap!
Thanks to his knowledge, talent, and originality, he immediately became the talk of the town and a celebrity. He was given the chance to oversee the choreography for the Ft. Davido, Ft. Trinidad, Ft. Aicha, and Redone dances at the 2022 World Cup.
The songs for the World Cup Draw, the most well-known FIFA World Cup Live performance, were choreographed by Shaffik Mohammed. Millions of people have viewed the song online due to the biggest uproar it caused over the Internet.
Shaffik states, giving his family full credit for his success: “My family, to whom I owe everything, is what motivates me the most. Nothing would have been possible without the tremendous assistance and blessings of my members.”
He had reached the height of his ability and creativity. According to Shaffik, he has a few projects lined up with A-list celebrities to choreograph their movies.” I can’t wait to begin my next endeavor”, says the sensational singer and talented musician Shaffik Mohammed!
Meet The New Internet Sensation Fifa World Cup Dance Choreographer Shaffik Mohammed A Fabulous Singer And Musician Too
Priya Mishra – Charming Alluring Talented Nominated For Bollywood
Talented aspirant for stardom Priya Mishra looks forward for big break in Bollywood
Meet Priya Mishra young energetic this dusky complexion beauty born in Agra and presently residing in Delhi. She stands 5’7 in height with figure statistics reading 34″26″30″.
She is educated and blessed with talent in dance forms besides a stage artiste. She has done events in Bangkok and Couple of music videos.
It is her dream to embrace acting as a career and win name and fame as an actress to reckon with.
She evinces passionate interest in Ramp shows, music videos, web series, serials and above all films. It is also her burning desire to do Hollywood projects as well as an actress and mark her acting talents there.
As a person, she is also blessed with good humane qualities and by nature she is very sweet, well behaved, vivacious glamorous. Couple of big budgeted films are in pipe line to be short abroad and she is anxiously waiting for the launch.
Priya makes it known that she is looking forward for an interesting journey in the ‘Mecca’ of Bollywood. She also feels she will be much happier than ever since she will get an opportunity to meet lot of people, and to share good knowledge and a good bond.
Priya is doubly sure that her talents will recognition in the entertainment industry. Priya feels elated and unable to imagine that by virtue of having done many auditions she has started getting work which she actually deserves.
Her message to her dear audience and her fans is to never give up on your dreams, tough time comes, but one fine day you will achieve what you always wanted . One need to have faith in God and a little bit of patience for a successful and bright future ahead.
Priya Mishra – Charming Alluring Talented Nominated For Bollywood
Carving a special place and niche for himself in the music industry is an ace music professional Alok Pandey Gopal
Alok Pandey Gopal songs and compositions are striking the right chord in the hearts of audiences and catching people’s attention.
Music industry has introduced massive versions of music in past few decades. The youth has played vital role in bringing up the music forms like DJ, rap, hip-hop and many more. But our folk and classical is the music, which our young audience is missing to hear. The beat, rhythm and singing are purely presented in folk and classical music. Which definitely pours peace in the listeners heart and mind. Alok Pandey Gopal is one such young singer and composer who is catering an amazing music with a melodious voice in semi-classical and folk music. The young singer has created a lot of buzz with his music art.
Music is an art and artist like Alok has worked tremendously hard to create a music art and a voice that pours bliss in the audience’s life. Grew-up with the only one strong desire is to be music artist and a singer. He started gaining music training from his parents. He used to practice for long hours at a tender age and started learning classical music from his teacher and father. The artist gains immense knowledge and experience of music. He took participation in folk music competition “Maati Ke Laal” conducted by the Indian Government, Doordarshan, Kisan Channel, twenty-eight states and folk stars, in which Alok engross the audiences with his performance and unique voice texture. His experience, expertise and knowledge made him the winner of the competition. Now Alok is popularly known for his folk music and strong singing talent with competent performance.
His songs and albums are going viral on the platform like – YouTube, Apple Music, Gaana, JioSaavn, Hungams and many more. Which has increased his fan-following on social domain. Along with that he is one the famous Bhojpuri singer, his songs like – Laai Ke Gavanwa Saiyan, Chand Jaisan Roopwa, Kaahe Humein Sataavelu, Kripa Karo He Maa, and many more songs and albums. These all songs are major hit with millions of listeners. Alok is growing consistently with his skilled and creative music craft.
The singer is coming up with many more music art with his soulful voice. Stay tune!
Carving a special place and niche for himself in the music industry is an ace music professional Alok Pandey Gopal.
Harnoor Chandi takes over the hip-hop scene in India with his euphonic sound and vibe
As a singer and musical artist, he blends in his passion for music with his innate musical skills and unique music sense.
A lot has already been spoken about how a few driven professionals have walked their path to success with courage and grace. Still, it feels like much more discussions are needed around them for the world to know their genius as most of them belong to the younger brigade and showcase what they truly possess to take over their chosen industries. The music industry across the globe has always welcomed talented beings with open arms, and many out of them have even gone ahead in winning hearts and creating a unique standing for themselves in the ever-so-growing sector. Harnoor Chandi has been doing exactly that and much beyond to connect deeply with his listeners and, most importantly, create a special place for his music in their hearts.
Harnoor Chandi may seem just like any other youngster from the neighborhood, but he is definitely much beyond being just that, thanks to his incessant hard work and consistency in coming up with singles that exude distinctiveness yet, which radiates his unique vibe in each one of them. The 19-year-old hails from Anupgarh, Rajasthan, India, and moved to Mumbai to build a robust career for himself as a singer and musical artist. It won’t be wrong to say that he is already creating a name for himself in the industry through his euphonic sound and vibe.
Coming to Mumbai, he came with a dream in his eyes, he confesses. He knew there would be several hurdles that might come in between in his quest to reach his desired success, but he was prepared to fight them and learn something new each day to turn into a refined talent in the industry. Each of his songs like SKY, Rifle, Bad Roads, Cancelled, King Man, Jatt Hood – Instrumental version, Gng Hood – Instrumental version, and Always Vibing – Instrumental version, available on Spotify many other streaming sites have helped him step up in the hip-hop and rap genre, earning massive streams and listeners.
Harnoor Chandi (@Harnoor_chandi_) wants to now create many more incredible singles and make people feel more in love with his discography.
Harnoor Chandi takes over the hip-hop scene in India with his euphonic sound and vibe
आकांक्षा अवस्थी, निसार खान की “हमार दबंग बहुरिया” की शूटिंग शुरू हुई लखनऊ में
आकांक्षा अवस्थी की शुरू दबंगई, निसार खान ने कहा – “हमार दबंग बहुरिया”
कहा जाता है कि सिनेमा समाज का आईना होता है, मगर आईना कम एंटरटेनमेंट ज्यादा होता है फिल्मों में. जिससे हर वर्ग के दर्शक कहीं न कहीं सिनेमा से नहीं जुड़ पाते हैं, यह अक्सर देखा जाता है भोजपुरी सिनेमा में. जी हाँ! एक खास वर्ग भोजपुरी फिल्मों से कोसों दूर है, जिसे सिनेमाघरों में लाना भगीरथ प्रयास से कम नहीं है. इन्हीं बातों को ध्यान में रखकर फ़िल्म निर्माता विवेक कुमार ने नायिका प्रधान नारी सशक्तिकरण बल देने, समाज को आईना दिखाने एवं हर वर्ग के दर्शकों को भोजपुरी सिनेमा से जोड़ने के लिए भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का निर्माण कर रहे हैं. जिसकी शूटिंग लखनऊ में विधिवत पूजा-पाठ करके शुरू कर दिया गया है. जिसके लेखन व निर्देशन की कमान महिला प्रधान सामाजिक मुद्दो पर आधारित संघर्ष, लिट्टी चोखा, आशिकी, जुग जुग जिया हो ललनवा, अफसर बिटिया सहित कई भोजपुरी फिल्मों के लेखक राकेश त्रिपाठी संभाल रहे हैं.
उल्लेखनीय है कि अक्स पाठशाला एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले निर्मित की जा रही महिला प्रधान भोजपुरी फिल्म हमार दबंग बहुरिया का विषय समाज में जागरूकता फैलाने के साथ-साथ दर्शकों का फुल इंटरटेनमेंट करेगी. इस फिल्म में केंद्रीय भूमिका में सुपर एक्ट्रेस आकांक्षा अवस्थी हैं, जिन्होंने सुपरस्टार पवन सिंह और खेसारी लाल यादव के साथ रुपहले परदे पर अपनी अदा जादू चलाकर दर्शकों के दिल में मुकम्मल स्थान बना चुकी हैं. उनके हीरो निसार खान हैं. उनकी कमेस्ट्री दर्शकों को खूब पसंद आने वाली है.
फिल्म के निर्माता विवेक कुमार हैं. लेखक व निर्देशक राकेश त्रिपाठी हैं. संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद हैं. डीओपी विजय मंडल, एसोसिएट डायरेक्टर कन्हैया विश्वकर्मा, लाइन प्रोड्यूसर नितिन कुमार, आर्ट डायरेक्टर राम ठाकुर, प्रोडक्शन हेड दिनेध गुप्ता (रिंकू) हैं. फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार आकांक्षा अवस्थी, निसार खान, संजय पांडेय, अनूप अरोरा, मोना राय, अनीता सहगल, बालेश्वर सिंह, संदीप यादव, संजीव मिश्रा, सत्या दूबे, सोनाली मिश्रा, कृष्णा यादव, अंजनी, आज़ाद अहमद, विश्वराज निषाद आदि हैं.
गौरतलब है कि भव्य पैमाने पर मुहूर्त करके शूटिंग शुरू की गई भोजपुरी फिल्म हमार दबंग बहुरिया के सेट जाने माने निर्माता निर्देशक बॉबी सिंह का बर्थडे केक काटकर हर्षोल्लास के मनाया गया. बॉबी सिंह का यह जन्मदिन हमेशा के लिए यादगार रहेगा.
आकांक्षा अवस्थी, निसार खान की “हमार दबंग बहुरिया” की शूटिंग शुरू हुई लखनऊ में
मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी और निर्देशक भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा की आंख खोलने वाली फिल्म “फ्यूचर फाइट” दुनिया भर के फेस्टिवल्स में
प्लास्टिक के दुष्प्रभाव और दुनिया मे पानी की किल्लत के ज्वलंत मुद्दे पर बनी है फ़िल्म
पर्यावरण और ग्लोबल वार्मिंग पर काफी डॉक्यूमेंट्री फिल्मे बनी हैं। मगर लेखक ओर निर्देशक भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा ने इस गंभीर विषय पर काफी कमर्शियल और प्रभावी शार्ट फ़िल्म फ्यूचर फाइट बनाई है। उनका कहना है कि हम फ्यूचर के लिए लड़ाई कर रहे हैं। इंसान ने दुनिया के लिए प्लास्टिक नाम का बहुत बड़ा जहर बनाया है। उसके अधिकतर इस्तेमाल से पीने का पानी खत्म होता जा रहा है। वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार समुंदर से पानी आकाश की ओर नहीं जा पा रहा है क्योंकि प्लास्टिक की परतें नीचे धँसती जा रही हैं। इसलिए बारिश अब कम होती है। हम 5जी और 8जी जैसी नई तकनीकों का इंतजार कर रहे हैं, मगर उधर बुनियादी चीज पानी दुनिया से खत्म होता जा रहा है। आप यकीन करेंगे कि आज पूरी दुनिया मे पीने लायक पानी सिर्फ 2.5 प्रतिशत है।
यूएई में दुबई के फ्यूचर म्यूज़ियम में जब ये फ़िल्म पेश की गई तो वहां के शेख हैरान रह गए और कहा कि हम यहां भविष्य की योजनाएं बना रहे हैं और यह सोचा ही नहीं, कि दुनिया मे इतना सीरियस ईशु चल रहा है, और दुनिया खात्मे के कगार पर है।
लेखक ओर निर्देशक भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा का कहना है कि इस डॉक्यूमेंट्री फ़िल्म को दर्शकों की बड़ी संख्या तक पहुंचाने के लिए हमने कनाडा की ऎक्ट्रेस घडा लाजमी को कास्ट किया, जाने माने एक्टर रवि भाटिया को लिया, और इसे एक फीचर फिल्म की तरह फ़िल्माया। इस फ़िल्म में हमने दिखाया है कि पानी के लिए लोग लड़ रहे हैं, एक दूसरे को पानी के लिए मारने तक पर उतर गए हैं।
दुबई में बारिश नहीं होती, आर्टिफिशियल बारिश एक बार कराने का खर्च 100 बिलियन डॉलर होता है। अगर हमने अभी प्लास्टिक का इस्तेमाल पूरी तरह बंद नहीं किया तो 2050 तक पीने का एक लीटर पानी 870 रुपए का मिलेगा। दुनिया से खारा पानी भी खत्म होता जा रहा है। 2065 में आसमान से हमारी दुनिया ग्रे कलर की नजर आएगी।
लॉक डाउन के दौरान यह फ़िल्म बनाई गई थी।बेहतरीन एक्टर्स के साथ उम्दा कैमरे से फिल्माई गई फ़िल्म का पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन बेहतर ढंग से करवाया गया है। 12 मिनट की फ़िल्म के क्लाइमेक्स में एक प्रभावी मैसेज दिया गया है। इसे कान्स फ़िल्म फेस्टिवल, स्कॉटलैंड, कोलंबिया के फेस्टिवल्स में दिखाया जाएगा। ऐसे देशों में भी इसकी स्क्रीनिंग होगी जहां लोगों ने पानी के लिए काफी संघर्ष किया है, सहन किया है।
फ़िल्म के डायरेक्टर कहते हैं कि हर साल 11 अरब पेड़ काटे जा रहे हैं, इसका नतीजा क्या होगा। यह एक कमर्शियल फ़िल्म है, जिसका लुक और फील किसी हॉलीवुड मूवी की तरह का है। इसकी प्रोड्यूसर मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी का बड़ा प्रोफ़ाइल है, एक रिटायर्ड लेडी हैं। लोगों में पानी व पेड़ को बचाने, प्लास्टिक के इस्तेमाल न करने के लिए जागरूकता फैलाने के उद्देश्य से यह फ़िल्म बनाई है। प्लास्टिक बंद नहीं किया गया तो 2065 तक आधी दुनिया तबाह हो जाएगी, ये कोरोना तो बस शुरुआत है, आप समझ लें। हमारी रोग प्रतिरोधक शक्ति खत्म होती जा रही है। आज इंसान की उम्र कम होते होते 55-60 तक आ गई है।
इस फिल्म को सिर्फ हिंदुस्तान मे नही सारी दुनिया मे पेश किया जा रहा है, इस फिल्म से ऐसे देश काफी इन्स्पायर हो रहे है जो आज ये सच्चाई देख सकते है। दुनिया भर के 60 देशो मे इस फिल्म को पेश करने का टारगेट निर्माता निर्देशक ने तय किया है। इस फिल्म की निर्मात्री श्रीमती कृष्णा सैनानी हैं, जो भारत हेवी इलेक्ट्रिकल लिमिटेड मुम्बई की सीनियर एग्जेक्युटिव मार्केटिंग रह चुकी हैं। वहीं फ़िल्म के निर्देशक भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा को दादा साहेब फाल्के गोल्डन कॅमेरा अवार्ड 2020 से नवाजा जा चुका है। इनकी सूझबूझ और देश के लिये कुछ करने का जुनून व जज़्बा इस फिल्म के द्वारा दिखाई देता है। इन्होने इस फिल्म को सारी दुनिया के सामने रखने का प्रयास किया है। इस फिल्म के कलाकारों में रवि भाटिया, रंजीत शशिकांत, अभिनेत्री घडा लाजमी का नाम उल्लेखनीय है, साथ ही बाल कलाकार पार्श्व नंदा ने भी काफी बेहतर काम किया है। यह फ़िल्म लोगों को सोचने पर मजबूर करने वाली है। इस फिल्म को त्रिशूल फिल्म कंपनी और प्रकाश सर्जेराव सदावर्ते ने प्रेजेंट किया है। दीप्ती बनसोडे इस फिल्म की को- प्रोड्यूसर हैं।
मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी और निर्देशक भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा की आंख खोलने वाली फिल्म “फ्यूचर फाइट” दुनिया भर के फेस्टिवल्स में
दादासाहेब फाळके फिल्म फाऊंडेशन अवार्ड से देश विदेश के नये गायको सम्मानित किया जायेगा
दादासाहेब फाळके फिल्म फाऊंडेशन की ओर से देश विदेश के नये गायकों और कलाकारों को प्लेबैक सिगिंग और अदाकारी का मौका दिया जा रहा है।
अब तक दस नये गायक बड़ोदरा गुजरात से वसुधा पंड्या,वेस्ट बंगाल से मासुम रज़ा ,पुना महाराष्ट्र से मंजु सिन्हा, उत्तन मुम्बई से क्लेमन डीसोझा ने मुम्बई के AB Studio मे रिकार्डिंग की, नोयेडा शहर के Future of Music स्टुडीयो मे दिपा सराइ , संभल,उ॰प॰ के साजरुल इस्लाम और मोराबाद उ॰प॰ के ताहीर खान ने दिग्गज शायर नफीस आलम की लिखी ग़ज़लों को रिकार्ड किया। मध्यप्रदेश से तरुना शुक्ला को भी एक गीत गाने का मौका दिया गया है ।कलकत्ता के Lets Mix स्टुडीओ मे जयंता भट्टाचार्या ने आशफाक खोपेकर लिखीत गज़ल की रिकाॅर्डीग की,साउंड रिकिर्डीस बिस्वजीत और अरविंद ने इसे अंजाम दिया। टेक्सास अमेरीका के Luminous sound recording studio मे अमेरीका निवासी भारतीय श्री प्रशांत गुप्ता ने जानेमाने शायर हास्तीमल हास्ती और अशफाक खोपेकर लिखीत दो ग़ज़लों को अपनी मधुर आवाज में रिकॉर्ड किया। हैदराबाद के Laxvil dubbing and recording studio मे फरहा ज़ेबा खान ने रिकाॅर्डीग की,गोवा से संतोष ,,,,,ने मासा के स्टुडीयो मे एक गज़ल को अपनी आवाज दी।इसी के साथ तिनका तिनका ग़जल अल्बम के सारी ग़ज़लो की रिकाॅर्डीग पुरी हो चुकी है!जाने माने मुझीक डायरेक्टर अलीगनी जिन्होंने पंकज उदास की कई ग़ज़लों को अपने संगीत से सजाया “तिनका तिनका”इस अल्बम को अपनी बेहतरीन म्युझीक दी है। इस अल्बम में अंजान सागरी तथा नुसरत फाकीर जैसे दिग्गजों की ग़ज़लें शामिल है ।जुलै के आखिर मे अफरीन म्यूजीक कंपनी द्वारा इसे रिलिज़ किया जाएगा।
प्लेबैक की कोशिश करते हुए इन सब कलाकारो ने स्टार मेकर app द्वारा अपनी काबिलियत के बल पर यह मौका साहील किया ।
स्टार मेकर ऍप में बनाए हुए दादासाहेब फाळके फिल्म फोन्डेशन पार्टी रुम द्वारा दादासाहेब फाळके फिल्म फाऊंडेशन की टीम योग्य गायकों का चयन कर उन्हें उन्ही के शहर के रीकाॅर्डीग स्टुडियो में आने वाले नये फिल्म,अल्बम या सिरियल के गानों की प्लेबैक सिंगिंग करने का विना मुल्य मौका दिया जाता है। यह सिलसिला लाॅकडाऊन के समय को उपयोग में लेते हुए शुरु किया गया था।
कुछ और सिंगरों का चयन हो चुका था उन्हें अब मौका दिया जायेगा।इसी अल्बम के विडियो में भी नये कलाकारों को मौका मिलेगा। टेलेंटेड कलाकारों के स्ट्रगल करते वक्त होनेवाली परेशानीयों को मध्य नजर रखते हुऐ दादासाहेब फाळके फिल्म फाउंडेशन के अध्यक्ष आशफ़ाक़ खोपेकर और उन की टीम ने ओनलाईन माध्यम को चुनकर सरहानिय क़दम उठाया है। आगे भी इस सिलसिले को जारी रखते हुए और भी कलाकारो के लिए काम किया जा रहा है।इस अल्बम के सिंगरो और कलाकारों को दादासाहेब फाळके फिल्म फोन्डेशन अवार्ड की ओर से सन्मानित किया जायेगा।
दादासाहेब फाळके फिल्म फाऊंडेशन अवार्ड से देश विदेश के नये गायको सम्मानित किया जायेगा
संगीता तिवारी ने कहा “आंखों में बसे हो तुम” और लाखों का दिल चुरा लिया
ऎक्ट्रेस संगीता तिवारी जहां एक तरफ अपनी फिल्मों को लेकर चर्चा में रहती हैं वहीं दूसरी ओर वह सोशल मीडिया पर भी काफी ऐक्टिव रहती हैं। वह जिम, शॉपिंग और शूटिंग के वीडियो अपने लाखों फैन्स से शेयर करती रहती हैं। साथ ही वह गीतों पर अपने डांस का जलवा भी दिखाती रहती हैं जिसे उनके प्रशंसक काफी पसन्द करते हैं।
हाल ही में संगीता तिवारी ने सुनील शेट्टी और सोनाली बेंद्रे स्टारर फ़िल्म टक्कर के सुपरहिट सांग आंखों में बसे हो तुम पर जब अपनी आंखों की जादूगरी दिखाई तो इंस्टाग्राम पर शेयर किया गया यह वीडियो देखकर उनके सभी फैन्स क्रेजी हो गए। उनके चेहरे का क्यूटनेस और उनकी शरबती आंखों की कशिश ने सभी को मदहोश कर दिया। इस वीडियो पर खूब लाइक्स मिले और ढेरों खूबसूरत कमेंट्स भी मिले। उनके फैंस ने उन्हें मोस्ट ब्यूटिफुल, चार्मिंग, अमेजिंग जैसे खिताब से नवाजा।
आपको बता दें कि आंखों में बसे हो तुम 90 के दशक का ब्लॉकबस्टर सांग है। अनु मलिक द्वारा संगीतबद्ध इस गीत को माया गोविंद ने लिखा था और अभिजीत भट्टाचार्य व अल्का याग्निक ने गाया था। फ़िल्म टक्कर 1995 में रिलीज हुई थी।
जहां तक टैलेंटेड ऎक्ट्रेस संगीता तिवारी के अपकमिंग प्रोजेक्ट्स की बात है तो वह एक साइंस फिक्शन फ़िल्म “द कोरोना लव” कर रही हैं। साई चलचित्र एंटरटेनमेंट प्रोडक्शन के बैनर तले बन रही इस फिल्म में संगीता तिवारी के अपोजिट साउथ के हीरो आदित्य ओम नजर आएंगे। इस फ़िल्म में संगीता तिवारी का रोल बेहद चैलेंजिंग है, जो उनके फैन्स के लिए एक सरप्राइज करने वाला होगा।
2006 से ग्लैमर वर्ल्ड मे काम कर रही संगीता तिवारी ने हिंदी सहित कई रीजनल भाषाओं में अभिनय करके अपनी प्रतिभा साबित की है। माधुरी दीक्षित की हार्डकोर फैन संगीता तिवारी ने अपने 16 वर्षों के करियर में कई यादगार और चुनौतीपूर्ण भूमिकाएं निभाई हैं। वह कत्थक डांस में माहिर हैं और भारत आइकॉन अवार्ड सहित संगीता तिवारी को दर्जनों अवार्ड्स से नवाजा गया है।
Follow Her on Social Media
संगीता तिवारी ने कहा “आंखों में बसे हो तुम” और लाखों का दिल चुरा लिया
Gurpreet Ghura To Enter in Hollywood
Renowned Celebrity Bollywood Make-up-Artist from Mumbai , India recently shifted to United States.
The little birdie had informed us..after The wedding show of Netflix,
something’ big have landed in her kitty.
Lemme introduce you to Gurpreet Ghura.
The Name behind the beauty of stars.
She has recently being featured on Netflix as A celebrity Wedding Make-up-Artist..
Also the In-house Make-up-Artist for Hritik roshans family for 3 years now ..
She has done Make-up for top actresses like Zeenat Aman , Neelima Azmi , sridevi, zarine khan, Daisy shah, Isha kophikar, Shahid wife Mira Rajput .
Varun dhawan wife Natasha Dalal etc ..
Also has done Make-up up for top designers Manish Malhotra , Rohit varma , falguni peacock , Masaba etc ..
Also top socialites in Mumbai …
Also became famous for Rakhi sawants wedding Make-up …
She has got many awards around 31 so far and too awards from zeenat Aman and Shahnaaz Hussain …
Will be updating soon what exactly is cooking up also follow her insta handle for more updates.
Gurpreet Ghura To Enter in Hollywood
भोजपुरी के शोमैन प्रदीप के शर्मा के पुत्र राहुल शर्मा का बॉलीवुड से भोजपुरी में एंट्री, शुरू की “डार्लिंग” की शूटिंग
भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में एक नये हैंडसम हीरो की धमाकेदार एंट्री हो गई है. जो भोजपुरिया सिनेप्रेमियों का फुल इंटरटेनमेंट करने वाले हैं. जी हाँ! हम बात कर रहे हैं भोजपुरी के शोमैन प्रदीप के शर्मा का लाडला बेटा एवं बॉलीवुड सिंगर स्वाति शर्मा के भाई राहुल शर्मा की, जिन्होंने हिंदी फिल्मों के बाद अब भोजपुरी सिनेमा में फिल्म डार्लिंग से डेब्यू कर दिया है. सबसे खास बात यह भी है कि भोजपुरी के नवोदित हीरो राहुल शर्मा के ऑपोज़िट बतौर हीरोइन भोजपुरी की स्टनिंग एक्ट्रेस अक्षरा सिंह हैं. निर्माणाधीन भोजपुरी फिल्म डार्लिंग शूटिंग शुरू करने से पहले फिल्म का भव्य मुहूर्त शूटिंग विधिवत पूजा अर्चना करके मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम श्री राम की पावन भूमि अयोध्या में किया गया, तदोपरांत शूटिंग शुरू कर दी गई है. इन फिल्म के निर्देशन की कमान भोजपुरी के सफल संगीतकार व निर्देशक रजनीश मिश्रा संभाल रहे हैं. फिल्म की शूटिंग शुरू होने की जानकारी फिल्म निर्माता प्रदीप के शर्मा ने अपने सोशल मीडिया एकाउंट इंस्टाग्राम पर क्लैप के फोटो पोस्ट करके दी है.
उल्लेखनीय है कि राहुल शर्मा पूरी तरह से फिल्मी बैकग्राउंड से आते हैं. माता-पिता अनीता शर्मा, प्रदीप के शर्मा फ़िल्म प्रोड्यूसर हैं और बहन स्वाति शर्मा बॉलीवुड की मशहूर सिंगर हैं. राहुल ने हिंदी फिल्मों में जाहिर कर दिया है कि वे कितने प्रतिभशाली कलाकार हैं. इससे पहले वो हिंदी फिल्म ‘एक्स रे’ कर चुके हैं. संजय मिश्रा और करणवीर वोहरा के साथ कुतुबमीनार की है, जो नेटफ्लिक्स पर आने वाली है.
गौरतलब राहुल शर्मा का भोजपुरी में पदार्पण करने के बारे में प्रदीप के शर्मा ने बताया कि राहुल हिंदी फिल्में कर रहे थे. उन्हें इसी बीच थोड़ा ब्रेक मिला था. तो हमारी बात राहुल से हुई कि क्या वो भोजपुरी फिल्म करेंगे तो राहुल ने हां कर दिया. कहा भोजपुरी अपनी भाषा की फिल्म है. हम लोग मुजफ्फरपुर के हैं. इस भाषा की फिल्म को करीब से देखा है. तो क्यों नहीं. फिर मेरी बात मेरे बेहद करीबी निर्देशक रजनीश मिश्रा से हुई. उन्होंने भी राहुल को लांच करने का समर्थन करते हुए मेरा साथ दिया और फिल्म डार्लिंग की पटकथा तैयार की. इसमें उन्होंने जान डाल दी. फिर आगे अक्षरा सिंह का साथ भी मिला. तब जाकर अब हम फिल्म को शूट करने की तैयारी कर लिया. मैं चाहूँगा कि दर्शक राहुल के अभिनय से उसे परखे और उन्हें प्यार दे.
राहुल शर्मा ने कहा कि फ़िल्म बड़े लेवल पर बन रही है. इसके लिए एक्साइटेड हूं. अक्षरा सिंह के अपोजिट डेब्यू करना अपने आप में खास बात है, वो इंडस्ट्री की सबसे सफल अभिनेत्री हैं. थोड़ा नर्वसनेस हूं, लेकिन मैं अपने काम के प्रति फोकस्ड हूं. उम्मीद है कि ऑडियंस भरपूर प्यार मिलेगा.
बता दें कि फ़िल्म ‘डार्लिंग’ का निर्माण बाबा मोशन पिक्चर्स के बैनर तले किया जा रहा है, जो अब तक ‘डमरू’, ‘राजतिलक’, ‘लिट्टी चोखा’, ’आशिकी’, ‘सबका बाप अंगूठा छाप’, ‘अफसर बिटिया’ जैसी सफल और सार्थक फिल्में बना चुकी है.
विदित हो कि राहुल शर्मा सिंगर नहीं है, लेकिन वे अपने अभिनय को लेकर बेहद सजग हैं. यह फिल्म बड़ी होने वाली है, क्योंकि राहुल के सामने इस फिल्म में रजनीश मिश्रा, प्रदीप के शर्मा, अक्षरा सिंह जैसे दिग्गज हैं. जिसमें वे अपनी फिल्म को लेकर काफी उत्साहित नज़र आ रहे हैं.
भोजपुरी के शोमैन प्रदीप के शर्मा के पुत्र राहुल शर्मा का बॉलीवुड से भोजपुरी में एंट्री, शुरू की “डार्लिंग” की शूटिंग
झारखण्ड के जिला खूंटी में गिनीज़ बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड्स में नाम दर्ज करा चुका डॉक्टर 365 एवं आर के एच आईवी एड्स रिसर्च के एंड केयर सेंटर द्वारा फ्री जेनर मेडिकल कैम्प ।
झारखण्ड के जिला खूंटी में गिनीज़ बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड्स में नाम दर्ज करा चुका डॉक्टर 365 एवं आर के एच आईवी एड्स रिसर्च के एंड केयर सेंटर द्वारा फ्री जेनर मेडिकल कैम्प का आयोजन किया गया । शामिल हुए केंद्रीय जनजातीय मंत्री अर्जुन मुंडा व झारखंड के राज्यपाल रमेश वैस।। झारखंड में पहली बार छेत्रिय लेबल पर इतिहास रचने का काम आर के एच आई वी एड्स रिसर्च एंड केयर सेंटर के चेयरमैन डॉ धर्मेंद्र कुमार और उनकी पूरी टीम ने मिलकर किया है ।
*92,000 से अधिक लोगों का देश भर से जुटे 350 से ज्यादा. डॉक्टरों ने विभिन्न रोगों के लिए किया जांच।खूंटीअबुआ बुगिन स्वाथ्य’ यानि कि ‘हमारा बेहतर स्वास्थ’ विषय पर नवा पहल जनजातीय संवाद के तहत आज ज़िला खूंटी के बिरसा कॉलेज परिसर में मेगा स्वस्थ मेला का आयोजन किया गया। यह कार्यक्रम भारत सरकार के जनजातीय कार्य मंत्रालय द्वारा स्थानीय जिला प्रशासन के सहयोग से आयोजित किया गया।
इस स्वास्थ्य कैंप में 92 हज़ार से अधिक ग्रामीण महिला, पुरुषों ने देश भर के बड़े अस्पतालों से आए विभिन्न आयामों के 350 से अधिक स्पेशलिस्ट डॉक्टरों से अपना स्वास्थ जांच कराया ।
कार्यक्रम का विधिवत शुभारंभ दीप प्रज्ज्वलित कर एवं अतिथियों के आदर सत्कार से शुरू किया गया।
प्रोग्राम में मुख्य रूप से केंद्रीय मंत्री श्री अर्जुन मुंडा, पद्मभूषण तथा पूर्ण लोक सभा डिप्टी स्पीकर श्री करिया मुंडा, स्थानीय विधायक कोचे मुंडा व नीलकंठ सिंह मुंडा, जनजातीय मामले मंत्रालय के सचिव एवं संयुक्त सचिव श्री अनिल कुमार झा तथा श्री नवल कपूर, उपायुक्त खूंटी श्री शशि भूषण, पुलिस अधीक्षक आर के एच आई वी एड्स रिसर्च एंड केअर सेंटर के चेयरमैन डॉक्टर धर्मेन्द्र कुमार, डॉ अशोक अत्रम जॉइन सेक्रेटरी हेल्थ ऑफ महाराष्ट्र , डॉ मनोज अग्नी हार्ट ट्रांसप्लांट सर्जन,डॉ दिलीप पवार ऑन्कोलॉजिस्ट,डॉ गोविंद रेड्डी रीजनल डायरेक्टर ऑफ आयुष,दिलीप टुरी डायरेक्टर ऑफ आर के एच वी ग्रुप बंगाल, अमित गाला डायरेक्टर ऑफ फाइनांस, डॉ अनिता रांडेरिया, डॉ विमल रांडेरिया फिजियोथैरेपी ,अमित डोसी एडवाइजर,डॉ प्राची बेडेकर डॉक्टर कोडिनेटर, डॉ अंजलि इत्यादि और खूंटी के साथ देशभर से आए कई गण्मान्य डॉक्टर शामिल हुए ।
मेले में सामान्य जांच से लेकर तमाम बड़ी बीमारियों की जांच निःशुल्क किया गया, और साथ साथ, दवाई भी वितरण किया गया। एलिमको की तरफ से 3000 दिव्यांग लोगों को कृत्रिम अंग उपकरण भी प्रदान किए गए। 100 से अधिक लोगों द्वारा रक्तदान किया गया। 28600 लोगों को चश्मे दिए गए।
इस प्रोग्राम के संबोधन से पहले माननीय राज्यपाल महोदय रमेश बैस ने रिमोट के जरिए इसका विधिवत उद्घाटन किया। राज्यपाल महोदय ने अपने संबोधन में कहा कि धरती आबा बिरसा मुंडा की धरती पर आज ये प्रोग्राम होता हुआ देखकर बहुत अच्छा लग रहा है, देश की आज़ादी में हमारे जनजातियों का अविस्मरणीय योगदान है। झारखंड वीरों की धरती है। पूरे देश में आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव मनाया जा रहा है, बेहतर स्वास्थ से सच्चे सुख का आनंद मिलता है, मुझे विश्वास है की आज इस स्वस्थ मेले में लोगों को बेहतर इलाज किया जाएगा, और इस तरह के प्रयासों को गांव के स्तर पर भी ले जाया जाएगा। तभी इसका लाभ आम जनों तक जाएगा। कार्यकर्म की समाप्ति के बाद उन्होंने तमाम हेल्थ चेकअप स्टॉल का जायज़ा भी लिया।
इस प्रोग्राम को संबोधित करते हुए केंद्रीय मंत्री श्री अर्जुन मुंडा ने कहा, की आज बिरसा मुंडा की धरती पर इतना बड़ा स्वास्थ मेला का आयोजन कर मन गर्वित है। हम आगे भी ऐसे आयोजन करते रहेंगे। ये नवा पहल स्वास्थ्य मेला हमारे जिला का मान बढ़ाएगा, इससे भले ही लोगों को आकर खुशी न मिले मगर घर जा कर अवश्य खुशी का पल महसूस होगा।
श्री मुंडा ने आगे कहा कि आज भारत सरकार आज़ादी का 75 वां अमृत महोत्सव मना रही है। आज हमे एक दूसरे को समझने की ज़रूरत है,तभी हम देश की तरक्की करेंगे। उन्होंने कहा कि आदिवासियों को समझाने की जरूरत नहीं, उन्हें समझने की जरूरत है। आज भारत सरकार देश के एक राज्य से आदिवासी महिला को राष्ट्रपति का उम्मीदवार बनाया है और यह बहुत ही गर्व की बात है कि पहली बार एक आदिवासी महिला राष्ट्रपति बनकर आएंगी।
अबुआ बुगिन स्वास्थ मेला (हमारा बेहतर स्वास्थ) के आयोजन से पता चलेगा की खूंटी क्षेत्र में जितने भी लोग आज रजिस्ट्रेशन का फ्रॉम भरे हैं, इससे उनके बीमारियों का पता चलेगा और उनका और बेहतर इलाज घर पर आकर किया जायेगा।
प्रोग्राम में मौजूद श्री करिया मुंडा, विधायक नीलकंठ सिंह मुंडा तथा कोचे मुंडा, उपायुक्त खूंटी, जनजातीय मंत्रालय के सचिव और इस परियोजना सेजुदे प्रमुख चिकित्सकों ने भी बारी बारी से अपनी बातें रखी।
उक्त स्वास्थ्य शिविर में शिशु रोग, महिला रोग, दांत रोग, कैंसर रोग, हड्डी रोग, हृदय रोग, चर्म रोग, पेट रोग, न्यूरो रोग, नेत्र रोग, यूरो रोग, मधुमेह रोग, रक्त रोग आदि रोगों के विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सक सहित 300 से अधिक डाॅक्टर मौजूद थे। शिविर में सामान्य रोगों की भी जांच कर निःशुल्क दवाईयां दी गई। इसके अलावा शिविर में प्लास्टिक सर्जरी, स्टेम सेल थेरेपी सहित अन्य सुविधाएं से जुड़े विशेषज्ञ भी उपलब्ध थे।
झारखण्ड के जिला खूंटी में गिनीज़ बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड्स में नाम दर्ज करा चुका डॉक्टर 365 एवं आर के एच आईवी एड्स रिसर्च के एंड केयर सेंटर द्वारा फ्री जेनर मेडिकल कैम्प ।